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A Christian Province in Pakistan?

The international independent sources and CIA never done census in pakistan and they only give figures which the government gives.In most countries census is conducted after every 10 years but this is not the case in pakistan.The census which was supposed to be done in 1991 was delayed and not done untill 1998 and thats 12 years now.

Oh really:woot:

So you are telling me that Christian population has increased by 11.7% since 1998 ?

(More than ninety-six percent of Pakistan's one hundred and sixty-seven million citizens (2008) are Muslims.)

wake up Kiddo:tup:

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@ Asim bhai.

With due respect sir , Father didn't said " we must be a secular nation" but he did said to have an " Islamic state " so decide for yourself. The matter is sensitive that is why i have not included my " Personal comments & analysis".

You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State.

Sir i think Islam is the most transparent religion and most multicultural too , Islam does allow every single liberty for Non Muslims , example comes from the first Islamic state of Makkah and medina and then from Jerusalem when Sallah din asked Muslims and Christians to use the same building for worship.

I would also like to say Pakistan being an Islamic republic is far more better than many so called secular countries ie France , Switzerland , India , Denmark in terms of religious freedom.

Ask yourself being a Pakistani wouldn't you even give your life to save a non muslim Pakistani?? I say i will & i know many who will do the same , this is what we call " Freedom of religion ".

The state has not to be a secular state to protect religion , seculars are the worst perpetrators themselves , examples are in front of you.

I just wanted to prove that Pakistan was Not meant to be a Secular entity but modern progressive tolerant Islamic superpower.

Actually in an interview given to the Reuters, Jinnah did just that:

Doon Campbell: On what basis will the central administration of Pakistan be set up? What will be the attitude of this Government to the Indian States?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah: The basis of the central administration of Pakistan and that of the units to be set up will be decided no doubt, by the Pakistan Constituent Assembly. But the Government of Pakistan can only be a popular representative and democratic form of Government. Its Parliament and Cabinet responsible to the Parliament will both be finally responsible to the electorate and the people in general without any distinction of caste, creed or sect, which will the final deciding factor with regard to the policy and programme of the Government that may be adopted from time to time.

Doon Campbell: What are your views in regard to the protection of minorities in Pakistan territories?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah: There is only one answer: The minorities must be protected and safeguarded. The minorities in Pakistan will be the citizens of Pakistan and enjoy all the rights, privileges and obligations of citizenship without any distinction of caste creed or sect.

They will be treated justly and fairly. The Government will run the administration and control the legislative measures by its Parliament, and the collective conscience of the Parliament itself will be a guarantee that the minorities need not have any apprehension of any injustice being done to them. Over and above that there will be provisions for the protection and safeguard of the minorities which in my opinion must be embodied in the constitution itself. And this will leave no doubt as to the fundamental rights of the citizens, protection of religion and faith of every section, freedom of thought and protection of their cultural and social life

Muhammad Ali Jinnah: Interview of Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Doon Campbell, Reuters' Correspondent, New Delhi, 21st May 1947 | Facebook

The above can only be implemented if all religions are kept excluded from the doctrine of governance. I'm sure no Islamic law would be trampled upon by humane and just laws that are secular in nature.

But for all intents and purposes its wrong to have the current Islamic laws we do have, for example, the blasphemy law, the hudood ordinance or the even the State declaration that Ahmedis are not Muslim. Blasphemy, Limitations and nature of divinity of God are not the business of the state, yet we've made pronouncements against minorities of Pakistan in direct violation of what Jinnah said.
I've seen a lots of Christians in Pakistan. Even saw a Sikh once. But i've never seen a Hindu or even heard of them..

Retired Chief Justice of Pakistan Rana Bhagwandass. ( M.A Islamiyat :D)


Actually in an interview given to the Reuters, Jinnah did just that:

Muhammad Ali Jinnah: Interview of Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Doon Campbell, Reuters' Correspondent, New Delhi, 21st May 1947 | Facebook

The above can only be implemented if all religions are kept excluded from the doctrine of governance. I'm sure no Islamic law would be trampled upon by humane and just laws that are secular in nature.

But for all intents and purposes its wrong to have the current Islamic laws we do have, for example, the blasphemy law, the hudood ordinance or the even the State declaration that Ahmedis are not Muslim. Blasphemy, Limitations and nature of divinity of God are not the business of the state, yet we've made pronouncements against minorities of Pakistan in direct violation of what Jinnah said.

