100% Garbage !!!
Answer the following questions?
Modern Greeks are Orthodox
Were Ancient Greeks also Orthodox
Modern Egyptians [Misr] are
Were Ancient Egyptians
Muslim also?
Modern Egyptians speak
Did Ancient Egyptians also speak
British Isles were raided regularly by Vikings who raped and plundered the native Britons.
Why do the British today celebrate their
Viking heritage?
Ancient Briton had Celts and Angles living.
They were invaded by savages from Germany called Saxons.
That led to the modern people of Britain, the
Anglo Saxons.
How come they British today are quite happy to accept their mixed Celtic-Angles-Viking-Saxon heritage when all others besides
the Celts came as invaders and
If you first answer these questions you will see there is nothing contradictory about modern Pakistani's accepting their past heritage in it's entirety.
Unless you think the Indus Valley heritage belongs to the Eskimo's or wait ...... Indian's. How very friggin convenient. So some swampo from Tamil Nadu can take pride.
The gall of you guy's ... Just beyond bloody belief !!!
Check out the Jorvik Viking Centre. These vikings raped, plundered and murdered en masse Ancient Britons, Today the British have a centre dedicated to the Viking's because they are mature and realize that ugly it might be, but Viking are part of their past and in their bloodline.
Jorvik Viking Centre | Home page