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A Photo released from Chinese side in regard of Pangong Tso conflict

SecularIndian slapped with a thread ban, continued with insulting others & spamming. He was provoking others to derail the thread
Am requesting this 2nd time now (first warning was on Page -4)
No personal insults please, any member who gets attacked, please report the post, no need to engage the troll otherwise both will get warning & thread ban

If that's what's really happened then it doesn't bode well for the indians. It enables the Chinese to go on the offensive against the indians. Something which the indians are not capable of handling.
@silent_poison bro came up with a story / version of events, I came up with my own. Both have no source to get this verified :lol: ...hence i mentioned that since we are telling stories, heres mine
Ultra epic fail.
The Chinese soldiers were beaten and their APC damaged a 8-9 days after Indian soldiers were attacked. So it is India who launched revenge strike.
If thats so then i can't imagine how big the chinese 2nd retaliation was . :p:

Too bad still no bullets fired. They should show some balls kill a few.

Indians i i already knew are pathetic and worthless chest thrumbing people without any action to show.

Just sctipts bollywood and acting on news channels thats all.
Some interesting information...
Somehow they are all wearing masks?
indians used to stink more 7 years back thats why they wearing mask is the only logical reason i can come up with to make lives of bakhts easier!

@Foxtrot Alpha @BHarwana @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @newb3e @masterchief_mirza @Ace of Spades @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh @Mentee @SIPRA

Well, slept on the video of last night... there was something that bothered.

As we have seen from perious stand offs ...both sides have someone filming the incedence... FlyingKick ... and other videos of PLA and IA .... even the ones in which PLA is telling the IA to go back.

Hence, it is a SOP ..... to film /take pictures for their respective Command....

The India video was released on purpose and denial afterwards makes sense... Two birds with one stone...

It will palicate the IndianMedia and public... will be viral on social media.... and will be retweeted around the world.. showing 'humiliation' of PLA.... PsyOp.

It appears thence that the picture is very recent which @IblinI shared in the OP is a PLA Counter to IndianPsyOp!

A message as well from PLA that is why the quick IA denial message!


indian loves to get theit *** kicked in real war but fight hard on internet to win war of perception as per teachig of chankya!

kamal hai!

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