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A message to the Arab Loving Pakistanis

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People don't understand , Allah is above everything else. If love for your countries results in us violating tenets of Islam, than at that point it is causing harm to yourself. Read stories of some Prophets, who held Allah higher than their communities even when it meant being exiled by them.

Allah(SWT) gives us the way to become rightly guided and he knows better than us and he knows us better than ourselves. And through Prophet Mohammed(SAW) he made it easier to understand rightly guided path.

Keep in mind us being born Muslims or in Muslim nations does not make us any less strange to Islam or Allah(SWT). In fact, Quran says majority of son of Adam will have gone astray. Hence you are supported to struggle against your own bad side of qualities to become a Muslim and hopefully die as a Muslim. Especially in our time we are very distant from Islam so we really have to understand it takes work to change. Stick to the straightforward aqeedah.
People don't understand , Allah is above everything else. If love for your countries results in us violating tenets of Islam, than at that point it is causing harm to yourself. Read stories of some Prophets, who held Allah higher than their communities even when it meant being exiled by them.

Allah(SWT) gives us the way to become rightly guided and he knows better than us and he knows us better than ourselves. And through Prophet Mohammed(SAW) he made it easier to understand rightly guided path.

Keep in mind us being born Muslims or in Muslim nations does not make us any less strange to Islam or Allah(SWT). In fact, Quran says majority of son of Adam will have gone astray. Hence you are supported to struggle against your own bad side of qualities to become a Muslim and hopefully die as a Muslim. Especially in our time we are very distant from Islam so we really have to understand it takes work to change. Stick to the straightforward aqeedah.


what muslims dont understand is the reason why two days ago it was india vs pakistan which now has

islam vs hindu (not a religion, way of living actually)

islam vs judaism vs zionism

shia sunni wahhabi sufi and 70 virgins


you are witnessing a ritual cleansing by nature
yes but look at history

Saladin was Kurd, a Kurd from Northern Iraq

all the muslims were fragmented and paying tributes to Crusaders

at the time of Saladin there was 3 Caliphs, how many people know the names of those 3 Arab leaders ? none

because they didn't care and history forgot them, but everyone remembers Saladin why because he cared and spoke the language of Quran and rarely smiled while Al Aqsa was under occupation

Europe throw everything they had at Saladin, Richard from England, Fredarick from Germany and France

they brought a million men and only 1 in 10 escaped, Saladin killed so many you could never imagine the dead ever lived

it takes just one man to change the entire course of history and Saladin was from the Ummah of the Prophet a man like us not a Sahaba he came 400 years after Hijri

so my point is care and prepare and all the praise belongs to Allah and his messenger one day we will get the victory or we keep trying

Good , we aren't letting fitnah win. Unless we as Muslims want same status quo to continue. We do not(the general people) as evident by our solitary online and in person towards each other. And as evident by our efforts to protest and bring change. We are the ones who want to return to following Islam properly and we are making an effort for it. And inshallah Allah will grant us tawfeeq.


what muslims dont understand is the reason why two days ago it was india vs pakistan which now has

islam vs hindu (not a religion, way of living actually)

islam vs judaism vs zionism

shia sunni wahhabi sufi and 70 virgins


you are witnessing a ritual cleansing by nature

It was India vs. Pakistan but I saw all kinds of Muslims coming to support Pakistanis and Kashmiris on the forum. What I'm talking about in that post is general wishes of Muslim people to have a better community which observes Islam in better ways. What happened recently(btw Pakistan and India) is not an religious matter and I am not irrational or hate Hindus or want to conquer India. I just was in support of oppressed Kashmiris and supported Pakistan as well when it was attacked by India .


Btw , if you guys don't notice us Muslims living abroad are more inclined towards unity. You guys don't back living in Muslim nations don't understand the kind of media propaganda directed against us since 9/11 and other Islamophobia issues we have faced which have pushed us closer to each other. And with your conditions overseas I'm surprised there are still some people who see situation in very different perspective.
It was India vs. Pakistan but I saw all kinds of Muslims coming to support Pakistanis and Kashmiris on the forum. What I'm talking about in that post is general wishes of Muslim people to have a better community which observes Islam in better ways. What happened recently(btw Pakistan and India) is not an religious matter and I am not irrational or hate Hindus or want to conquer India. I just was in support of oppressed Kashmiris and supported Pakistan as well when it was attacked by India .

