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A Photo released from Chinese side in regard of Pangong Tso conflict

China believes that the Indian army, abetted by the United States, has provoked border skirmishes, and that the Indian government has not always been able to fully control the Indian army
The Chinese media rarely report on the China-India border.Ordinary Chinese people do not care about this matter now.
Hahahah seriously coward kuti nasal these Indians are seriously leaked half vid clip just for the sake of boosting Indian ego but later bloe back across the social media and everywhere when Chinese uploaded two pictures ahhahahahahahahhaahha seriously asusual got beesti from Pakistan, Nepal and now Chinese har eek se bezat horahay hain Indians cuz of fake drama
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The damage had already been done when the video was released. Now, the damage control is too little too late.
Chinese look liked they won easily

Slap marks on the Indian soldiers don't look very powerful now as POW
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