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A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

I dont think he has a problem. He is just pointing out, as was the discussion in this thread, about the misunderstanding around this act of a Muslim preaching a non-Muslim faith.

that was not point of this thread but some self righteous pious Muslims got their faithful souls on fire for no apparent reason

What would be kudos is if she be teaching the Qurán al-kareem to the Sikhs in front of her, being a Muslim herself. Why is that not highlighted in the article?

becuase that was not the purpose of the article..

I asked this question earlier.

She says she memorizes the granth, but the article did not mention she memorizes the Qurán al-Kareem, being a Muslim herself. Very strange.

so? that makes her a low level Muslim or you are going to ask a scholar, for the goodness sake stop judging people with your own scale. God can judge way better than you you don't have any right to question her acts as long as they are not 'hurting' anyone

I guess you have no idea about what hijab means.

yeah, I don't You are the expert here who needed to show his expertise in religious matters when it was needed at all
that was not point of this thread but some self righteous pious Muslims got their faithful souls on fire for no apparent reason

how do you know they are self righteous pious Muslims? Did you just assume that or conclude from a few posts on this thread. Please discuss the issue of this thread, leave personal attacks out in the backyard.

becuase that was not the purpose of the article..

This article is a very strange one. It says that a Muslim woman teaches non-Muslim prayers, but does not teach her own book to sikhs.

She memorizes a non-Muslim book, but does not memorize her own book.

so? that makes her a low level Muslim or you are going to ask a scholar, for the goodness sake stop judging people with your own scale. God can judge way better than you you don't have any right to question her acts as long as they are not 'hurting' anyone

these are all your assumptions. Take a look on this thread. No one said she is a low level Muslim, but people did criticize her behaviour.

No one is judging her, but her ACT is being judged.

No one is talking about hurting anyone.

yeah, I don't You are the expert here who needed to show his expertise in religious matters when it was needed at all

what expertise? I dont know what you are talking about.
Sikhism adopted some Islamic culture because Sikhism originated from Lahore and Lahore was the Mughal capital of Hindustan.

Just because Sikh likes to dress and eat like Muslims doesn't make them mumin. I know what I said and I am very sure about my conclusion about Sikh.
you just made record of stupidity............

where the hell Lahore came from??????:pakistan:

As far I knew, Anandpur Sahib is birth place of Khalsa.
Even if you have said Nankana sahib or Amritsar.......those are preety much OK.

But Lahore.....................hahahaha:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Lahore was the Mughal capital of Hindustan.
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Just because Sikh likes to dress and eat like Muslims doesn't make them mumin
Sikh eat Pork too..............Sikh Ladies can wear anything they want........jeans , skirts ...whatever ..no restriction whats so ever.
Its only in GuruDawra that everyone (including gents) should dress up properly.:partay:
The thing about many muslim indians are that they live in a mixed society and their minds have been polluted by sikh,hindu, and other religious thoughts.Needles to say,they fail to impress other faiths by their deeds,instead they get influences because they are lame.

I once met a Muslim Indian who had a Hindu Girl friend,and for her he went to Mandir every shaniwaar,as he told me,and ate pork..Now i dont know if hindus eat pork or not,but thats what he told me.

I asked him if the Hindu GF also tries to follow Islam? He said no she is a devout Hindu..All i had to say to him was "shame on you".

Things that boys do keep the girls happy, thats whole different ball game !!

Thats his right to do what he chooses to do.
how do you know they are self righteous pious Muslims? Did you just assume that or conclude from a few posts on this thread. Please discuss the issue of this thread, leave personal attacks out in the backyard.

well i think i can conclude it from the posts where they brought in theology when it was not needed at all

This article is a very strange one. It says that a Muslim woman teaches a non-Muslim book, but does not teach her own book.

you are still unable to get the 'reason' behind article :lol:

No one is judging her, but her ACT is being judged.

& who gave you that right?
I don't think there is an idol specific to the name Jagdish, I think just because it is also a proper noun, doesn't necessarily mean it is tied to an idol god. Furthermore my argument was about singing devotional music sung by other religions.

Also sidenote: Hindus believe in One god as well, but its a little deviant from our beliefs since they believe in manifestations and represent them in idols.

