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A message to the Arab Loving Pakistanis

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I also believe the fellow Muslim nations has to stick together in order to solve these issues once for all. Charge Kashmir/Palestine occupation fee when India/Israel buys oil/gas. Stop hiring their people for work in gulf, stop trading, etc etc. But it seems every Muslim country is only working on it's own interests.

The point is it we would have to be prepared for repercussions of such policies. And also part of it is most Muslims dont see them as such urgent issues and believe diplomacy will work.
The point is it we would have to be prepared for repercussions of such policies. And also part of it is most Muslims dont see them as such urgent issues and believe diplomacy will work.

mind if i ask you a question?
yes but look at history

Saladin was Kurd, a Kurd from Northern Iraq

all the muslims were fragmented and paying tributes to Crusaders

at the time of Saladin there was 3 Caliphs, how many people know the names of those 3 Arab leaders ? none

because they didn't care and history forgot them, but everyone remembers Saladin why because he cared and spoke the language of Quran and rarely smiled while Al Aqsa was under occupation

Europe throw everything they had at Saladin, Richard from England, Fredarick from Germany and France

they brought a million men and only 1 in 10 escaped, Saladin killed so many you could never imagine the dead ever lived

it takes just one man to change the entire course of history and Saladin was from the Ummah of the Prophet a man like us not a Sahaba he came 400 years after Hijri

so my point is care and prepare and all the praise belongs to Allah and his messenger one day we will get the victory or we keep trying

Our heroes as a nation are not just those who share our race and ethnicity, but all those who share our mindset which is based on the well-being of all Muslims and strength of Islam.

This is why we idolize not only our own heroes like the Sultan Babur, Sultan Aurangzeb Alamgir, Mahmud e Ghazni, Muhammad Ghori, Ibrahim Lodhi, Alauddin Khilji, Muhammad bin Qasim, Qutb ud din Aybek, Tipu Sultan, Data ji, Maulana Ahmad Sirhindi, Quaid e Azam, Allam Iqbal, Maulana Maududi, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Gen Raheel Sharif, Gen Bajwa, Imran Khan.

We also idolize Prophet Muhammad saws, 4 Khulafaa, Imam Hasan and Hussain, along with Ahlul Bayt, Umar bin Abdulaziz, Khalid bin Walid, Amr ibn al As, Tariq bin Ziyad, Usman Gazi, Sultan Mehmet el Fateh, Sultan Suleman Kanuni, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, Salahuddin Ayubi, Nuruddin Zengi, Qutuz and Baybars of Mamelook, Berke Khan of Altin Orda, Alparslan, Omar Mukhtar, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Yasir Arafat, Imam Khomeini, Muammar Qadaffi (many Pakistanis still like him,) King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Mahathir, and Pres Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Pakistanis see themselves as one major part of the global Islamic polity. Pakistan-India-Kashmir struggle is just one theatre of the global fight for justice for Muslims and the rise of Islam over Kufr.
We have deep relations with US - the real base of isreali power, but we dont have any relations with israel.

They are not our friends, but why make them direct enemies. Musharraf suggested having a informal diplomacy with them. Whether its good or not, no one knows.

One does notice israel's curiosity about Pakistan. They do seem to be impressed by Pakistan's military capabilities.

Our heroes as a nation are not just those who share our race and ethnicity, but all those who share our mindset which is based on the well-being of all Muslims and strength of Islam.

This is why we idolize not only our own heroes like the Sultan Babur, Sultan Aurangzeb Alamgir, Mahmud e Ghazni, Muhammad Ghori, Ibrahim Lodhi, Alauddin Khilji, Muhammad bin Qasim, Qutb ud din Aybek, Tipu Sultan, Data ji, Maulana Ahmad Sirhindi, Quaid e Azam, Allam Iqbal, Maulana Maududi, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Gen Raheel Sharif, Gen Bajwa, Imran Khan.

