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A Christian Province in Pakistan?

Yea sure, what we need is a bunch of giant ghettos in a secular country.

I wonder why Sikhs, Christians, nor Buddhists split from India. :)
I guess only these muslims know how to live life and be smart ;) Pa-kis-tan :pakistan:

Sir i have a weird belief (i could be wrong) that Islam is the most secular Religion IF applied in its true Form.

Well the problem is sir; muslims don't apply it in it's "true" form or what ever you calim is. That's why westerners and others made up with these stereotypes. Most well known one you already know =).

If Islam was perfect and everyone (or MOST even) of the people who follow it are following it correctly; the world wouldn't have a problem with Muslims. If you disagree, take a look at the Pakistan Israel thread and see how many proud muslims in PDF are encouraging that they should hate Israel because the Qur'an said so. It was disgusting to see them point out quotes from the Qur'an and say it tells to hate someone for what ever reason.

and coming to the Christian province in Pakistan :yahoo:
surely this proves you don't give equal rights as you claim to have.

When there is more Hindus in Pakistan, why in hell don't they get a 'separate' province? Rather than considering the proposal for Christians. These hindus are stuck not only in Baloch but in cities like Karachi and some don't know what to do; in the middle of a muslim circle. 96% :smitten: (ofcourse there are good instances too.... but)

Do realize that the Hindu population from the partition decreased (ofcourse we all know this, but just don't comment on it do we. :yahoo:)
We don't have a Muslim province either :P :bunny::taz::chilli::whistle::lazy:

Oh wait so many eicons are annoying...
We don't have a Muslim province either :P :bunny::taz::chilli::whistle::lazy:

Oh wait so many eicons are annoying...

Last time I checked the whole country belonged to Muslims. :cheers:

Islamic Republic of Pakistan. :hitwall: Your government does follow the Sharia law doesn't it?
Overwhelming votes to support PCC demand of Separate Christian Province is true voice of Pakistani Christians. Nazir Bhatti

London: August 31, 2008. PCC leaders shall soon tour Canada and EU countries to address seminars and open discussions to seek support for division of Pakistan in 12 federally administered units to be called provinces
and formation of Separate Christian Province in southwestern parts of Punjab said Nazir S Bhatti in telephonic conversation to Central Executive Council leaders of PCC.

Nazir Bhatti said, “overwhelming votes in favor of PCC demand is true voice of Pakistani Christians and government shall accept this verdict unless Christian youth shall be forced to take their own course of action”

We have received messages; mails of support and invitation from many countries to address gatherings on issue of Separate Christian Province in Pakistan, which have been accepted, and tours are scheduled in 2009.

Nazir Bhatti clarified that suggestions made by many Pakistani Christian leaders abroad to form exile government of “Christland and Takistan” are not under consideration of Pakistan Christian Congress because we demand Separate Christian Province within federation of Pakistan not an independent Christian country on division of Pakistan.

Nazir S Bhatti urged Christians to unite and join peaceful movement for division of Punjab and formation of Separate Christian Province.

“We support struggles of Siraki and Hazra movement to divide Punjab in three provinces because division of Punjab is important for solidarity of Pakistan” added Nazir Bhatti

Nazir Bhatti paid homage to all who voted in PCP to support demand of Separate Christian Province and urged government to consider it as referendum.

Nazir S Bhatti said that division of Pakistan in autonomous unit is only solution to end terrorism and religious extremism in Pakistan.

Pakistan Christian Post


Create a Christian province while dividing the current 4 administrative units into 12 or more? Excellent idea - provided the demographics and geographic contiguity of any such area allow a 'Christian province'.

In general I have always been in favor of more administrative units, especially in Punjab, which at over 80 million is a huge province.

I am not sure I agree with that last quote of Nazir Bhatti (with whom I share my family name), in that more administrative units with greater autonomy would result in lower terrorism and extremism.

I think decentralization and a delegation of powers to the administrative units (and more of them) might make governance more effective, and perhaps remove some of the inter-ethnic tensions caused by the perception that the all powerful center is inherently biased towards one or the other ethnic group, or the Federal 'establishment/bureaucracy'.

tbh i don't like this idea :/ why creat a seperate province for a diffrent religioin its sounds stupid >______>.
Last time I checked the whole country belonged to Muslims. :cheers:

Islamic Republic of Pakistan. :hitwall: Your government does follow the Sharia law doesn't it?

If we follow Sharia Law, then why are Taliban up in arms with the Implementation of the Sharia Law country wide ??

why do we have High Courts, Supreme Courts, Advocates, Barristers and other Anglo Laws ???

Should learn little bit about Pakistan.
Last time I checked the whole country belonged to Muslims. :cheers:

Islamic Republic of Pakistan. :hitwall: Your government does follow the Sharia law doesn't it?
Actually its a secular law with theocratic infusions. To be specific 3 main theocratic laws of contention.
If we follow Sharia Law, then why are Taliban up in arms with the Implementation of the Sharia Law country wide ??

why do we have High Courts, Supreme Courts, Advocates, Barristers and other Anglo Laws ???

Should learn little bit about Pakistan.

:no: didn't i mention "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC"
In their conception of the Islamic republic, the penal code of the state is required to be compatible with some laws of Sharia, and the state may not be a monarchy as many Middle Eastern states are presently.
Islamic republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yes, you do follow the sharia law..... not to it's entirety though. That's why you have :blah: those you mentioned.

Have you heard the news about:
Pakistan court orders men's ears, noses hacked off - CNN.com
and why do you think this happened?

Actually its a secular law with theocratic infusions. To be specific 3 main theocratic laws of contention.

You are still governing based on Islamic Principles though.
Oh really:woot:

So you are telling me that Christian population has increased by 11.7% since 1998 ?
Many muslims leaders belonging to different political parties had rejected the 1998 census,these leaders were altaf bhai,rasul bux palejo,Dr hayee baloch to name a few.Census in pakistan has been controversial in the past so you can not blame some christian leader for claiming that his community has been undercounted.
tbh i don't like this idea :/ why creat a seperate province for a diffrent religioin its sounds stupid >______>.
Well if there was no hate between religious communities and everyone was treated equal then will they demand a separate province.
tbh i don't like this idea :/ why creat a seperate province for a diffrent religioin its sounds stupid >______>.

I didn't say that a Christian province should be created out of nowhere. I support the idea of more provinces (10 - 12) and that if in that process it was determined that a particular province being created had a Christian majority, then that would be fine.

I am not suggesting that it be called 'Christian province' or have separate laws and what not, or that we do an Israel and 'import' Christians from around Pakistan to give a particular new province a Christian majority.
tbh i don't like this idea :/ why creat a seperate province for a diffrent religioin its sounds stupid >______>.

Why create a separate country for a different religion.

The answer is the same.

@Christian province in Pakistan.....
it won't happen..... not likely. 2 million Christians spread out all over Pakistan.[/
QUOTE]How many times i have in my previous posts pointed out that the guy who made this demand for a separate province for christians believes that the christians are much more than 2 million and that there numbers have been deliberatly undercounted.

@Christian province in Pakistan.....
it won't happen..... not likely. 2 million Christians spread out all over Pakistan.[/
QUOTE]How many times i have in my previous posts pointed out that the guy who made this demand for a separate province for christians believes that the christians are much more than 2 million and that there numbers have been deliberatly undercounted.

That's a speculation to me...... what's official goes bro. Let them take another census if they disapprove of the current one then. If it's not 2 million then it's 3 million.

Won't be much a difference. I don't see how Christians could be underrepresented by couple millions.
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