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A Christian Province in Pakistan?

Christians are just 1.6% of Pakistan's overall population , what sense does this make to make pieces of Pakistan for 2.8 million people?

Can someone explain to me.

It is not time to divide Pakistan but this is a right time to divide those who want to divide us on those foolish basis of Language , ethnicity , race , religion.

Pakistan will stand as one and no province must be divided .
Guys nazir bhati said what ever he has to say to get up the ladder of his profession he is now the First knight of grand priory of the Knights Templars of Scotland as it says on his website , he is just saying what ever will make his bosses happy .. simple politics nothing to worry about , Christians of Pakistan love Pakistan more then many many Muslims will ever do as they still remember how important part of Pakistan's creation they were .
and Guys not thats its the Topic but as i have seen a rise of such kind of sentiment in Pakistanis .. i would like to give u a Veruse From Quran e Pak

“Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant” [Al-Maeda]
read and learn .. and decide .. what is more important what Holy Quran tells us or what some crazy *** dooms days fanatic wana be scholar mullah tell us .
Christians are just 1.6% of Pakistan's overall population , what sense does this make to make pieces of Pakistan for 2.8 million people?
You are right, the christians according to official census are no more than 2 or 3% of pakistans overall population.

But then many people in the past have claimed that census in pakistan is not done transparently and that some ethnic and religious communities population is undercounted to deny them representation proportional to their population.

Pukhtuns claim to outnumber balochs in balochistan and vice versa.
sindhis and mohajirs claim to out number each other in sindh and have expressed fears that thier population was underestimated.In the same way some politicians belonging to minority communities have expressed reservations about the true size of their communities.
Its going to be interesting to see Christians ask for a province for itself from an Islamic republic of Pakistan .
State should never be constructed based on religions. The people will be fodder for terrorist soon discontent will lead to creation of new country of the state aka Pakistan.
Old news, but wonder how it fits in with the two nation theory.

Perfectly, actually.

You are right it perfectly fits with the two nation theory except that the demand is from roughly 2% of the population instead of 40% 0r greater as in 1940.

Get over the partition of India and pay attention to resolving Kashmir issue :tup:
Guys nazir bhati said what ever he has to say to get up the ladder of his profession he is now the First knight of grand priory of the Knights Templars of Scotland as it says on his website , he is just saying what ever will make his bosses happy .. simple politics nothing to worry about , Christians of Pakistan love Pakistan more then many many Muslims will ever do as they still remember how important part of Pakistan's creation they were .

I agree with the Freemason speculations. Most Muslim countries regard them as anti Muslims because their policies are against Muslims.

Iraq kicked these guys out a few years back but now they are back in Iraq. Their should be an official ban on these guys in Pakistan.

Yes to more provinces but no to a province representating 2% of the total population.

On a side note, please treat all minorities fairly so that they have a sense of Pakistaniat and a true appreciation for Islam. I am talking about 'us' on individual basis (not the GoP) because change comes from within.

Yes to more provinces but no to a province representating 2% of the total population.
Can you say for sure that they are 2%.The guy who has made this demand believes that they are about 13% and 18% in the province of punjab.
if done properly, It may be a good thing.

However, make the province porous - don't have it in such a way that all Christians HAVE to be there, and no Muslims are allowed in.

Basically have an area where Christians can govern themselves according to their own laws, and are granted protection et cetera.

However, this must remain as part of Pakistan.
You are right it perfectly fits with the two nation theory except that the demand is from roughly 2% of the population instead of 40% 0r greater as in 1940.

Get over the partition of India and pay attention to resolving Kashmir issue :tup:

So the two nation theory, which has succeeded in splitting that 30% into three nations does not apply to pakistani christians only because their numbers are small? Whats the minimum percentage required by this grand theory? at what percentage can direct action be taken?

Get over the partition of India and stop harping on Kashmir issue, what say practice what u preach. in both the matters really!!!

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