We also idolize Prophet Muhammad saws, 4 Khulafaa, Imam Hasan and Hussain, along with Ahlul Bayt, Umar bin Abdulaziz, Khalid bin Walid, Amr ibn al As, Tariq bin Ziyad, Usman Gazi, Sultan Mehmet el Fateh, Sultan Suleman Kanuni, Sultan Abdul Hamid II, Salahuddin Ayubi, Nuruddin Zengi, Qutuz and Baybars of Mamelook, Berke Khan of Altin Orda, Alparslan, Omar Mukhtar, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Yasir Arafat, Imam Khomeini, Muammar Qadaffi (many Pakistanis still like him,) King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Mahathir, and Pres Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Pakistanis see themselves as one major part of the global Islamic polity. Pakistan-India-Kashmir struggle is just one theatre of the global fight for justice for Muslims and the rise of Islam over Kufr.

You do realize that Madudi sab didnt like Quaid e azam and he was even sentenced to death by a military court.

Secondly, ata turk ended the caliphate and his statements about islam are depressing.

Pakistan must fight wherever it can for muslims but it must take care of its own interest. It does maintain a deep relation with US which is the ultimate supporter of Israel and zionism.

A very interesting clip of General Amjab shoaib about israel.

And I swear to you guys almost every British Pakistan I know bleeds for -

  • Palestine
  • Syria
And most of them fcukfest are from Azad Kashmir. Can you believe this?

Since when are British-Pakistanis a reflection of Pakistan or Pakistani society?
You do realize that Madudi sab didnt like Quaid e azam and he was even sentenced to death by a military court.

He accepted he was wrong and apologized for his lack of foresight. This does not reduce his popularity and positive influence on Pakistan before and following independence.

Imran Khan is influenced by his vision as well. Maududi had a no compromise vision of Islam, and it is this insight that has led to our strong Islamic mindset and to cut association with Hinduism and India.
it is hurtful to see such comments while the crushing majority of Arab population is literally rooting for Pakistan.
online and in real life.
a pity.

Pakistanis are emotional fools especially when it comes to anything India.

We have a go against Persians too for the very same reason.

Also to remember many in this forum are expat Pakistanis who project their own insecurities.


@OsmanAli98 you are a massive tool.
Pakistanis are emotional fools especially when it comes to anything India.

We have a go against Persians too for the very same reason.

Also to remember many in this forum are expat Pakistanis who project their own insecurities.

@OsmanAli98 you are a massive tool.

Ogaabboggaga I am tool for just creating a discussion on fourm lol
Look I am not a massive Ummah Chummah guy but it was clear to me that in the recent crisis the large majority of Arabs were cheering for Pakistan. Social Media is a good parameter these days.

The only two Muslim populations gunning for India were the Afghans and the Persians. Something to look for our own "wewuzafghans" crowd.
Look I am not a massive Ummah Chummah guy but it was clear to me that in the recent crisis the large majority of Arabs were cheering for Pakistan. Social Media is a good parameter these days.

The only two Muslim populations gunning for India were the Afghans and the Persians. Something to look for our own "wewuzafghans" crowd.

Social Media is not a barometer of support of a country there are plenty of Pakistanis who support Indian trolls and Indians on Social media does it mean its true and I hate we wuz are crowds be it we wuz arabs we wuz afghan we wuz Turks lol
Look I am not a massive Ummah Chummah guy but it was clear to me that in the recent crisis the large majority of Arabs were cheering for Pakistan. Social Media is a good parameter these days.

The only two Muslim populations gunning for India were the Afghans and the Persians. Something to look for our own "wewuzafghans" crowd.
This could be true. but it was UAE who invited India to OIC.

Now I know not all Emiratis are pro India, but UAE government has done something wrong.
Social Media is not a barometer of support of a country there are plenty of Pakistanis who support Indian trolls and Indians on Social media does it mean its true and I hate we wuz are crowds be it we wuz arabs we wuz afghan we wuz Turks lol

Social media is a parameter. The election of Trump, the popularity of Modi/Hindu facisim, Brexit and our own IK were/are all indicated by social media. That is another discussion.

The thing is especially these days when you have those people supporting Pakistan and they come to this forum to see a Pakistani perspective but they see your flame baiting thread, how are they going to feel about their support?

Between looking forward to seeing your thread about not only the Iranian government but also their public and members here rooting for India.
Social Media is not a barometer of support of a country there are plenty of Pakistanis who support Indian trolls and Indians on Social media does it mean its true and I hate we wuz are crowds be it we wuz arabs we wuz afghan we wuz Turks lol
For popular perception social media could be a tool, but does not take everyone's opinion into account.
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