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A PTI and Musharraf Political Alliance?

Musharraf President & Imran Khan PM, Is it possible?



no way, we got the most respected man in Pakistan now part of PTI....

that is

Javed Hashmi the rebel !!!


Javed Hashmi President

Imran Khan Prime minister.
Javed Hashmi President

Imran Khan Prime minister.

My support (dont like mush , ZH , and AQ for various reasons.)
i think musharraf is more dependant on imran khan. vice versa does not look possible. so IK as president and PM as PM is possible.
i think musharraf is more dependant on imran khan. vice versa does not look possible. so IK as president and PM as PM is possible.

Yes, I'm sure Indian opinions matter *TREMENDOUSLY* in our elections.

You should try to cross the border and cast a vote. More fun if you cross at night&without a visa. Those pot-shots being fired at you are precisely what makes life exciting.
well Zarvan, i respect your ideas but statistics and fact defies your emotional statement....

politically he did blunders to get involved in war on terror but frankly he didnt allowed the current govt blunders(drones )

Regarding gas its current govt fault not his..focus on statistics not emotions, the simplest solution to problem is import gas,which the current govt is not doing because people are not paying their bills and govt not receiving bills due to politics ..

switching to gas is and will be right decision for CNGs and electrcity WHY? simply because its cheaper..why not import gas than oil..its as simple as 2+2=4 (though current govt thinks it will get less kick backs in gas)

anyone saying musharraf was bad should first look today and before musharraf era growths and inflation and should then talk around

i dont mind someone saying true statements like this

"i hate musharraf but i will have to accept that his era should tremendous growth (9% 2nd fastest after china) and decrease in debts(from 110% of gdp to 40%) theses facts are not controversial even the current govt wouldn't contradict it. "
Sir first of all drones also started in Mushrraf it was him who gave Americans permission to do it he was the one who made the deal with PPPP and let their government come NRO was this traitor idea and load shedding also started in his time
You said that Musharraf is the biggest blunder? Buddy i have posted a beautiful post please stick to it and prove him wrong? I'm tired of morons on this forum who suggest in 2012 that Musharraf's decision was wrong to join WOT. bring you freaking proofs.

UN passed a resolution where the entire world including IRAN Saudia UAE to USA all together 60 combined resolution that USA has a green light to bring OSAMA to Justice and those who harbor them. If any country side with terrorist will be dealt as a terrorist state! Now i have questions to morons what we have done? tell me simply with facts.
Option 1
side with world, siding with world was defined as any country which is asked must give logistic support and make the operation happen.
option 2

Side with terrorist, Meaning if you harbor them or don't help coalition to topple and bring terrorist to justice, this is where after UN combined resolution bush came to TV and said his famous words Either you are with us or terrorist

Now mr smart is telling me that we should have picked option 2? and go to stone age? now let me give you some insight of military might of Pakistan at that time!

36 F16, out of them 6-8 were training class, 12 were due for MLU. so we were left with punching edge of 16-18 4th generation air crafts, where as USA was deploying F22 which mean 5-6 F22 are very well to bring PAF birds of that time down without any lose, USA moved her 6 and 7th naval fleet, please search the forum i have posted the actual document back in 2006-07 USA had 120 miles BVR missiles on the F22 where as we had no BVR technology at the time "thanks to musharraf which actually helped us get this technology now" we had aging f7 and i believe 6 mirage 2000 rose in stock , we had total of 367 fighter jets including 20% of trainer jets. now we had t72 tanks and some t80s if im not mistaken, i would love to accurate my figures and give you actual fact sheet but it a total waste of time since you are kind of a person who will never understand at all. Basically Pakistan did war exercise and result was that Pakistan will lose air supremacy against USAF and coalition within 48 hours, since Pakistan never faced a threat on that level back then and we had bad governments which brought no money on table to buy world class arms. we had only nuclear warheads, we had under 50 missiles with the top range of 700 km and not to forget to mention that CHINA also voted for USA in UN against Talibans and alqaida. now it was a situation that we are alone on talibans side or side with world. and get stronger and get to the position where even USA won't threaten us like this. Now you tell me mr smart @ how do we pick option 2?