I see you said it was not religious matter...just curious to know if you believe in the Islamic prophecy of Ghazwa e Hind? Kashmir oppression is the oldest in the modern world, but it is quite frustrating that entire Muslim world is scared to talk about it, just because of their own interests.
It was India vs. Pakistan but I saw all kinds of Muslims coming to support Pakistanis and Kashmiris on the forum. What I'm talking about in that post is general wishes of Muslim people to have a better community which observes Islam in better ways. What happened recently(btw Pakistan and India) is not an religious matter and I am not irrational or hate Hindus or want to conquer India. I just was in support of oppressed Kashmiris and supported Pakistan as well when it was attacked by India .


Btw , if you guys don't notice us Muslims living abroad are more inclined towards unity. You guys don't back living in Muslim nations don't understand the kind of media propaganda directed against us since 9/11 and other Islamophobia issues we have faced which have pushed us closer to each other. And with your conditions overseas I'm surprised there are still some people who see situation in very different perspective.

dude we can understand.

but you gotta be tolerant of outlandish theories and insight trying to figure world out.
I see you said it was not religious matter...just curious to know if you believe in the Islamic prophecy of Ghazwa e Hind? Kashmir oppression is the oldest in the modern world, but it is quite frustrating that entire Muslim world is scared to talk about it, just because of their own interests.

I'll answer first question in Arabic coffee shop.

As for second part, I believe they have passed resolutions and did diplomatic work but to restore Kashmir requires war. It is a hard issue to tackle just like Palestine, near impossible without going to war. As Israel not going to withdraw from West Bank and India likewise in Kashmir. I don't believe current leaders we have are ready to tackle either issue to the fullest. And like you said because of globalism and India's big economy lots of these countries don't want to jeapordize ties with them. Today's approach is to try developing ties with as many nations as you can.

Only possible approach right now is diplomatic but as you know its not changing our(Palestinian and Kashmiri) reality on ground.
I'll answer first question in Arabic coffee shop.

As for second part, I believe they have passed resolutions and did diplomatic work but to restore Kashmir requires war. It is a hard issue to tackle just like Palestine, near impossible without going to war. As Israel not going to withdraw from West Bank and India likewise in Kashmir. I don't believe current leaders we have are ready to tackle either issue to the fullest. And like you said because of globalism and India's big economy lots of these countries don't want to jeapordize ties with them. Today's approach is to try developing ties with as many nations as you can.

Only possible approach right now is diplomatic but as you know its not changing our(Palestinian and Kashmiri) reality on ground.

I also believe the fellow Muslim nations has to stick together in order to solve these issues once for all. Charge Kashmir/Palestine occupation fee when India/Israel buys oil/gas. Stop hiring their people for work in gulf, stop trading, etc etc. But it seems every Muslim country is only working on it's own interests.
Arabs and Israelis/Jews are NOT in our region. Iranians/Persians maybe but all other Middle Easterners: NO.

We need to exert some pressure, both diplomatic and grassroots, on all Muslim governments who are siding with India, whether it is Arabs or Indonesia. With the exception of Bangladesh, most governments will yield to this kind of pressure.
But it seems every Muslim country is only working on it's own interests.

That's how the game has been set up...for the past two centuries. Divide and conquer.

First the Ottoman Sultanate, then the Arab lands and now the game has came into Pakistan. And you can see the effects already on this forum where some want to "befriend" Israel. :D
That's how the game has been set up...for the past two centuries. Divide and conquer.

