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A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

I am thinking what will be response of Muslims if Cathloics stopped them from preaching Islam in their countries :whistle:
Sure that will be religious intolerance & islamophobia, why double standards?

UK already banned Zakir Naik...

I'm not talking about Muslims preaching Islam, I'm talking about Muslims preaching some other religion

Contradictory statements

You're right, sorry.
UK already banned Zakir Naik...

But did they banned preaching of Islam? Nopes & at the same time self righteousness of Naik forces him to say that no preaching of other religions must be allowed in Muslim countries

UK also banned a Christian Version of Zakir Naik i forgot his name though

I'm not talking about Muslims preaching Islam, I'm talking about Muslims preaching some other religion

so in a way you were passing judgment, ok
But did they banned preaching of Islam? Nopes & at the same time self righteousness of Naik forces him to say that no preaching of other religions must be allowed in Muslim countries

That is our belief. Nothing to do with it.

UK also banned a Christian Version of Zakir Naik i forgot his name though

so in a way you were passing judgment, ok

I am just saying what is wrong and what is right. I can say murdering is haraam, am I passing judgement or am I just clarifying Muslim beliefs?
Muslims do not advocate another religion. Only Islam is the true faith endowned to Sayyiduna Adam alaihisalam and completed by our Habeeb salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam.

Its freaks like this who bring Islam a bad name.
I also said when people are judged on the basis of 'what other individuals believe' then it becomes self righteousness

If you call yourself a Muslim, then the Islamic Aqida [for any Muslim] is that all other religions are false, and there is only one faith that ever existed, and was always the true One from Sayyiduna Adam alaihissalam to our Habeeb Sayyiduna RasulAllah salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam.

Islam and Muslims reject all other so called religions.

This is most basic Islamic belief, its not self righteousness.

It is very wrong for her to not to teach the sikhs the Blessed Qurán al-Kareem, the Eternal Speech of God, but teach them some other non-Muslim prayer.
That is our belief. Nothing to do with it.

thats why belief becomes self righteouness :agree:

UK banned Geert Wilders, Mike Guzovsky, Michael Savage, Don Black and Fred Phelps, do you even know about that?

I am just saying what is wrong and what is right. I can say murdering is haraam, am I passing judgement or am I just clarifying Muslim beliefs?

please don't draw absurd comparison, in case of religion everyone has his/her own views & every sect preaches something else its better to leave it to individuals
I don't think there is an idol specific to the name Jagdish, I think just because it is also a proper noun, doesn't necessarily mean it is tied to an idol god. Furthermore my argument was about singing devotional music sung by other religions.

Also sidenote: Hindus believe in One god as well, but its a little deviant from our beliefs since they believe in manifestations and represent them in idols.

Anyway, I think the Kirtan has not been mentioned, so why condemn the girl without knowing what could've been said. As I said, it depends upon what's being said. Of course if it was idol specific glorification then that would fall strictly against the basic tenets of Islam - then too its up to her to figure out if its wrong or not.

Being a butter inner, is the worst thing we Muslims always do.

@ Asim Aquil,
Your first statement is quite correct. "Jagdish" is not the name of any particular God nor is represented by any idol or physical icon. "Jagdish" literally translates as "Sovereign (King/Ruler/Arbiter) of the universe"

Even your second statement (IMHO) is correct. In the original stream of belief, Hindus are believers in one God (albeit with many manifestations). These manifestations have customarily represented by different icons. The how and why of it need not be explained here.

Asim bhai;
After reading what i have just written; i can't but feel a sense of great irony, which i must confess. i am a non-religious agnostic and do not venture to explain religious matters. My grand-mother whose explanations i proffered above, must be smiling (wherever she is). After all i spent so much time arguing, short of fighting with her on these matters.

But my religious beliefs (or the lack thereof) have not been a constraint to enjoy (if that is indeed the right word) the "qalaams' of the sufi saints or hymns of other faiths.
After all the tenets and rules of good and meaningful living equally apply to "obtuse" people like me as well.
I can't see any hope of any exemption!
If you call yourself a Muslim, then the Islamic Aqida [for any Muslim] is that all other religions are false, and there is only one faith that ever existed, and was always the true One from Sayyiduna Adam alaihissalam to our Habeeb Sayyiduna RasulAllah salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam.

every religion says that so every religion has self righteous delusion in it :)

It is very wrong for her to not to teach the sikhs the Blessed Qurán al-Kareem, the Eternal Speech of God, but teach them some other non-Muslim prayer.

passing of judgment again, Sikhs are non muslims so they will like non muslim prayer just as muslims won't like non muslim prayer :)
we are going in circles
Do you guys even know that someone cannot be converted to Hinduism? You can be a follower but cannot convert? Hindus never try to convert others because conversion is not a Hindu practice. But you'll see muslims and Christians canvassing people to convert through out the country by promising them wealth and jobs. I am not a believer my self but I must agree that it is the polytheistic nature of Hinduism that has made them quite tolerant.They can accept Allah or Jesus as one of their many Gods . If there is an inter-religious marriage it will always be the Hindu that converts and not the other way round. It is true that some Hindu fanatics exist but it is more to do with politics and Fascism than Hindu communalism.
every religion says that so every religion has self righteous delusion in it

We are talking about a basic Islamic belief. I am sure you are a Muslim, and you must know that basic Islamic belief.

passing of judgment again, Sikhs are non muslims so they will like non muslim prayer just as muslims won't like non muslim prayer :)
we are going in circles

As a Muslim, it was her priority [based on Islamic belief] to teach the sikhs about the Qurán al kareem. The article does not mention that, but mentions she memorizes the non-muslim book, and teaches that instead.
every religion says that so every religion has self righteous delusion in it :)

Hinduism never talks bad about other religion. Mainly because when it was formed there weren't any competitors in the sub continent. And Hinduism is not restricted and can accommodate .
thats why belief becomes self righteouness :agree:

Self-righteous this self-righteous that.

We could use the same card (you're western minded, etc, etc) but that would be low and not productive. Please stop.

UK banned Geert Wilders, Mike Guzovsky, Michael Savage, Don Black and Fred Phelps, do you even know about that?

How would I know... I don't listen to any of them.

please don't draw absurd comparison, in case of religion everyone has his/her own views & every sect preaches something else its better to leave it to individuals

All in all, it depends on the mindset.

You and I had a debate previously. I know you are quite secular, but remember that this must be seen in the religious aspect. Everything this article has is to do with religion, so there is no use pretending it doesn't. You can defend it, as you may see this practice from a non religious aspect. I will condemn it, as I am Muslim and thankfully so.
Self-righteous this self-righteous that.

We could use the same card (you're western minded, etc, etc) but that would be low and not productive. Please stop.

somethings are not applicable on everyone :)

How would I know... I don't listen to any of them.

then you must not have mentioned the out of context absurd example of Naik been banned in UK

You and I had a debate previously. I know you are quite secular, but remember that this must be seen in the religious aspect. Everything this article has is to do with religion, so there is no use pretending it doesn't. You can defend it, as you may see this practice from a non religious aspect. I will condemn it, as I am Muslim and thankfully so.

of course it has got to do with religion but at least it has a good message (without going into theological debate) but you know some people just see everything from a lens of religion & that can be a problem :) :wave:
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