WHat did Musharraf do to counter this? well first thing Musharraf said that i will make sure that no country will ever able to put us in this situation ever again, so when Musharraf left i mean your traitor. he gave us close to 400 Nuclear warheads he gave us stockpile of 5 times of Missiles with the top range of 4000 declared and im sure we do posses ICBM since Musharraf was so sure by 2007 that 2008 we will launch our own satellite which means we will have ICBM because he said we will shoot for the moon, he gave us world class Al Khalid tank and Al zarrar. he gave us JF 17, he gave us Agusta subs, he brought us in a position that we refused the offer of USA for another 36 F16 block 52. not to forget that we have new block 52 and some replacements of older version of c/d class. Hmm traitor does that?

Now blaming Musharraf for Zardari? get the hell out of here man, at least speak the sense, Musharraf resigned in aug 18 2008 zardari got elected by PMLN JUI MQM PMLQ all of them in sep of 2008 almost after a month, NRO was done because your dijal justice also couldn't convict BB for her cases, she was actually released in 7 cases out of 11. but NRO was done with BB Saheed. who was not supposed to take part in Election but it is people who voted for PPP and PMLN not Musharraf and then after Musharraf they elected him.
IK will change his policies? Kid he is lucky that if he come to power and IF inshah Allah because he won't. he will be coming in power by the time USA will be leaving Afghanistan because USA has declared to their public back in 2009 that by 2014 all US combat troops will leave Afghanistan too just as they took out all troops from IRAQ as promised to their people. But he will never ever be able to take any other policy unless situation in region gets different and army changes her policy, but i guess you didn't watch the program that i posted so please watch the videos and then talk. it is a big slap on IK face by Kasuri sahib. now regarding Load shedding? and other problems? Man it is a trend in Pakistan that even if someone's wife doesn't sleep with her husband he balms Musharraf for that. don't give me kiddish stuff , for this please kindly join YAHOO chatroom
Mr first yes we got F-16 which we bought by selling the blood of 35000 Martyrs which died because this traitor made the whole nation slave of Americans in their bloody war against Muslims of Afghanistan he sold our people to America including our sister Afia Siddique he started operations against Tribal s which were always with Pakistan now are fighting against us and sir the projects you mentioned were started in Nawaz government even though I hate him the defense projects sir Musharraf is the problem which country faced the biggest dies es
Sir first of all drones also started in Mushrraf it was him who gave Americans permission to do it he was the one who made the deal with PPPP and let their government come NRO was this traitor idea and load shedding also started in his time

And what did the current Government do to stop them?

Zardari to Obama : Stop Drone Attacks
Zardari to Kiyani : Shoot down any Drones that come into our air space

Why doesnt the current Government take this stand?

Incidentally US Forces stepped foot on Pakistani Soils in Zardari's government

Please bro urs are the typical PMLN Responses where they start with Musharraf and End with Musharraf
Sir first of all drones also started in Mushrraf it was him who gave Americans permission to do it he was the one who made the deal with PPPP and let their government come NRO was this traitor idea and load shedding also started in his time
this mis outrageous friend..in musharraf time a total of four attacks happen no only did u strongly stop US from doing more but also tried to cover them up to avoid embarrassment of Pakistan in the world..
now a day govt acts like nothing happened!!!!

About NRO believe it or not most of the public wanted NRO, musharraf bowed to public pressure..dont believe me? explain how then PPPP won election(they were the one most benefited from NRO) so blame the pakistani people who wanted the NRO nad voted for saheed..aslo PML N wanted NRO..so 80% of people wanted NRO at that time blame those 80%

---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

i have said time and agin that if pakistan say STOP...us will stop all drones attack except ofcourse if its an extremly high value target thats what happen in musharraf era..
but the current govt has given a behind the scene green light..

rgarding war on terror what i said that we shouldnt have been involved more than what other neighboring countries are
Well no matter what, Musharraf made pretty bad decisions nearing the end of his tenure. Bowing to public pressure (my @$$) Strong Leaders take decisions in the best interest of the Nation, not becuz the public wants it and no the public didn't want NRO for the looters and plunderers of this nation, only their supporters wanted that.

