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A friend in need is a friend indeed - Turkey, China.

What interest Turkey has in holding a position against its ally of almost 7 decades in favor of a country it doesnt even officially share a mutual pefence pact at least other than a brotherly feeling and gratitude coming from past?

I think its very unfortunate that there is a fair share of Pakistanis only seeing conservative Turks as their brothers while they call secular Turks ''wanna be Europeans'' etc. even in this very forum.
For Turks there is no question on how to view Pakistan the sentiment is the same whether he is secular or conservative.

I will just say something that is often being ignored but its very saddening to see the salafism spreading in Pakistan which causes the situation i described above, it didnt bring any good for Pakistan and will just make things, if anything, then worse.

There are some like that, but for many brother secular or religious and anything in-between it does not matter. Turk is a Turk, and also Sufism is still the dominant school of thought among the people.
Lollllllllllllllllllllllllll Please. Just ask an indian if they like Turkey, and they will tell you why they don't.
Your enemy knows too well, how much we support you. Maybe not in frontline but we do most we can. :enjoy:

Think you spent too much time in Turkey lol. Or do Pakistanis also use the word ARAP ??

Indians have nothing against turks. Particularly turks from modern day Turkey.
Unless you are a proselytising radical.
Indian tourists tend to like Turkey. Most others have no idea about your country.
Indians have nothing against turks. Particularly turks from modern day Turkey.
Unless you are a proselytising radical.
Indian tourists tend to like Turkey. Most others have no idea about your country.

Most indians have 1000 years of psychological damage and hangups after being conquered by various muslim empires etc including Turks

Head to indian mainstream newsites and comments sections to see the rabid nature of the indians and hindus there against muslims including indian ones
There are some events that really reveal who is with you, who is just going along for the ride, who is neutral about you and who is against you. So it has been with the recent 37-nation FATF plenary held its first meeting on Pakistan on February 20. In that meeting where three members are required to block a motion Turkey, China and Saudia Arabia moved to prevent the US inspired motion going through against Pakistan. I saw on this thread many pro KSA members going ecstatic that their beloved KSA, the second home of Trump and America's $100 billion friend in Middle East tauting how it had opposed the motion.

However the next day Trump rang his Saudi buddies and lo behold Saudia Arabia flushed Pakistan down the toilet. That left Turkey and China holding the thin line for Pakistan. This left only two votes opposing the motion which is insufficient as minimum of three are required to block. China then made a tactical retreat realizing that it was over and made a tactical withdrawel to 'save face' and abstained from any further action.

That left the Turks all alone holding the line. Like a true warrior nation they stuck out to the last and were alone to oppose the motion when they knew Pakistan's cause was doomed. This reminds me of the saying "a friend in need is a friend indeed". I want members to note this.

How the so called ummah centre KSA buckled and appeased USA. And how a athiest state called China fought for Pakistan; And how the great secular Republic of Türkei stood by Pakistan to the last. Much respect to China and a salute to the glorious Republic of Türkei. Thank you.

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The 37-nation FATF plenary held its first meeting on Pakistan on February 20 where China, "Turkey and Saudi Arabia, which was representing the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), opposed the US-led move to place Pakistan on the watchlist. But the US pushed for an unprecedented second discussion on Pakistan, held on February 22.

By then, Washington had convinced Riyadh to give up its support to Pakistan in return for a full FATF membership. This left only two – China and Turkey – in the Pakistan camp, one less than the required number of three members to stall a move.

At this stage, the Chinese informed Islamabad that they were opting out as they did not want to “lose face by supporting a move that’s doomed to fail”, an official source had told Dawn. “Pakistan appreciated the Chinese position and conveyed its gratitude to Turkey for continuing to support Islamabad against all odds,” the source added."


@xenon54 @T-123456 @KediKesenFare @Attila the Hun @Cybernetics @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon

@Kaptaan ji. There is only one friend here .
That is Turkey .
Turkey is really a good friend indeed.
China did the same ,look their own interests.If they can Veto for infamous man known as Mazood Azhar ,what was their problem here .
Actually if China gave that support to the Pakistan it was genuine .This is just one FATF .
People will easily forget even if China failed there and nothing will loose for them.
:D koi nai aik do din k liye ho jao ban. Zibago nai howa ban models walay thread pe to ap bhi nahi hon gay. Shoot

Nope. I have already cut back on posting here a lot, and probably will gradually fade away, eventually. Why leave on a bad note? :D
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