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A Local Engineer building a tank for the army...!!

No tank on earth can cost Taka 7 Lakhs and be constructed in 7 months by one man.

Maybe it is a way to siphon legitimate money into the party coffers.

Let us be rational.

Do you think other countries are fools to spend large sums and work years after years to just get a prototype of a tank?

Are we to understand that genius is only available in Bangladesh?

But one has to understand the mindset. After all, one white BAF helicopter is the whole UN effort!!!!!
1 Arjun Tank cost ~ 4 million $. that also when, It's indigenous. 1,000 of workers, 100's of engineers, after 10 years in R&D and Production.

7 Lakhs Takka means 4 Laks Indian Rupee. It's not Cheap, It's literally Free. Day-Dreaming at its best. :mps:
1 Arjun Tank cost ~ 4 million $. that also when, It's indigenous. 1,000 of workers, 100's of engineers, after 10 years in R&D and Production.

7 Lakhs Takka means 4 Laks Indian Rupee. It's not Cheap, It's literally Free. Day-Dreaming at its best. :mps:

You can charge the news agency of day dreaming...off course, they could cook up the figures and there is no denying it.

Hence i mentioned in the first post "This is interesting"...!

News has been put up here for discussion and to praise the effort of a single man and i am sure you can recognize it.

Please feel free to provide more infos. so the other members including me can clear their misconceptions.

Do let us know how and where Shermans destroyed T 62s.

The Israeli Sherman was more advanced than the original WWII one. The Israelis used Centurions to take out Syrian T-62s.

There is a famous incident in which two damaged Israeli Centurions took out an entire division of Syrian T-62s. A good tank along with a good tank crew makes a big difference!

Oh yap, it was my bad.

I read the whole 6-day war incident on wiki and being quite lengthy, i might have missed the point of the tanks being particularly Israeli Shermans.

And i do recall the damaged Centurion incident...the crew actually had ball$!

Oh yap, it was my bad.

I read the whole 6-day war incident on wiki and being quite lengthy, i might have pissed the point of the tanks being particularly Israeli Shermans.

And i do recall the damaged Centurion incident...the crew actually had ball$!


Over enthusiastic to pass of a fake note as genuine?

Read it at length and still posted bogus stuff as authentic and verified as true? :eek:

Well that puts a lot of your posts into doubt!
You can charge the news agency of day dreaming...off course, they could cook up the figures and there is no denying it.

Hence i mentioned in the first post "This is interesting"...!

News has been put up here for discussion and to praise the effort of a single man and i am sure you can recognize it.

Please feel free to provide more infos. so the other members including me can clear their misconceptions.


It is next to impossible to make 1 Tank by 1 person even in 1 Crore even in 10 years (170 lakhs Takka)

It may be Water tank or

A box like Tank equipped with multiple wheel and Rifle. Empty inside. Just like Big Box with 10-12 Wheels and 1 Big Car Engine, Add Green Colour, 2 Fat Rifle.....Here you go. Although this is real which IA operating.

Use your brains and you will see light!

Your late editions to your posts makes me think, your light was switched off!

Read it at length and still posted bogus stuff as authentic and verified as true?

Well that puts a lot of your posts into doubt!

Where have i verified it...? If i have missed a point, you are welcomed to correct it...

I remember you mentioning in a thread that you dont feel embarrassed correcting your mistakes, well for once...i share the same thought.

And about doubting...its your choice...!

It is next to impossible to make 1 Tank by 1 person even in 1 Crore even in 10 years (170 lakhs Takka)

It may be Water tank or

A box like Tank equipped with multiple wheel and Rifle. Empty inside. Just like Big Box with 8 Wheels and 1 Car Engine, Add Green Colour, 2 Fat Rifle.....

Could be...as we do not have any specific information regarding it. I did not also notice it coming into mainstream newspaper, though i am not sure.

As said, its for training purpose only...so i guess it makes sense not to have put a lot of hard work in it.

Could be...as we do not have any specific information regarding it. I did not also notice it coming into mainstream newspaper, though i am not sure.

As said, its for training purpose only...so i guess it makes sense not to have put a lot of hard work in it.


Please if you have no clue about the Army, don't make yourself a laughing stock.

If you see the photo, it is good as getting a water tank and putting a rifle and two sheets around as the skirts and calling it a tank.

Do you really think that the countries who produce tanks are so stupid that they spend billions and have many years of experimenting to produce a workable tank and Bangaldesh produces it in 7 month with Taka 7 lakhs?

Then they must be fools.

As I said before, you train with the equipment you will use for war and not with any old thing that is thrown at you.

If you are to fly a Boeing 747l then how come you cannot fly it even if you have many hours on a Cessna?

Please talk sense and not with daydreams forced to be true!


You are getting to be real humorous!

And my light is switched off?


You are steadfastly arguing that if you want to drive a Formula 1 Car, it is fine if you train on by sitting on a goat!

Could be...as we do not have any specific information regarding it. I did not also notice it coming into mainstream newspaper, though i am not sure.

As said, its for training purpose only...so i guess it makes sense not to have put a lot of hard work in it.



Training Purpose ???

Another Day-Dreaming ?? or Is this natural habit ??

Training is done on similar kind of tank not something like Water tank or Artificial box like tank. :what:. :woot:

By Such Training, you will prepare for War against India or Burma ??
OK. Guys I think it's enough. Enough with making fun and all that. It is something which is created by some individual not by the BD military itself. Hopefully in coming BD might be able to built it's own MBT. We should rather appreciate it instead making fun of BD members here. Behave sensibly.
Please if you have no clue about the Army, don't make yourself a laughing stock.

If you see the photo, it is good as getting a water tank and putting a rifle and two sheets around as the skirts and calling it a tank.

Do you really think that the countries who produce tanks are so stupid that they spend billions and have many years of experimenting to produce a workable tank and Bangaldesh produces it in 7 month with Taka 7 lakhs?

Then they must be fools.

As I said before, you train with the equipment you will use for war and not with any old thing that is thrown at you.

If you are to fly a Boeing 747l then how come you cannot fly it even if you have many hours on a Cessna?

Please talk sense and not with daydreams forced to be true!


You are getting to be real humorous!

And my light is switched off?


Let me repeat again what you missed...

I have mentioned to RockyX that if there is any issue with the news, take it to them...charging me here is pointless.

You are free to call it a bottle tank/flask or whatever, given it does not look like a tank. I agree to this.

Reason for posting the news, which i mentioned to be "interesting", is solely to highlight a man's attempt to do something none of the 16 million people did in BD.

It did not work out...i know that too and you agree as well. So what are you trying to achieve with these posts?


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