Asim bhai i think we are proceeding to a healthy discussion , what i believe ( i could be wrong) is Putting the laws in Place does not ensure that they are acted upon.

I can bet brother if even you come up with the best Type of Islamic modern Constitution it would not work because of one reason.

Individual grooming is a responsibility of the state ( Tameer e Fard) when i say this i mean , Govt must provide us the right environment to act upon all of those Laws that they have put in place .

Such as Changing our Educational system , Justice , Police , taxation system etc.

Minorities do get discriminated by some IDIOTS in Pakistan and this would not stop until we come up with something capable and applicable(In an Islamic law it would be our liability to make sure that our minorities are safe.).

Now i would also like to say i dont think so that Pakistan has any Islamic laws why do i think so , because The current laws are a mixture of anglo Islamic laws , to me more like half cooked rice which are of no use.

Laws need to be effective and not misguiding , and we need to create an environment where we respect our minorities and be respected as they being Pakistanis have equal rights as any other Muslim countrymen.

Father has said:
“We do not demand Pakistan simply to have a piece of land but we want a laboratory where we could experiment on Islamic principles.”(In 1946, Quaid-e-Azam Islamia College Peshawar)

All we must do is to Come up with a true Islamic system no way like Arabs because they just use Islam as a tool to dictate their people.
Regards: :pakistan:
Actually in an interview given to the Reuters, Jinnah did just that:

Muhammad Ali Jinnah: Interview of Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Doon Campbell, Reuters' Correspondent, New Delhi, 21st May 1947 | Facebook

The above can only be implemented if all religions are kept excluded from the doctrine of governance. I'm sure no Islamic law would be trampled upon by humane and just laws that are secular in nature.

But for all intents and purposes its wrong to have the current Islamic laws we do have, for example, the blasphemy law, the hudood ordinance or the even the State declaration that Ahmedis are not Muslim. Blasphemy, Limitations and nature of divinity of God are not the business of the state, yet we've made pronouncements against minorities of Pakistan in direct violation of what Jinnah said.

Sir i have a weird belief (i could be wrong) that Islam is the most secular Religion IF applied in its true Form.
Nations are divided not on theories, on force and bloodshed.

Haven't YOU found that out? Yeah, you have :tup:

Would you elaborate that what kind of force and bloodshed was used to get independence from British in the Sub-Continent's context.
Without a doubt, but for arguments sakes and to be clear about what is required, I prefer to use the secularism terminology.
Pakistan's religious Statics

Islam 173,000,000 (97%)
Hinduism 3,200,000 (1.85%)
Christianity 2,800,000 (1.6%)
Sikhs Around 20,000 (0.001%)

India's Religious statics

All religions 1,028,610,328 100.00%
Hindus 827,578,868 80.5%
Muslims 138,188,240 13.4%
Christians 24,080,016 2.3%
Sikhs 19,215,730 1.9%
Buddhists 7,955,207 0.8%
Jains 4,225,053 0.4%
Others 6,639,626 0.6%
Religion not stated 727,588 0.1%

India should think about it.

Yea sure, what we need is a bunch of giant ghettos in a secular country.

I've seen a lots of Christians in Pakistan. Even saw a Sikh once. But i've never seen a Hindu or even heard of them..

Glad my grandparents left for good :victory:
Without a doubt, but for arguments sakes and to be clear about what is required, I prefer to use the secularism terminology.

Do you mean just a helmet with secular written on it but our own thing inside:P
Would you elaborate that what kind of force and bloodshed was used to get independence from British in the Sub-Continent's context.

How can i elaborate something i did not say?

just to make it clear, i was only referring to the bloody patition of undivided india and then the bloody partition of undivided pakistan.
How can i elaborate something i did not say?

just to make it clear, i was only referring to the bloody patition of undivided india and then the bloody partition of undivided pakistan.

Above you reply to a 2-nation theory partition related post with your post, which means you are referring or negating that concept and providing your own version.

So next time make a clear reference to what your post is meant for.
Do you mean just a helmet with secular written on it but our own thing inside:P
No I mean the real deal. Not even a helmet with Islamic written on it with secularism inside.

I want just and humane laws. Thats it. You can call it whatever, preferably secularism so no one deviates.

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