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8 to 11 Turkish soldiers killed in Idlib yesterday after got hit by anti Julani coalition

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Are you really this stupid or are you just pretending?
He is not pretending he claimed that Spain is Islamic and the Spanish are the occupaters and he claimed the the Greeks accupying the Turkish land of Cyprus and he claimed that the Arabs took everything from the backward nomadic Turks it’s like saying the Greeks and the romans took everything from the barbaric germanians?!:lol:
Fo you know who were Scythians, Kushans, Hepthalites?

If not, you can do your research.

Mongols, Turks, Iranics come from the same simple origins and the same region.

Schytians were Iranic people, Turks are not an Iranic people. I am Turk myself but feel free to teach me my own history.

Turks were primitive nomads living in huts when Seljuks conquered the Persian Empire. The Persian Empire existed as a highly advanced civilization for almost 3000 years while Turks didn't even have a single empire of its own until AFTER they conquered Persia.
How come Iraq never conquered any part of Europe or India like Turks?

Turks built the greatest Islamic empires the world had ever seen. Take a look at Istanbul, Lahore, Cairo, Jerusalem, Makkah, Madinah, etc.
That’s because a clown like you don’t know Iraq built the first empires and civilizations and that the Iraqi and Syrian tribes played important rule in the conquests of central and South Asia.

Schytians were Iranic people, Turks are not an Iranic people. I am Turk myself but feel free to teach me my own history.

Turks were primitive nomads living in huts when Seljuks conquered the Persian Empire. The Persian Empire existed as a highly advanced civilization for almost 3000 years while Turks didn't even have a single empire of its own until AFTER they conquered Persia.
Before and after they converted to Islam and came to the Middle East they never built an influential empire of value like the Roman and Greek or the Abbasid empires only military nomadic empire with zero influence on math, science, astronomy, Medicine and architecture.
He is not pretending he claimed that Spain is Islamic and the Spanish are the occupaters and he claimed the the Greeks accupying the Turkish land of Cyprus and he claimed that the Arabs took everything from the backward nomadic Turks it’s like saying the Greeks and the romans took everything from the barbaric germanians?!:lol:

I never claimed half those things. Shame on you. Your religion teaches you to lie?

I said Arabs culture, cuisine, and dress was heavily influenced by 500 years of Ottoman rule.

Look at this Syrian-Lebanese dress, its Turkish.


Baklava, Turkish dessert from old Mongolian word meaning to layer on top.


Persians, Afghans, Kurds, Pakistanis also were heavily Turkified, but we can discuss that later.

Schytians were Iranic people, Turks are not an Iranic people. I am Turk myself but feel free to teach me my own history.

Turks were primitive nomads living in huts when Seljuks conquered the Persian Empire. The Persian Empire existed as a highly advanced civilization for almost 3000 years while Turks didn't even have a single empire of its own until AFTER they conquered Persia.

You can ask next time if you have trouble with english comprehension. I can correct your misconceptions.

Scythians were ofcourse nomadic yurt dwellers whose livelihood was grazing and herding, just like Turks. They were Iranic just like other groups which I listed.

Most of the population of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan come from simple nomadic backgrounds.

This is why Persia became Iran.

That’s because a clown like you don’t know Iraq built the first empires and civilizations and that the Iraqi and Syrian tribes played important rule in the conquests of central and South Asia.

Stop living thousands of years ago. Just look at a few hundred years ago. This is greatness which cannot be denied.

Before and after they converted to Islam and came to the Middle East they never built an influential empire of value like the Roman and Greek or the Abbasid empires only military nomadic empire with zero influence on math, science, astronomy, Medicine and architecture.

Turks did create Saffavid Empire who revived the Persian Empire. Had it not been for the Saffavids, there probably would not have been any Iran today

You can ask next time if you have trouble with english comprehension. I can correct your misconceptions.

Scythians were ofcourse nomadic yurt dwellers whose livelihood was grazing and herding, just like Turks. They were Iranic just like other groups which I listed.

Most of the population of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan come from simple nomadic backgrounds.

This is why Persia became Iran.

What are you talking about?

Scythians were Iranic people. Those you mentioned (Turks, and Mongols) are not Iranic people.
Persians were nomads until Cyrus created the first Persian empire. But not all Iranic people were nomads. Medes, and Elamites were a very highly advanced civilization, they were not nomadic. The nomadic Persians unified Iran, conquered Mesopotamia and by using what it learned from these civilizations, created the most advanced civilization of the ancient world.
very funny ... another thief who stole great Turkic history

Do you know what about KURGAN ?

KURGAN is a type of tumulus constructed over a grave, often characterized by containing a single human body along with grave vessels, weapons and horses

and KURGANs spread into much of Central Asia and Eastern, Western and Northern Europe during the 3rd millennium BC

KURGAN comes from Turkic language which means fortress

The earliest known Kurgans are dated to the 4th millennium BC
Kurgans have been found from Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Altay Mountains, Caucasus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria. ( Turkic Peoples )




Teotihuacan: Massive Pyramids near Mexico City

wth are Chinese in Kazakstan , Russia , Ukraine , Egypt , America to build Pyramids/Kurgans ?

but ancient Turkic peoples, throughout the last 40000 years, had migrated further into Euroasian steppes, Europe, America, China, India as well as Mesopotomia while bringing their highly intelligent civilizations to the indigenous populations and These ancient Turkic / Turanians also founded the civilizations of ancient Sumer, early Egypt, China, Indus Valley/India(Harappa) and furthermore influenced on every other early civilizations Sumerians , early Egyptians, Hittites/Hattians, Trojans, Lydians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Basques and Celts/Picts, Indus civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, and the builders of all ancient worlwide cities including South American cities of Tihuanaco and Kara

Genetic history of P1-M45: Proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans , Iranians and Indians

and American genetic scientists have proved that Europeans ( haplogroup R ) and Native Americans ( haplogroup Q ) are descendants of the proto Turkic Peoples ( haplogroup PM-45 )

Haplogroup P-M45 ( proto Turkic Peoples )
Time of origin : 45.000 years ago
Place of origin : Central asia and Southeast Asia
Descendants Haplogroup Q and R
Reading your post makes me wonder your civialization is beyond this world, remind me of the movie
"Alien: Convenant", how is this "40000 years civialization" push and squeezed in a 783,562 km2.
How is that possible when the Turks didn’t even exist 3000 years ago let alone 40000 years ago you misguided lying clown.

where is your source you liar clown ?

I have a source from American genetic scientists who says that a man named NIYAZOV a Kazakh Turk who lives in Kazakhstan . NIYAZOV has African markers that go back 2000 generations ( 40.000 years ago ) and also has an important Y chromosome marker called P-M45, which is ancestral to R-M207 and Q-M242

only watch and educate yourself and stop Trolling
Genetic history of P1-M45: Proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans and