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A Meeting on Christmas Night Dacca, 25 Dec 1962


gutless Bengali, no surprises at all here.

PS if you actually read the OP in it it gives a detailed account of India providing Mukthi Bani with terrorist training
OP shows no documentation. As a matter of fact, OP doesn't even know that Mujib wasn't the head of evil Awami league before 1966.

Just stop blaming others for your own fck ups. Take responsibility and learn lessons for it. Or you are bound to repeat it.
OP shows no documentation. As a matter of fact, OP doesn't even know that Mujib wasn't the head of evil Awami league before 1966.

Just stop blaming others for your own fck ups. Take responsibility and learn lessons for it. Or you are bound to repeat it.

"OP shows no documentation" are you retarded or something. hes written what he knows best about the night in Dhaka and how he believes India provided terrorist training to Mukthi Bani to attack civil and military personal in East Pakistan and stoke up community tension. thats the opinion of the OP you moron dont read or comment on the article if you are going to ask for proof. Idiot

shut up telling us what to do, you guys sold your soul to the hindus for god sake look at your PM she's got her head stuck so far up Modi she's become the laughing stock of the world. Bangladesh is practically considered as a province of India these days, even your foreign policy is written in New Delhi :omghaha:

glad we got rid of east pakistan, nothing but poverty, over population and floods there. Good riddance
@saiyan0321 Just read of what you will the perspectives, judge them, learn from them what you will...and move on.

Let those in perpetual state of "wronged" and unable to move on... perpetuate their groupthink squalor. It comes from a place you should never enter (from hindsight), I did and only darkness I found....along with too much use of time for no result (other than self-reflection I already knew deep down).

Seriously there is one particular individual in this forum that claims to be a doctor, KNOWS firsthand the massive medical sector problem his country faces (esp perception wise of his own countrymen...leading them to flee to another country he counts as an enemy for the most basic things), and yet binge posts here on the same exact emotional subject again and again like a broken record (for some void of justification of the manifested reality he can never fill)....instead of you know, doing something OUT THERE to change something for the better regarding his profession in his country...i.e do his bit to change the reality.

In essence this will explain to you the underlying reason for this groupthink, emotion drivel....what we all surmise as rona drona.
"OP shows no documentation" are you retarded or something. hes written what he knows best about the night in Dhaka and how he believes India provided terrorist training to Mukthi Bani to attack civil and military personal in East Pakistan and stoke up community tension. thats the opinion of the OP you moron dont read or comment on the article if you are going to ask for proof. Idiot

shut up telling us what to do, you guys sold your soul to the hindus for god sake look at your PM she's got her head stuck so far up Modi she's become the laughing stock of the world. Bangladesh is practically considered as a province of India these days, even your foreign policy is written in New Delhi :omghaha:

glad we got rid of east pakistan, nothing but poverty, over population and floods there. Good riddance
In fact Bangladesh was a liability.
All that poverty and floods would have slowed Pakistan down.
Some of our Pakistani posters have reversed the sequence of the creation of the word PAKISTAN. It was first conceived as PAKstan by Chowdhury Rahmat Ali, whereby PAK means holy. So, Pakstan means a holy land. After this stage, the syllables P, A, K, S, T, A and N were thought about and it was seen that these can be used to denote Punjab, Afganiya, Kashmir, Sind, BaluchisTAN. 'I' was then added to this word for people to pronounce it easily.

But, today's Pakistanis are being misguided by the nomenclatures. They are claiming Bengal was not supposed to be a part of Pakistan. It is a complete distortion of history. I hope, Pakistanis will become more pragmatic in their thinking. It was the Muslims of Bengal and Bihar who fought for Pakistan, when today's Pakistanis were sleeping on the laps of Hindu Congress.

Muslim League was formed in Dhaka in 1910s. Fazlul Haq, the then Chief Minister of Bengal, proclaimed the Lahore Resolution in 1942 (?). Muslim League formed provincial govt. only in Bengal after the 1946 provincial election all over India. Can a Pakistani poster tell me what were the results of the same elections in your holy land?

I request people to stick to the reality of history and not to think lies are the truths. Bd people, except a few nostalgic persons like me, have no regret for breaking of Pakistan into two. We want a progressive Pakistan and Bangladesh. Only then the dream of Jinnah and all others of those days will be materialized.
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Why did you bother to reply to that garbage? What is the significance of this picking at scabs when the bald truth is that the Awami League had won the elections, on terms set by the Army, the Martial Law Administration and the other political parties, including Bhutto's? What Yahya Khan and Z. A. Bhutto did thereafter was so utterly wrong that there is this intense need for some 'loyal' Pakistanis to keep raising this bogey again and again, to try and convey that there was something wrong about that victory, or that there was something crooked about the horror stories, that everybody else was wrong except for them, poor, harmless victims of fate and criminal conspiracies.

Just wondering if you knew the guy you are responding to, called right here on this forum for the mass murder (basically genocide) of Indian citizens that had taken refuge on the BD side of the border due to flooding in the region?

Just brazenly called for it, wasn't goaded or anything, it was just a first post to a news topic....quite far back when I was on much better terms with his lot overall too (ok it was ramping down at some clip already I think).

It is really sad that I know the extent of the depth of both depravity and hypocrisy of pretty much every single BD poster in this thread. You see I went all brain surgeon style on them (I dont think they ever got that before and since), and saw whats under there in truth....what their mettle is when challenged even a little bit. Don't let the upvotes and bonglabashi delude you good sir, they are something else all together from the good Bengalis I personally know on both sides of border...who I see out there in the real world than this little lab rat asylum. They are wretches that have accumulated here for some reason I cannot really fathom, only guess at.

They are frail under even a little pressure and unleash something most people do not know and should not know....and most sadly they have the GALL to think they are any kind of authority on anything remotely related to morals or virtue.

Wish I could erase all that I now know about them....I'd like to go back to how things once were here....but I can't. Many Pakistani posters perceive for better or worse the same thing, about them...about us too....in the end it may indeed be justified to focus on only a few solid bridges over these chasms and ravines....than battling endlessy within them.....without a care in the world why it never helped before.

@django @Jacksparrow47
Just wondering if you knew the guy you are responding to, called right here on this forum for the mass murder (basically genocide) of Indian citizens that had taken refuge on the BD side of the border due to flooding in the region?
Some of their hypocrisy is truly astounding:disagree:.Kudos bro

It is really sad that I know the extent of the depth of both depravity and hypocrisy of pretty much every single BD poster in this thread. You see I went all brain surgeon style on them (I dont think they ever got that before and since)
That you bloody well did LOL.Kudos
Muslim League formed provincial govt. only in Bengal after the 1946 provincial election all over India.
Muslim league was in power in Bengal since 1937.At first as a coalition partner with Fazlul Haque' Krishak-proja party then unilaterally.PM of Bengal-
Fazlul Haque-1937-1943,
Khawja Nazimuddin-1943-1945 and
HS Suhrawardy-1945-1947.
"OP shows no documentation" are you retarded or something. hes written what he knows best about the night in Dhaka and how he believes India provided terrorist training to Mukthi Bani to attack civil and military personal in East Pakistan and stoke up community tension. thats the opinion of the OP you moron dont read or comment on the article if you are going to ask for proof. Idiot

shut up telling us what to do, you guys sold your soul to the hindus for god sake look at your PM she's got her head stuck so far up Modi she's become the laughing stock of the world. Bangladesh is practically considered as a province of India these days, even your foreign policy is written in New Delhi :omghaha:

glad we got rid of east pakistan, nothing but poverty, over population and floods there. Good riddance
Since you started it,.....allow me to respond in kind.

Read the post by @bluesky that you reported. You'll have a better idea of yourself. This remains as quoted by hon. Joe Shearer. Your country is always fighting and conspiring against others. Bombed by a super power who once were your best ally. Even today they give you a lot of financial assistance. Look at your country's reputation. "Mother of terrorism" title doesn't seem so out of place.

We are the glad bunch to be separated. Even though we have to pay a heavy price.

Just wondering if you knew the guy you are responding to, called right here on this forum for the mass murder (basically genocide) of Indian citizens that had taken refuge on the BD side of the border due to flooding in the region?
What? Where?
Just wondering if you knew the guy you are responding to, called right here on this forum for the mass murder (basically genocide) of Indian citizens that had taken refuge on the BD side of the border due to flooding in the region?

Just brazenly called for it, wasn't goaded or anything, it was just a first post to a news topic....quite far back when I was on much better terms with his lot overall too (ok it was ramping down at some clip already I think).

It is really sad that I know the extent of the depth of both depravity and hypocrisy of pretty much every single BD poster in this thread. You see I went all brain surgeon style on them (I dont think they ever got that before and since), and saw whats under there in truth....what their mettle is when challenged even a little bit. Don't let the upvotes and bonglabashi delude you good sir, they are something else all together from the good Bengalis I personally know on both sides of border...who I see out there in the real world than this little lab rat asylum. They are wretches that have accumulated here for some reason I cannot really fathom, only guess at.

They are frail under even a little pressure and unleash something most people do not know and should not know....and most sadly they have the GALL to think they are any kind of authority on anything remotely related to morals or virtue.

Wish I could erase all that I now know about them....I'd like to go back to how things once were here....but I can't. Many Pakistani posters perceive for better or worse the same thing, about them...about us too....in the end it may indeed be justified to focus on only a few solid bridges over these chasms and ravines....than battling endlessy within them.....without a care in the world why it never helped before.

@django @Jacksparrow47

I am truly depressed to read your post. It is equally discouraging to think of checking out what you've said happened, and to leave it alone and take you at your word. You do realise what being told this about Bangladeshis does to my self-respect. When you do a hatchet job, others besides the object might be affected.

Perhaps that may be the reason why some of the Pakistanis seem to dislike me instinctively. Or maybe it's bad breath. Obligatory LOL to cover up.

Since you started it,.....allow me to respond in kind.

Read the post by @bluesky that you reported. You'll have a better idea of yourself. This remains as quoted by hon. Joe Shearer. Your country is always fighting and conspiring against others. Bombed by a super power who once were your best ally. Even today they give you a lot of financial assistance. Look at your country's reputation. "Mother of terrorism" title doesn't seem so out of place.

We are the glad bunch to be separated. Even though we have to pay a heavy price.

What? Where?
stop blabbering on, what is Bangladeshs reputation ? another province of india where Hindus are writing your foreign policy from New Delhi :omghaha:

Other then indians and barbaric afghanis who calls Pakistan "Mother of terrorism" ?? you are idiot my friend
Pakistan is a nuclear power
Pakistan in in the worlds top 20 economies
Pakistan is the 6 largest country on earth with a booming young population carving their names in every field in the world.

At the end of the day we pakistanis go to bed extremely happy knowing that no Hindu is telling us what to do unlike you bengalis
stop blabbering on, what is Bangladeshs reputation ? another province of india where Hindus are writing your foreign policy from New Delhi :omghaha:

Other then indians and barbaric afghanis who calls Pakistan "Mother of terrorism" ?? you are idiot my friend
Pakistan is a nuclear power
Pakistan in in the worlds top 20 economies
Pakistan is the 6 largest country on earth with a booming young population carving their names in every field in the world.

At the end of the day we pakistanis go to bed extremely happy knowing that no Hindu is telling us what to do unlike you bengalis
20th largest economy? Woot.....that too with 6th largest population. What is your foreign policy? Looking for ways to annoy your neighbours....smh

Extremely happy...yeah right...you can get blown up any moment very very happy. Enjoy.
20th largest economy? Woot.....that too with 6th largest population. What is your foreign policy? Looking for ways to annoy your neighbours....smh

Extremely happy...yeah right...you can get blown up any moment very very happy. Enjoy.
ask your brothers that work as chefs in our kitchens in pakistan. you lot are good cooks thats bout it.

and we dont need to find ways to annoy our neighbours when we can just nuke them.

The economy of Pakistan is the 24th largest in the world. (sorry 24th not 20th yet)

and what is Bangladeshs foreign policy ? for sheikh hasina to have her tongue up Modi's ***. you lot are slaves to the hindus let that sink in.
ask your brothers that work as chefs in our kitchens in pakistan. you lot are good cooks thats bout it.

and we dont need to find ways to annoy our neighbours when we can just nuke them.

The economy of Pakistan is the 24th largest in the world. (sorry 24th not 20th yet)

and what is Bangladeshs foreign policy ? for sheikh hasina to have her tongue up Modi's ***. you lot are slaves to the hindus let that sink in.
Well you guys are safe heaven for celebrity terrorists like Osama Bin Laden. They way you talk about nuking....you have a terrorist tone as well. Thinking of blowing someone up? You guys are slaves of America. They drone bomb you and also gives you aid. Nice..huh. And you guys are like Sir yes Sir. Good going boy.

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