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A message to the Arab Loving Pakistanis

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You are getting it all wrong. I am not in the business of appeasement or licking body parts.

I advocate sober thinking and pragmatic approach. I didn’t claim that we should abandon Palestine. All I am saying is that time has come to recognize Israel. Whether you like or not, the Jewish state is a reality. They will remain and even the Palestinians themselves recognize Israel. The Palestinians are perfectly fine with recognizing Israel as long as both sides accept the Oslo accord. Who are you and me to say anything different? Most Arab nations recognize Israel.

Definitely, the Zionist behavior towards Pakistan is anything, but exemplary. However, we need to think outside the box. There is no shame in giving peace a chance. My primary concern is India. India has been using Israel for its own gains. We need to counter this threat at all cost.
Countering India can be done by other means. I mean accepting Israel won't bring you anything.
These are the things we need to do to counter India,
1. Improve the Financial situation of our country which i hope and believe that, provided enough time, the current govt will take care of it.
2. Military strength. There are alot of countries out there who will supp you once you have the cash.
3. Introduction of a new govt system, allowing the experts to make the decisions rather then majority's decision.

A stronger Pak will result in a weaker India without even needing the support of Israel. India is actually doing alot of blunders but because of their financial situation, they don't face the oppostion by any countries. So only if the financial situation gets better, which with CPEC and good governance, InShaAllah will improve, things will get alot easier.
PLO was always pro India

PLO is, not the entire Palestinian population.

You want to get in bed with the devil (Israel)? You're welcome too......just be sure to wake up in one piece tomorrow. ;)

Don't forget, it's the Israeli's that wanted to take away Pakistan's nuclear ambitions & power back in the 80's. They're still trying to dismember you along with India...

Only fools would like to befriend an known enemy. They're rightly called the "India of the Middle East" because of their inhumane treatment of the Palestinians, Muslims or otherwise.

Why would they befriend a goy? We would just be pawns to them until we get backstabbed.

As for others that support befriending Israel, get your heads out the sands bro, it's like saying you would like us to befriend India? Did you forget all of our sacrifices? The blood and sweat of the PAF pilots who went again Israel?

Former Israeli PM (forgot her name, definitely a her; look it up) described non-Arabs (i.e Pakistan) as a greater threat to Israel then Arabs themselves!! They probably named Pakistan too...so ya all better wake up from this dumb dreams of yours and smell the coffee. :lol:
Al quds shareef belongs under the protection of the banner of tawhid and of unity under the one true religion bestowed by Allah, it belongs under the custody of the army if the pure, Pakistan army,
The Arabs with their local feudalism and loyalty to lords rather than Islam have no right over it

I understand what you are saying

but Al Aqsa is important for all muslims not just Palestinians

Our beloved prophet first went from Makkah to Jerusalem then ascended to the 7th heaven

he tied his Burak there

and many of the prophets previously had their home in Jerusalem from Yakoob AS

and the end of times all happens at Jerusalem

so our loyalty first is to Al Aqsa and secondly Palestinians
Countering India can be done by other means. I mean accepting Israel won't bring you anything.
These are the things we need to do to counter India,
1. Improve the Financial situation of our country which i hope and believe that, provided enough time, the current govt will take care of it.
2. Military strength. There are alot of countries out there who will supp you once you have the cash.
3. Introduction of a new govt system, allowing the experts to make the decisions rather then majority's decision.

A stronger Pak will result in a weaker India without even needing the support of Israel. India is actually doing alot of blunders but because of their financial situation, they don't face the oppostion by any countries. So only if the financial situation gets better, which with CPEC and good governance, InShaAllah will improve, things will get alot easier.

I agree with everything you have suggested.

Just keep one thing in mind, peace between Israel and the Palestinians won’t come if both parties don’t accept each other. This is nothing, but the stark reality.
So... A Palestinian Gov...that is CRITICIZED by their own people for being "Israel puppet"... IS automatically MIXED with his Population and their core struggle/history?

I mean... Hypocrisy is one thing... Lack of basic understanding is another...

Therefore can I assume... that Muslims in General are indeed Terrorists? Wannabe Cave Chemists?
you are making big mistake between Palestinian leadership and the people

I have been to Palestine and they are very welcoming to Pakistanis

It is amusing to see so many Pakistanis root for Israel. It's actually quite shameful. Guess they don't know that India and Israel are two sides of the same coin and with neither can true peace be established.

it is hurtful to see such comments while the crushing majority of Arab population is literally rooting for Pakistan.
online and in real life.
a pity.

Not all Pakistnais or Muslims, Arab or not, are dim witted sellouts. :tup:
I agree with everything you have suggested.

Just keep one thing in mind, peace between Israel and the Palestinians won’t come if both parties don’t accept each other. This is nothing, but the stark reality.
Peace won't come even if we recognize Israel. They'll keep doing what they have been doing.
Our destiny to fulfil belongs with Pakistan and Pakistanis. Not with a group of people who treat us badly and consider us a "lesser people".

but everyone who is not a pakistani race is automatically lesser?
I understand what you are saying

but Al Aqsa is important for all muslims not just Palestinians

Our beloved prophet first went from Makkah to Jerusalem then ascended to the 7th heaven

he tied his Burak there

and many of the prophets previously had their home in Jerusalem from Yakoob AS

and the end of times all happens at Jerusalem

so our loyalty first is to Al Aqsa and secondly Palestinians
Sir respectfully ,
What I hinted at is that all of Islam should unite under Islam , these Arabs are just subjects to their kings and not loyal to Allah,
I know I might be too emotional but tweet has made my blood boil more than what ever they did to Pakistan on the 26th
Agreed, Pakistan first.

However, we don’t live in a bubble and the actions of our coreligionists will have a direct affect on Pakistan. We need to improve our foreign policy and establish more clout over our region to fight the Indian propaganda warfare.

Arabs and Israelis/Jews are NOT in our region. Iranians/Persians maybe but all other Middle Easterners: NO.
Our destiny to fulfil belongs with Pakistan and Pakistanis. Not with a group of people who treat us badly and consider us a "lesser people".
Sometimes a moron in the top ranks don't truly represent the whole country. I mean, there was a time when we were being represented by Zardari and then by Nawaz sharif. Even Sayeen Qaim is our representative. That "lena hai, lei lo gai" jahil had also represented us.
We as a society are much better then our representatives for most part of the history.
The Palestinians think very differently. The Palestinians support India because they seek their support. They don’t mention Kashmir.
Palestinians or more correctly PLO(albeit militant) is more akin to congress party in India. In fact Pakistan has probably neutered as many PLO as probably israel itself(protecting the kingdom of Jordan in Pakistan's case).

That however doesn't change the very foundation of Pakistan and that is why it is a principled stance inspite of PLO and not because of it.
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