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A message to the Arab Loving Pakistanis

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It is amusing to see so many Pakistanis root for Israel. It's actually quite shameful. Guess they don't know that India and Israel are two sides of the same coin and with neither can true peace be established.

Trust me I will never ever support anyone who wants to normalise ties with Israel never ever

Look at Europe two world wars and since Zionist left peace and stability

Look at Middle East since they arrived nothing but wars and they had 1,000 years of peace and stability

Arabs accept Israel because they are weak and have no choice bullied into becoming friends, can't stand so they bow down

Israel will destroy your country from within no doubt about it

Pakistan is fighting both India and Israel, now Israel is one of the biggest defence contractors for India
What a bunch of children on this forum that lack aqeedah. OP posts portion of article because he is pro Iran Shia fanatic who wants Pakistanis to shift towards Iran. Raid Al Maliki was chosen to be one of represenatives and is giving the position of the whole OIC. Which was to deescalate situation between both countries and they actually passed an resolution in favour of Kashmir.

This knee jerk reaction stuff from people on this forum tells you most of them are kids. Any article about any statement from any politician you have children from all nationalities saying they should oppose such so and so country and go on rant. Its because they have personal frustrations in life and they blow steam on political forums.

Meanwhile, if anyone followed anything would know PA is not elected and has refused to cede rule to Hamas after Hamas won elections in 2006.

Although that still has nothing to do with Aqeedah. Which many Muslims nowadays lack. They are all over the place with their views and change them based on political developments.

As Muslims with no influence on our politicians. We are simply required to follow islam. And support each other and keep encouraging Muslims to follow Allah and prefer oppression to be lifted. Our situation is unique today, as many of our nation's are ruled by irreligious dictators. And that should not affect your aqeedah. You are supposed to remain steadfast with everything Allah has ordained upon you. In this situation a good Muslim wouldnt't spread fitnah. And instead remain on Allahs side by continuing to sympathize with each other and be against injustice irregardless of modern politicians approach. Some mature people here understood that.

And this they did this and that to us thing goes both ways and there will be endless examples people can use to create more fitnah. Youre supposed to resist those urges and reject efforts by those evildoers who try to bring them afforth.

And this should all be done for out of sake for your Lord and not your country.


God-consciousness: “Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].” (Holy Qur’an 09:04)

Restraining anger: Sufyan ibn ‘Abd-Allah al-Thaqafi said to the Prophet (peace be upon him), “O Messenger of Allah, tell me something that will be of benefit to me, and make it brief and concise.” The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied, “Do not get angry, and Paradise will be yours.” (At-Tabarani)

Justice: “Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.” (Holy Qur’an 05:42) The principle of justice in Islam applies to everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, or status.

Patience: “And Allah loves the steadfast.” (Holy Qur’an 03:146)


If we want change as Muslims we must make sure we are doing our part. Otherwise we can continue on normal unGodly path like everyone else.

Shia munafiq OP is not a Muslim and doesn' care one bit about advancing Islam. He just wants everyone to worship Iran and shift towards them instead of worshipping Allah and shifting towards him.

Otherwise select Muslims here had the right approach and are God fearing so may Allah bless them.
Tell that to the Israelis. Why're they so interested in Pakistan then even if we're not in the same region?

As long as we're on the same planet, we'll always matter to them and them to us.

Truth is, Arabs, Jews/Israelis and Iranians don't give a flying f**k about Pakistan or Pakistanis. We are alien and FAR too different to all of them. In fact as far as I am concerned, Jews, Arabs and Persians are all the same to me. They are all troubleseome, rude, obnoxious Middle Easterners.
So, to all those that support normalizing relations with Israel.

Don't forget:

1) They'll still consider us their main enemy.

2) They're literally selling bombs to India and other armaments for use against the Kashmiris and us.

