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A Photo released from Chinese side in regard of Pangong Tso conflict

Sikkhim needs to be captured first. Capturing Sikkhim is not easy

1- The freedom movement inside Sikkim if got support from outside forces things can be different (Just like Bengali got outsiders to support back in 1971)

2- Can Pakistan and China trust each other with blind faith? Knowing the facts that in 1962 China asked us to get inside Kashmir and have it but we listened and followed Americans (They basically gave us false hopes of Kashmir resolve through UN) at that time and in 1999 Pakistan asked China to get inside Laddakh and have it and the Chinese said it's not the right time.

3- If the freedom movement of all the 7 states or even just Sikkim is given intelligence support things can be different.

4- If Pakistan opens up-front on LOC and China opens up-front on LAC, India will be heavily involved at two fronts and they will not bother to open any other front and they have to shift all their southern troops towards north to defend. (Condition will be none of the two countries will back off without the permission of another one).

I do have a question to all the seniors here if they see this message below please help me understand this:

From class 1 till my Engineering degree I've been told that the map of Pakistan (Something like this) is below:


This is basically the Kashmir Disputed map below:


If we can see (the map below) Laddakh is in J&K, which is shown as part of Pakistan (in the above map and in our textbooks) and is an international dispute even China has said this on many occasions that Kashmir is not a two-nation dispute it's a three-nation dispute and we're a part of it. Then why are we silent about all the scenario which is going on in Laddakh at the moment? Yes, we're enjoying whatever is happening there with the Indians but Shouldn't we at least put up our point of view (Foreign office statement/statement of PM) for the current scenario and current location as we claim it as our integral part?

Plus from last night I have this question in my mind that we always fight India for J&K, but we never said a word for Aksai Chin why?

One more thing I heard a vlog last night and get to know about this Shaksgam Valley, there is a misconception about it that Pakistan has ceded this land to China but what I got to know in that vlog was that China used to claim this as their part and Pakistan raised its objections and in 1963 when Pakistan decided to vote for seat of China in UN, then the Chinese government respected our objections and gave this part back to us. (This is what I got to know from that vlog)

Can someone please explain this to me all the above things


Another map clearly stating the disputes and claims of the three countries:

So this is true that Pakistan ceded that territorial part to China?

Sir, can you please answer the rest of the things too? regarding Laddakh, Aksai Chin?
Yes, But I read in my O'Levels Text book that China did more concessions on land than Pakistan. Remember before 1962 Pakistan was more hostile to China than India was. China even before used to claim Hunza
Yes, But I read in my O'Levels Text book that China did more concessions on land than Pakistan. Remember before 1962 Pakistan was more hostile to China than India was. China even before used to claim Hunza

I really think that the education system should be one for the whole of Pakistan whether a student belongs to O'Levels or simple Matric.

If I could take you a couple of years back, there was this issue in Pakistan where Beaconhouse Schools were teaching our children with the map which showed J&K as part of India and the map in Punjab textbook is different.

Well, I'm not sure if that was a concession by China or just an official marking of territory for both the countries.
Plus I'm so curious to know why we never raised voice on Aksai Chin and now that China is in Laddakh how can we happily accept that, since Laddakh is located in J&K and our claim is that J&K is an integral part of Pakistan since partition for which we are struggling no?
Well, I'm not sure if that was a concession by China or just an official marking of territory for both the countries.
Plus I'm so curious to know why we never raised voice on Aksai Chin and now that China is in Laddakh how can we happily accept that, since Laddakh is located in J&K and our claim is that J&K is an integral part of Pakistan since partition for which we are struggling no?
We would probably go till Kargil/Drass area
Lol! How old are you? Generalizing a country by some random twitter handles? I have seen equally idiots like that from your country too. Does it mean China is like that too?

By the way, this Cathy Rolanova is a troll account. He or she has all the inside informations but without any proof.

Is this account also a troll account? What will you say about this :

Before the conflict started the Indian army was at Finger 8,
Now the India army is standing its grounds at Finger 3 while China is holding grounds at Finger 4.
To divert attention and influence people Your government's run journalist without any knowledge published an article declaring Finger 4 as LAC, now if China wants then they can claim the part they are standing grounds at because you've accepted on paper that LAC is at finger 4 which is not right and Ajay Shukla pointed that out too.
Is this account also a troll account? What will you say about this :

Before the conflict started the Indian army was at Finger 8,
Now the India army is standing its grounds at Finger 3 while China is holding grounds at Finger 4.
To divert attention and influence people Your government's run journalist without any knowledge published an article declaring Finger 4 as LAC, now if China wants then they can claim the part they are standing grounds at because you've accepted on paper that LAC is at finger 4 which is not right and Ajay Shukla pointed that out too.
To understand Ajay Shukla and the Print you have to understand Indian politics.
To understand Ajay Shukla and the Print you have to understand Indian politics.

What's so difficult in understanding Indian politics?

1- Oppressing Muslims,
2- Proxy wars in Balochistan,
3- Genocide in Kashmir,
4- revocation of articles without permissions
5- the list goes on,

Well, I'm not here to prove anything nor to understand anything I just showed you what Ajay Shukla tweeted in reply to your local journalist published article.

China-India-Nepal Recent Developments:

Several thousand soldiers with a Chinese PLA Air Force airborne brigade took just a few hours to maneuver from Central China’s Hubei Province to the northwestern, high-altitude region amid China-India border tensions. After talks failed & it happened all in 12 hours along India border.

China has deployed PCL 191 MRLS along the entire India China border. The range of this rocket artillery is 350 km and no other country in the world has a similar weapon. The rockets are cheap, precise, and can shoot & scoot. Images of PCL 191 range & deployment.


Meanwhile, Nepal's perspective: The northern parts of Uttarakhand & Himachal Pradesh are part of the Nepalese empire which the British took from Nepal. Those are ethnic Nepali people who never got a chance in 1947 to decide for returning to their original heritage. It was an injustice done to those people.

How can India claim Kashmir & Ladakh when India cannot even claim the northern parts of Uttarakhand & Himachal Pradesh? From Sunaga to Munsyari go and see the faces of those people who don't even look Indian. Every town in northern Uttarakhand has Army camp & barriers.
Recent developments China-India conflict:

As the stand of between India China continues in east Ladakh, Indian military cargo plane spotted at Srinagar Airbase a few days ago bringing in more military equipment.


Okay here are images from Pangong Tso lake from 16th May & old google images there is a new construction & it is well inside LAC at least 15km. I don't know it is Indian or Chinese so decide your self but here are both images old & new. left old image, right new Image


Reported previously India shifted labor to complete hangers at Thoise Airbase on emergency basis. google images from July 2019 show hangers incomplete but latest sat Image show hanger almost completed, yellow structure on right. Yet to be painted N34°39.18' E77°22.46'

Recent update:

Wake up call for the Indians from Chinese:

India has requested China for next round of talks over Galwan & Hot springs area. The pre condition for these talks were that Indian Army pulls back from it's forward positions, which India Army has done. The engagement distance between 2 armies is 4 km currently.

Indian Govt to modify Lukung ITBP post Pangong lake with climate-control. Lukung ITBP has also been declared as border out post BOP the post is 51km from LAC at 33.9968°N, 78.4112°E. Issue is rest of post are lost so this post will be BOP & will be modified for winter stay.



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