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A Photo released from Chinese side in regard of Pangong Tso conflict

Ultra epic fail.
The Chinese soldiers were beaten and their APC damaged a 8-9 days after Indian soldiers were attacked. So it is India who launched revenge strike.
Have some shame.
Indians here are SHAMELESS.
Video shows SERIOUS LACK OF DISCIPLINE where the Indian Officer cannot control his men.
RAG TAG INDIAN ARMY ganging up on a single person.

If so BRAVE, the Indians should CHARGE OVER and attack the convoy.
The Disciplined Precision Drilled Chinese will SLAUGHTER THE INDIANS.
Indians here are SHAMELESS.
Video shows SERIOUS LACK OF DISCIPLINE where the Indian Officer cannot control his men.
RAG TAG INDIAN ARMY ganging up on a single person.

If so BRAVE, the Indians should CHARGE OVER and attack the convoy.
The Disciplined Precision Drilled Chinese will SLAUGHTER THE INDIANS.

You need to be human to have shame. indians are not humans.
Indians here are SHAMELESS.
Video shows SERIOUS LACK OF DISCIPLINE where the Indian Officer cannot control his men.
RAG TAG INDIAN ARMY ganging up on a single person.

If so BRAVE, the Indians should CHARGE OVER and attack the convoy.
The Disciplined Precision Drilled Chinese will SLAUGHTER THE INDIANS.
Compare this to the handling of a wing commander who crossed into Pakistan to bomb people. Our PA saved him from the wrath of the people.
Since we are telling stories, here is one from me....ask anyone, Military SOP dictates that driver stays inside the vehicle at all times specially in situation like these, in case an Hot Exfil is needed. So I have a hard time believing that the driver who is inside an armored Humvee was beaten up, truth is Driver never exited the vehicle.

2 x Soldiers exited the vehicle to negotiate with the Indian Party, however IA retaliated and manage to pin one solider down, other escaped the grip and ran away, while third stayed inside the vehicle....So technically only was beaten by Indian Army,, which can be seen in the video.
1:6 I think, it's a good figure :D
Wrong story. No sides follow any such SOP in Ladakh.
It was a Chinese liasion officer, two of his guards/assistants and driver who got beaten up. Chinese on Weibo are claiming they were going for talks (to calm situ after attack on Indian troops) that is when IA struck.
On Weibo the Chinese commentators are saying one of them was beaten so badly he almost died.
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If thats so then i can't imagine how big the chinese 2nd retaliation was . :p:
They have failed to retaliate to our attack while we retaliated to theirs.

Meanwhile COs of both sides met later to calm down the situation.
Both sides have forbidden troops at lake from carrying rifles now. Only officers can carry.
They have failed to retaliate to our second attack.
Meanwhile COs of both sides met later to calm down the situation.
Both sides have forbidden troops from carrying rifles now. Only officers can carry.

Is there a link to a credible source that can prove this?
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Wrong story. No sides follow any such SOP in Ladakh.
It was a Chinese liasion officer, two of his guards/assistants and driver who got beaten up.
On Weibo the Chinese commentators are saying one of them was beaten so badly he almost died.
let me make that correction... they said Indian beat one of their solider so badly and against that they beat up 6 of yours, so comments are claiming that it was in response to IA beating their solider..
further to add, do you have a copy of such SOP not in place in Ladakh? or what are the guidelines specifically defined for Ladakh region? as i mentioned earlier, you can't back up your story( Can you ? ) .... so please wake up and see the evidence in front of you....fact is only 1 x Solider beaten to the ground by IA, second Chinese trooper locked up in his vehicle...the way IA was charged, hungry for blood, i doubt they would let him get inside the vehicle.....or you are telling me that more than a dozen men could only control 1 guy? this makes you even look more bad, 1:12 ?

doesn't make you a hero
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