3) The Zionists, and to the extent, the Jews, have a innate hatred of Muslims. It might have simmered down but they'll still backstab us. Have you read what Shakespeare said about the Jews? Well read Othello...you'll know.

4) The Prophet SAW has warned us about the Jews in regards to the end of times. They're not our friends so please stop this day dreaming. I see threads like these every month. Don't you all have anything better to do??

You think your opinion is higher than that of the Prophet SAW??
Peace won't come even if we recognize Israel. They'll keep doing what they have been doing.

That is likely and cannot be ruled out. Nevertheless giving peace a chance is never a bad idea.

I agree that Zionist attitude towards Pakistan is anything but encouraging. They are obviously actively helping India to oppress the Kashmiris.

Shia munafiq OP is not a Muslim and doesn' care one bit about advancing Islam. He just wants everyone to worship Iran and shift towards them instead of worshipping Allah and shifting towards him.

easy on the fatwa honey.

Pakistani constitution decides who is a Muslim and who is not.
Truth is, Arabs, Jews/Israelis and Iranians don't give a flying f**k about Pakistan or Pakistanis. We are alien and FAR too different to all of them. In fact as far as I am concerned, Jews, Arabs and Persians are all the same to me. They are all troubleseome, rude, obnoxious Middle Easterners.

Then why is Mossad and the Iranians so active in Pakistan if they don't care about us? Why is Israel selling weapons to and arming India to the teeth against us??

Stop this bs lol :lol:
I agree that Zionist attitude towards Pakistan is anything but encouraging. They are obviously actively helping India to oppress the Kashmiris.

Nah dude...forget about the Kashmiris....they're trying to cut you into 4 different provinces :D

That itself should be alarming enough to anyone that wants to shake hands with the snakes.
Truth is, Arabs, Jews/Israelis and Iranians don't give a flying f**k about Pakistan or Pakistanis. We are alien and FAR too different to all of them. In fact as far as I am concerned, Jews, Arabs and Persians are all the same to me. They are all troubleseome, rude, obnoxious Middle Easterners.

yes but look at history

Saladin was Kurd, a Kurd from Northern Iraq

all the muslims were fragmented and paying tributes to Crusaders

at the time of Saladin there was 3 Caliphs, how many people know the names of those 3 Arab leaders ? none

because they didn't care and history forgot them, but everyone remembers Saladin why because he cared and spoke the language of Quran and rarely smiled while Al Aqsa was under occupation

Europe throw everything they had at Saladin, Richard from England, Fredarick from Germany and France

they brought a million men and only 1 in 10 escaped, Saladin killed so many you could never imagine the dead ever lived

it takes just one man to change the entire course of history and Saladin was from the Ummah of the Prophet a man like us not a Sahaba he came 400 years after Hijri

so my point is care and prepare and all the praise belongs to Allah and his messenger one day we will get the victory or we keep trying
yes but look at history

Saladin was Kurd, a Kurd from Northern Iraq

all the muslims were fragmented and paying tributes to Crusaders

at the time of Saladin there was 3 Caliphs, how many people know the names of those 3 Arab leaders ? none

because they didn't care and history forgot them, but everyone remembers Saladin why because he cared and spoke the language of Quran and rarely smiled while Al Aqsa was under occupation

Europe throw everything they had at Saladin, Richard from England, Fredarick from Germany and France

they brought a million men and only 1 in 10 escaped, Saladin killed so many you could never imagine the dead ever lived

it takes just one man to change the entire course of history and Saladin was from the Ummah of the Prophet a man like us not a Sahaba he came 400 years after Hijri

so my point is care and prepare and all the praise belongs to Allah and his messenger

Finally a sensible post. :enjoy:

Doesn't matter if we're Pakistani, Middle Eastern, Palestinian, Indonesian, Uighur, Malay, American, Bosnian, Persian or even Martian. As long as they're "Muslim" we care about them, even if the other doesn't. It's our duty under Islam and one day, we'll get the reward for it. :)
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