Anyway, I think the Kirtan has not been mentioned, so why condemn the girl without knowing what could've been said. As I said, it depends upon what's being said. Of course if it was idol specific glorification then that would fall strictly against the basic tenets of Islam - then too its up to her to figure out if its wrong or not.

Being a butter inner, is the worst thing we Muslims always do.
well i think i can conclude it from the posts where they brought in theology when it was not needed at all

This is not theology, this is fiqh.

you dont know the difference or the discussion here.

you are still unable to get the 'reason' behind article :lol:

Muslims do not advocate another religion. Only Islam is the true faith endowned to Sayyiduna Adam alaihisalam and completed by our Habeeb salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam.

& who gave you that right?

Do we have the right to judge the criminal acts by the indian kiler army in kashmir? I believe so. We have the right to criticize them too.
This is not theology, this is fiqh.

you dont know the difference or the discussion here.


Muslims do not advocate another religion. Only Islam is the true faith endowned to Sayyiduna Adam alaihisalam and completed by our Habeeb salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam.

self righteousness again, every religion claims that BUT i really don't feel its right to judge anyone's act when there is a God up there to judge, Leave it to him...

Do we have the right to judge the criminal acts by the indian kiler army in kashmir? I believe so. We have the right to criticize them too.

self righteousness again, every religion claims that BUT i really don't feel its right to judge anyone's act when there is a God up there to judge, Leave it to him...

This is Islamic belief [Aqida]

Do you consider a faith's religious beliefs as "self-righteousness"?
This is Islamic belief [Aqida]

Do you consider a faith's religious beliefs as "self-righteousness"?

if they are imposed on others & people are judged on the basis of what other individuals believe then YES
What are indians trying to prove constantly by posting such thread..at best i would call them flame bait...what is next...a muslim who raps., a muslim who is a priest, a muslim who makes ****, etc etc..seriously very narrow and communal mentality..no wonder india is divided and will remain so!

Exactly my thoughts... It would be better to post a thread about the story where a superior caste Hindu recently threw out his dog out of the his home because a lower caste Hindu woman had fed it some food... It was in the news recently...

Oh and btw... the poor woman was fined!!!!

Music is not an issue and has nothing to do with the problems of the world... we should be careful with our enemies trying to throw such things in our middle to divert our attention from important matters...

On with the Islamic State and the liberation of Al Hind to the justice of Islam!!!!!
Well, these type of articles only bring these type of debates. Using this, we know that;

1. The ones who defend this don't believe in Islam or have a 'western' view of Islam. They have the right to do so but that doesn't make the practice okay, but don't recognize this as they don't have forehand knowledge of Islam anyhow.

2. The ones who say this is wrong are voicing what Islam says (I fall into this group), but again, we should just lay off and concentrate on bettering on our own deen.

3. This conversation gets nowhere. Period.


Let me say one thing. Religion is very important for us, as normal Muslims, and Islam runs deep in our blood. Islam is always first- therefore, don't bring up these articles as we will say that this practice is wrong, which it is.

This isn't a matter of religious tolerance. That woman can do what she likes, she will be punished in the next life. Religious tolerance doesn't mean going and preaching someone else's religion. Okay, Sikhism is a monotheistic religion, but that doesn't mean they believe in the same God as we do.

Music is disliked in Islam, as it is seen as a waste of time. She is from a family of musicians, which makes me assume that they are probably just Muslim by name, but who am I to judge.
if they are imposed on others & people are judged on the basis of what other individuals believe then YES

no one is imposing nothing on no one here.

we are discussing, being Muslims, as she is a Muslim, part of our community and faith.

she is mistaken, and may Allah give her hidaya on this.

All Muslims are brothers and sisters. Pakistan was made in the name of Islam

la ilaha ilAllah Muhammad ur RasulAllah

There is no diety but the One True God, and Sayyiduna Muhammad is His Messenger
Religious tolerance doesn't mean going and preaching someone else's religion.

I am thinking what will be response of Muslims if Cathloics stopped them from preaching Islam in their countries :whistle:
Sure that will be religious intolerance & islamophobia, why double standards?

Music is disliked in Islam, as it is seen as a waste of time. She is from a family of musicians, which makes me assume that they are probably just Muslim by name, but who am I to judge.

Contradictory statements

Multani said:
no one is imposing nothing on no one here.

Duhh!! I also said when people are judged on the basis of 'what other individuals believe' then it becomes self righteousness
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