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A Muslim majority Indus Valley Civilization?

Why not both? That is the core of Atanz 's position, as I understand it, and a very reasonable and rational one.

Precisely! Why can we not agree on this?

Both the Indo-Aryan & Harappan civilizations must be a source of pride for us. The 2 civilizations combined represent the true heritage of Pakistan.
Both the Indo-Aryan & Harappan civilizations must be a source of pride for us. The 2 civilizations combined represent the true heritage of Pakistan.

I am baffled.

Are we arguing heatedly about how much we agree with each other?

the crown goes to joe shearer who has fingers ,thumbs toes,hands and feet :D :lol:


You forgot brains. If you had included it, I could have said,"Mogambo khush hua!"
I am baffled.

Are we arguing heatedly about how much we agree with each other?

Many people were focusing too much on the Indus Valley Civilization because of the 1st post's article's emphasis on that. I always thought that the IVC was just one of the civilizations we should be proud of. Greater importance should be given to the Aryans because of the impact their arrival has had on the entire Sub-Continent, not just Pakistan alone. I don't mean that the IVC had no impact, it's just that the IVC's legacy isn't as apparent today as the Aryan legacy is, in spite of the fact that the Vedic Aryans were influenced by the Harappans.
We could have easily marched into Bhutan and Nepal also............
BUT WE DIDNT..........

empowered by goa's invasion, you tried with forward policy and china tore up your anoos.
you think china would sit there and let you walk in nepal and bhutan.. the nepalis would tear you apart.
you took what you could not you blame pakistan: Hyderabad, junagadh, kashmir, sikkim, goa all based on contradictory dubba-dubba-ding-ding.
that may very well be true. i believe the forces that invaded peninsular kingdoms of 'india' had many pushtun foot soldier along with ancestors of modern day pakistanis. I will be glad to retract if not true. thanks.
empowered by goa's invasion, you tried with forward policy and china tore up your anoos.
you think china would sit there and let you walk in nepal and bhutan.. the nepalis would tear you apart.
you took what you could not you blame pakistan: Hyderabad, junagadh, kashmir, sikkim, goa all based on contradictory dubba-dubba-ding-ding.

We ended up with lots of stool samples in 1971.
We ended up with lots of stool samples in 1971.

Typical Indian troll response.
You can't dispute the statement so you went for the stock "DUHHHH, OUR ARMY OF 500k SOLDIERS BEAT YOUR ARMY OF 40k!! INDIA NUMBER 1!!!!111one"

Stick to the discuss and stop trolling.
Typical Indian troll response.
You can't dispute the statement so you went for the stock "DUHHHH, OUR ARMY OF 500k SOLDIERS BEAT YOUR ARMY OF 40k!! INDIA NUMBER 1!!!!111one"

Stick to the discuss and stop trolling.

Typical fan boy response. Did you read the original to which I answered? What did that have to do with the topic?
yup bangladeshis beat us in 1971 and deservedly so...
india has had its *** kicked so often in history that the whole country is one big stool.
Devastating resonse this....

100% Garbage !!!

Answer the following questions?

Modern Greeks are Orthodox Christians.
Were Ancient Greeks also Orthodox Christian?

Modern Egyptians [Misr] are Muslim.
Were Ancient Egyptians Muslim also?

Modern Egyptians speak Arabic.
Did Ancient Egyptians also speak Arabic?

British Isles were raided regularly by Vikings who raped and plundered the native Britons.
Why do the British today celebrate their Viking heritage?

Ancient Briton had Celts and Angles living.
They were invaded by savages from Germany called Saxons.
That led to the modern people of Britain, the Anglo Saxons.
How come they British today are quite happy to accept their mixed Celtic-Angles-Viking-Saxon heritage when all others besides
the Celts came as invaders and plunderers?

If you first answer these questions you will see there is nothing contradictory about modern Pakistani's accepting their past heritage in it's entirety.

Unless you think the Indus Valley heritage belongs to the Eskimo's or wait ...... Indian's. How very friggin convenient. So some swampo from Tamil Nadu can take pride.

The gall of you guy's ... Just beyond bloody belief !!!

Check out the Jorvik Viking Centre. These vikings raped, plundered and murdered en masse Ancient Britons, Today the British have a centre dedicated to the Viking's because they are mature and realize that ugly it might be, but Viking are part of their past and in their bloodline.

Jorvik Viking Centre | Home page
yup bangladeshis beat us in 1971 and deservedly so...
india has had its *** kicked so often in history that the whole country is one big stool.

Of course you must be right. There are pictures all over the place showing Bangladeshi Lt. Gen. Arora, a Khalistani who joined the Pakistan Army and then took the Bangladeshi side during the split, taking the surrender of Lt. Gen. Niazi; Bangladeshi Maj. Gen. Jacob, the only Jew to join the Pakistan Army, who followed Arora to fight for the Bangladeshi side, is standing next to him, peering curiously at the signing. There was such a lot of yellow stuff floating around that Bhutto rushed across in a chivalrous and magnanimous gesture to wipe it off and take it back with him, and in exchange, some thousands of Pakistani soldiers with irritable bowel syndrome were also repatriated.

Nothing new, of course. Only six years earlier, there was an unfortunate mass bowel event suffered by General Meetha's commandos in Kashmir, which caused sympathetic events in 12 Div. HQ and initiated a sanitary facility building drive called Operation Grand Slam - just in time to provide General Yahya Khan adequate inventory of war-fighting plant and infrastructure.

And how can we forget the epic early attempt which produced vast masses of gaseous efflux, and ended with a rush for their own beloved toilets when a gallant band of dick-masters found that rape was fun when defenseless women and children were involved, and not so much fun when their own nether orifices were the centre of attention?

Truly a noble history, consistent if nothing else.

Nothing sadder than a nation of martial races that can't win battles or fight wars.
Confused about what? Contradictory in what respect? Which lies? What ignorance? Nice touch, btw, for a neo-literate who finds it necessary to reproduce a Children's Encyclopaedia version, with two serious flaws, one of nineteenth century vintage, of an account that every history freshman is aware of, within a month of commencing study of Indian history.

Without a single instance? Just the unsupported opinion of a fanatic, religious, bigot? One who is unable to detect elementary flaws?

Why is it that every time an ignoramus is unable to come up with a response, we get this kind of despairing personal attack, devoid of instances or substance? We saw it with that ludicrous clown with a chip on his shoulder about Christianity, or Christianism, as he insists on calling it, and we see it again here. Not that I am calling anyone a ludicrous clown on this thread, but if the output is identical, the sources must be described in identical fashion.

No one could have said it better than yourself about yourself, it is a first step called self criticim steming from your most intimate thoughts, Bravo!
Typical fan boy response. Did you read the original to which I answered? What did that have to do with the topic?

I do suggest you look up the meaning of "fanboy"
because it doesn't mean what you think it means.

I read the original statement, the one which you completely ignored the points and responded with


Then again, Your greatest moment in the last 1000 years was 71. If I had a history like yours, I would be bringing up 71 in every discussion too :rolleyes:

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