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A Photo released from Chinese side in regard of Pangong Tso conflict

1. its not fake
2. its not old
3. and its chinese soldiers treating Indian soldiers

the only thing is its not authenticated from either side.... so you can talk as much you want on pdf...
so whats your problem dude?

Of which you have 0 EVIDENCE of........:lol:
An important update!

The date of 4th June is very important strategically. India & Australia are going to sign defense pact. If India accepts the demand of Australia & signs for involvement in SCS then I smell trouble but if India excludes that demand then that means Modi has given in to China's pressure.

Australia will want India to sign this demand so that alliance of USA, Australia, India can contain China but the issue is India can't afford this at the moment because China is already down to their neck and a slightest of mistake could cost India, Siachin, 7 states, Kargil, etc.
We actually injured 4 Chinese (2 ran away and other was driver who can be seen trying to move back his vehicle and one was lynched on ground).
This was in retaliation to attack on Indian troops 9 days before.

Since Chinese have failed to retaliate to our latest attack, it is an Indian victory.

That bold part, would this logic also apply to PAF operation swift retort of 27th Feb? :D
Is it true jf17s vistas newly builted chines airbase near ladakh
An important update!

The date of 4th June is very important strategically. India & Australia are going to sign defense pact. If India accepts the demand of Australia & signs for involvement in SCS then I smell trouble but if India excludes that demand then that means Modi has given in to China's pressure.

Australia will want India to sign this demand so that alliance of USA, Australia, India can contain China but the issue is India can't afford this at the moment because China is already down to their neck and a slightest of mistake could cost India, Siachin, 7 states, Kargil, etc.
Can any one update us on this ?
Can any one update us on this ?

Though I had posted a separate article on this for discussion no one interacted with that !!

India and Australia signed the Mutual Logistics Support Agreement (MLSA). Australia is the 4th country to have signed such an agreement with India after the US, France and South Korea.


Full text of Joint Declaration of Today's virtual summit between leaders of 2 countries. It is all about countering China. The dragon will get angry.

Recent developments: @Aasimkhan

Tomorrow's standoff talks between India & China will take place in PLA camp at Moldo south of Lake Pangong Tso. The Indian Military Commander will walk to Chinese and try to convince them to deescalate the situation & will give them a previously mentioned proposal.

My math is weak can any one count how many J are parked.


Recent developments: @Aasimkhan

Tomorrow's standoff talks between India & China will take place in PLA camp at Moldo south of Lake Pangong Tso. The Indian Military Commander will walk to Chinese and try to convince them to deescalate the situation & will give them a previously mentioned proposal.

My math is weak can any one count how many J are parked.



indians come to pla camp and begging us to leave? Do I need say more?
indians come to pla camp and begging us to leave? Do I need say more?

Update 1:

Indian Ministry of External Affair and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a meeting through video conference on 5 June 2020. India has assured China that it will respect China's sensitivities, concerns, aspirations & not allow them to become disputes.

Update 2:

June 5th at 10 am meeting between Gen Y.K. Joshi & XIV Corps Commander Lt Gen Harinder Singh was held Karu base. Gen Joshi advised Gen Harinder on how to approach Chinese. Meeting continued well after lunch & ended at 4 pm. At 8 pm Gen Harinder left Karu for Chushul camp

Update 3:

Lt General Harinder Singh will reach LAC from Chushul at 8:30 am Sharp from there he will go to Moldo base & meet PLA Major General Liu Lin and forward Indian proposal to PLA. Which includes a list of actions India is willing to take if PLA pulls out.

Update 4:

During this meeting, the issues of incursion at Galwan Valley & Hot springs will not be discussed. It is decided China is staying there & India will reduce its presence from those areas. Only the situation at Pangong Tso Lake will be discussed.

Update 5:

I have also got info that there is a standoff India China at Bara Hoti. The coordinates are 30.8333° N, 79.9667° E

Update 6:

Talks have started some time ago. I will update you when they finish. Sources take some time to inform.
Coordinates of Moldo camp if any wanted to know. 33°34'02 N, 78°47'26 E

Yes i can see that in your Ministers Speach

Dear, why is India sending a Corps Commander Lieutenant General to talk to a Major General of PLA? These ranks are not equal, are you desperate? If there is no Chinese incursion why the desperation?
Talks have started some time ago. I will update you when they finish. Sources take some time to inform.
Coordinates of Moldo camp if any wanted to know. 33°34'02 N, 78°47'26 E

Sources told that China will not give up an inch of territory. India wants to make peace in the region or fight a war is Indian choice.

Talks failed Update! By talks failed I mean India failed to achieve what it wanted. China is committed to peace and good neighborly relations in the region. If aggression happens it will be India not China to do it. China has only claimed land that belongs to China.

Someone said this 20 hours ago :o

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