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A Photo released from Chinese side in regard of Pangong Tso conflict

So how does a serious defense forum accept a picture whose time stamp is not authenticated. Whose source your don't know. You don't know if it is doctored or not.

Do you have any proof that this picture is from a "reliable" source?

That is a nonsensical argument. Pictures by nature, intrinsically, hold credibility. A picture is a picture, it speaks for itself, it speaks for what it shows because you can see it. The only way to discredit it is by providing proof that it is doctored. Not that it hurts your feelings and/or your narrative.

As I said, I have no problem with this much ado about nothing threads. I'm simply enjoying the cheerleading from both sides and mods playing their part. I have no qualms.


The vehiclr and the driver along with the grnd guy were returned after 8 hrs.

Were they? Because in the video it is clear that it took the vehicle and its driver a few seconds to reverse back and rejoin the Chinese forces.

View attachment 637092

Where do you come up with this stuff? Why do you do it?

LOL Photoshop 7 year old Picture from dualat Baig:D:D

Indian soldier got injured

Yeah Posting a old Image for 2013

Why don't release video both chinese and india record every clash

Also uniform of Particular image don't matches

Standard PLA uniform



That uniform was introduced in 2018. You have shot yourself in the foot and proven that not only do you have no idea what you are saying but that OP's picture cannot be from 2013.




Why should I See Fake photo from unreliable source

Can you prove that that picture is fake? If you cannot and you still keep on parroting this statement then you will be removed. This is not one of the echo chambers you are used to, you don't get to state whatever nonsense you want here in hopes of drowning out what you can't palate. Back your claims or spend your time elsewhere.

From your previous post, it is clear that the onus of proof does not lie with the person who brings the information here

Nonsense again. The burden of proof lies on the person who puts forth the claim. The claim of the picture is what it shows, the proof of the claim is that it shows it. You can see it. It backs the information that it provides by itself. Your claim, however, is that the picture is doctored, provide proof that it is.

Everywhere, including courts of law, no one is asked to provide proof that the picture is credible, it speaks of and for what it shows by itself. The opposing side has to prove that it is not, if it can.

I have a Name for you : Captain Saurav Kalia

You mean the death of a brave soldier, who in reality lost his life fighting, is still being used to spread desperate propaganda by his military which has built its history on embarrassingly childish lies? I can't help you there.

Do you need a PDF or Links ? Lets start with a Video : ( forward to 2:25 )

Did you watch the video yourself? The Pakistani soldier in the video categorically states that Cpt. Kalia was shot at and killed while trying to run away from a failed attempt at attacking a Pakistani post. Cpt. Kalia's body along with his fellow soldiers' was left laying there unclaimed despite Pakistani offers to the IA to come and take them. They were returned to India as per military SOP by the Pakistani Army. The video then hilariously goes on to admit that the Indian government does not believe that raising this issue at the ICJ will yield anything. Wonder why? Surely cannot be because it is mere propaganda devoid of any proof.

In short, in trying to support your propaganda, you and that TV channel presented the video of a Pakistani soldier falsifying your claim and vindicating Pakistan's stance. Good job.

Regardless, best you take this discussion to a more appropriate thread. Remain on topic.
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The Indian soldiers did not move from their position. It is obvious that the "Chinese Humvee" has a Chinese driver in it and is not "trapped" by any means. It's there to keep an eye on the Chinese soldier in Indian custody.

Why must you guys always garnish every one of your stories with a very healthy dose of exaggeration and fantasy?
I tried explaining to them, but apparently they have their own version of events far from evidence available....
One can see the Convoy in the backdrop on the chinese side. IA blocked their route, as per SOP, Chinese Liason Officer approached the IA to have a word while Convoy stayed back. LO exits the vehicle along with 1 x Sentry while driver stays inside. Things go south and LO gets attacked, 1 x Sentry runs back to safety while Humvee stays with LO to maintain visual, he believes that Humvee is safe. However once IA turns into uncontrolled Mob and starts to attack the Humvee with Batons, Driver has to retreat to safety....

Above all is based on Video shared by @silent_poison & defined SOP around the world
LO exits the vehicle along with 1 x Sentry while driver stays inside. Things go south and LO gets attacked, 1 x Sentry runs back to safety while Humvee stays with LO to maintain visual, he believes that Humvee is safe. However once IA turns into uncontrolled Mob and starts to attack the Humvee with Batons, Driver has to retreat to safety....

Above all is based on Video shared by @silent_poison & defined SOP around the world
There were three sentries, driver also stepped down as there no such incidents previously.
Sentries and driver escaped with light to moderate injuries from stone pelting. Major saab got effed.
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Already carried out. See the video.

dont waste time on this kind of trolls, he has no agenda or credible post to share.... only one thing trolling. best reply to them is ignoring.... they get mad believe me ... do this few times and you will see the result :enjoy:
only in your sick retarded mind, prove where you are from is indeed shithole half of people open shit on road
Thats the best thing about indian people, their govt just had to make claims without providing a single piece of evidence!
That is a nonsensical argument. Pictures by nature, intrinsically, hold credibility. A picture is a picture, it speaks for itself, it speaks for what it shows because you can see it. The only way to discredit it is by providing proof that it is doctored. Not that it hurts your feelings and/or your narrative.
Apply that same reasoning to the video. The reason given was Indian Army denied videos circulating on SM never said which one or any details. But was deleted fast because... it hurts the feelings of apparently a lot of people haha.
Even they are short of words to defend themselves, their country's PM, and his blunders!!

This has to happen though, No wonder India is getting deep and deep into troubles. They always try to dig a hole for others eventually ending up falling themselves in it.

ITBP camp depicted as PLA camp cause PLA is holding this camp, Can anyone confirm this recent development?

good catch

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