IMHO if Kasuri thinks Musharraf is blameless for his blunders then Imran Khan needs to either kick him out of his party or hmm i guess that's the only option if IK wants his image to be the clean guy who would bring a revolution.

For me Musharraf made 3 blunders which started with the sacking of CJ, then the mishandling of Lal Masjid fiasco which cld have ended much peacefully had he just cut off the electric, water and gas supplies and waited it out, the govt. had all the time in the world to wait it out had the intentions been sincere, that is the very reason why public's stance swinged from pro to anti Musharraf and last but not the least the NRO which was the biggest blunder for which the nation is paying till God knows how long!

p.s. the Pakistani nation collectively is equally to be blamed for it is the "aamaal" of the nation that such people are at the helm of affairs of the country.
I disagree. Abandoning a cause for lack of popularity? that's just not wise. I would never advise Mr. Musharraf on such an act.

Popularity is the key boss because it turns into popular vote. He wants to do something great for Pakistan well under present circumstances, PM Foundation is the best way to go.

I know you and Moha are strong supporters so I wish you both the best as well. Let's see what happens in Kaarchi on the 8th of Jan.
this mis outrageous friend..in musharraf time a total of four attacks happen no only did u strongly stop US from doing more but also tried to cover them up to avoid embarrassment of Pakistan in the world..
now a day govt acts like nothing happened!!!!

About NRO believe it or not most of the public wanted NRO, musharraf bowed to public pressure..dont believe me? explain how then PPPP won election(they were the one most benefited from NRO) so blame the pakistani people who wanted the NRO nad voted for saheed..aslo PML N wanted NRO..so 80% of people wanted NRO at that time blame those 80%

---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

i have said time and agin that if pakistan say STOP...us will stop all drones attack except ofcourse if its an extremly high value target thats what happen in musharraf era..
but the current govt has given a behind the scene green light..

rgarding war on terror what i said that we shouldnt have been involved more than what other neighboring countries are
Sir in Musharraf more than 30 Drones attacks took place
What ever, man, if you are PTI, you are clean and good person.
Now once you watch both parts you will come to two decisions. One either Musharraf is Right and he was 99% if not 100% right or IMRAN KHAN knows everything and he will carry on MUSHARRAF'S great policies, He is playing dirty politics and playing with the sensitives of Pakistani people by misleading them!

Dude talk about clutching at straws. There's not a single thing in clip of Kasuri that goes against Imran Khan's stated policy, except maybe changing the strategy on fighting within Pakistan. Imran has on numerous occasions said he will fight terrorism as well, but it won't be the way how Musharraf did his botched operations in Wana.

You need to first know what part of Musharraf's rule Imran Khan is against. PTI does not reject Musharraf because he was corrupt or did not pay his taxes, thats what they blame PPP and PML-N for. Musharraf abused his power and made some horrendously bad decisions of which are:

1. Signing up on American dictates to the war on Terror
2. Abrogating the constitution and deposing the judges for a second time.
3. Signing up for the NRO

Things like Aafia Siddiqui, Lal Masjid, Bugti, MMA alliance, even Nawaz's ouster all are things where we can debate... But the above three are wretchedly wrong.

He did apologize at the launch of APML which I appreciate. But I think he will need to prove he has learned a lesson. He should support Imran Khan even if Imran Khan doesn't support him. That will be a start at his atonement if he's interested in one.
This is the race for power. nothing else. If there is power then all politicians will run to it. Now politicians are sensing power with PTI, so they are looking to join this Party. same case for Musharaf, he wanted to come into power which is why he kicked PML-N Government out. He wanted to remain which is why he joined the WoT. He again followed the order while attacking NW just to remain in Power. He toke CJ on, just for the power. He allowed 24 May, just to remain in Power. He then done NRO, to have the power. And now he is again looking to join PTI, since he is sensing power with PTI.

I wont say Musharaf is doing, wrong here. Since every politician here is looking for the power. Be it NS, Zardari, IK, Altaf Hussain, Asfandiyar, or any other politicians. They don't care about Pakistan or Pakistanis. They only care about the power.

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