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A Dance Party Was arranged at unveiling Ceremony of Shaitani Sculpture in Lahore.

Why create another minority to persecute? Oh wait, all others have been dealt with, so it must be time to create another one. Is that so? Is that why this statue and all the stories around it are being hyped up?

who knows
No matter what we do, what we say, there will always be chutias in this world, best way forward is to ignore chutias and let them do their chutayapa
No matter what we do, what we say, there will always be chutias in this world, best way forward is to ignore chutias and let them do their chutayapa
Did your parents/grandparents migrate from India?
A Dance Party was arranged at the unveiling ceremony of the so called Shetani Sculpture of Baphomet at NCA. This causes outrage in Lahore and court order authorities to remove that Sculpture from Lahore museum.
http://imgur.com/a/PjDjaqdView attachment 533831
"Baphomet" and Satanic depictions are all Christian in nature; they don't have any value in Islam.

For example, our Markhor symbol is considered majestic for us but satanic for Christians.
Our state is reaping the fruits of punishing TLP and on the judgement of Asia Bibi case!

Now these entities are taking confidence and becoming bold in our society, and if u think u have seen everything wait for the surprises of Aurat March 2019 edition which is coming soon!
These fazooliyat are unacceptable!
Next thing you know, a few will start prostrating to it. Ultra-liberals will jump in with "let them do whatever they want" slogan, and then you will have a new religion on your hands.
Our state is reaping the fruits of punishing TLP and on the judgement of Asia Bibi case!

Now these entities are taking confidence and becoming bold in our society, and if u think u have seen everything wait for the surprises of Aurat March 2019 edition which is coming soon!
Aurat March ? Charba of the nth order :D

It's missing an organ
It looks more like a video game character the first thing that came to my mind was the daedra from skyrim
Sculpture of Baphomet at NCA.

Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalaam declared that in the Age of Fitna (the current times we live in), Ummah would follow the Kuffar, and if the Kuffar went into a lizard's hole, that Ummah would follow the Kuffar into the lizard's hole.

In all nations of the Ummah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam, you shall always find those who immerse themselves in the filth of Kuffar. Pakistanis (my people) seem to care less about establishing a close relationship with the Noble Quran, and would rather ogle all day at bollywood and hollywood, imitating their ways ... with pride and confidence. Of course not all Pakistanis are like that (thankfully), but considering what is upon us, one would've thought that we would be too busy getting our act together than be bothered about what the Western, Zionist, Secular civilization and lackeys do.
Khuda ki qasam rona aaraha hai is qaum pe....aisi harkatain karne se pehle ye to soch liya hota k hum kiske ummati hain....Aur kuch nai to kam se kam unke naam ka hi lihaaz karlo yaar...
Reflect on your statement :-) , what Does it means k NAAM ka lehaz krn, n from where it is coming, Religion, n I think relegion is more of logic, education and sensitivity, Rather than negative expression of emotions and violence
Religion may be, but not Islam. Adhering to respect of the faith, our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam, the Noble Qur'an and Allah Subhanaho Wata'aalah is the very foundation of a Muslim. There is a distinguishable difference between respect of other faith, and what is clearly identified as satanism. Pakistan is a Muslim country, where we respect other religions and expect them to respect our faith and our country. This goat-head dancing clown represents neither any faith, nor any form of minority.

Not everyone is a head strong Pakistani that doesn't see the "sly of hand" tact in certain posts or remarks.
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