First the Ottoman Sultanate, then the Arab lands and now the game has came into Pakistan. And you can see the effects already on this forum where some want to "befriend" Israel. :D

@chacha g

agayi na offer.

no wonder i get banned here
yes but look at history

Saladin was Kurd, a Kurd from Northern Iraq

all the muslims were fragmented and paying tributes to Crusaders

at the time of Saladin there was 3 Caliphs, how many people know the names of those 3 Arab leaders ? none

because they didn't care and history forgot them, but everyone remembers Saladin why because he cared and spoke the language of Quran and rarely smiled while Al Aqsa was under occupation

Europe throw everything they had at Saladin, Richard from England, Fredarick from Germany and France

they brought a million men and only 1 in 10 escaped, Saladin killed so many you could never imagine the dead ever lived

it takes just one man to change the entire course of history and Saladin was from the Ummah of the Prophet a man like us not a Sahaba he came 400 years after Hijri

so my point is care and prepare and all the praise belongs to Allah and his messenger one day we will get the victory or we keep trying

Apart from gullible Pakistanis, no one will listen to all the above. Especially the Middle Easterners.

Then why is Mossad and the Iranians so active in Pakistan if they don't care about us? Why is Israel selling weapons to and arming India to the teeth against us??

Stop this bs lol :lol:

Do you have any evidence for your above claims?
It is amusing to see so many Pakistanis root for Israel. It's actually quite shameful. Guess they don't know that India and Israel are two sides of the same coin and with neither can true peace be established.

Not all Pakistnais or Muslims, Arab or not, are dim witted sellouts. :tup:

Israel playing big role in India’s conflict with Pakistan

India was Israel’s largest arms client in 2017, paying £530 million for Israeli air defence, radar systems and ammunition, including air-to-ground missiles — most of them tested during Israel’s military offensives against Palestinians and targets in Syria.


Hindu nationalists had constructed “a narrative of Hindus as historical victims at the hands of Muslims”, an attractive idea to those Hindus who recall the partition and the continuing turbulent relationship with Pakistan.

In fact, as Malhotra pointed out in Haaretz, “Israel’s biggest fans in India appear to be the ‘internet Hindus’ who primarily love Israel for how it deals with Palestine and fights Muslims.”

... it is difficult to see how Zionist nationalism will not leach into Hindu nationalism when Israel is supplying so many weapons to India — the latest of which India, which has enjoyed diplomatic relations with Israel since 1992, has already used against Islamists inside Pakistan.


[Indian] Government approves 54 killer drones from Israel for Indian Air Force

Apart from gullible Pakistanis, no one will listen to all the above. Especially the Middle Easterners.

Do you have any evidence for your above claims?

Checkout the threads where Iran wants to come into Pakistan to kill terrorists. And read up on the IAF (Israeli)'s plan to attack Kahuta.



1) India Thwarts Israeli Destruction of Pakistan's "Islamic Bomb", McNair Paper Number 41, Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation, May 1995

2) http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/mcnair41/41ind.htm Institute of National Strategic Studies. May 1995. Retrieved July 4, 2012.

Israel playing big role in India’s conflict with Pakistan

India was Israel’s largest arms client in 2017, paying £530 million for Israeli air defence, radar systems and ammunition, including air-to-ground missiles — most of them tested during Israel’s military offensives against Palestinians and targets in Syria.


Hindu nationalists had constructed “a narrative of Hindus as historical victims at the hands of Muslims”, an attractive idea to those Hindus who recall the partition and the continuing turbulent relationship with Pakistan.

In fact, as Malhotra pointed out in Haaretz, “Israel’s biggest fans in India appear to be the ‘internet Hindus’ who primarily love Israel for how it deals with Palestine and fights Muslims.”

... it is difficult to see how Zionist nationalism will not leach into Hindu nationalism when Israel is supplying so many weapons to India — the latest of which India, which has enjoyed diplomatic relations with Israel since 1992, has already used against Islamists inside Pakistan.


[Indian] Government approves 54 killer drones from Israel for Indian Air Force


Yet some of us want to get in bed with Israel....pathetic...


F**K all Middle Easterners. Jews, Arabs, Persians, Kurds etc are ALL the same people. To hell with them.

For a 39 year old, you can't seem to write a single sentence without cursing. :D

F**K all Middle Easterners. Jews, Arabs, Persians, Kurds etc are ALL the same people. To hell with them.

turks malayans indonese and africans.

only white chicks for you.

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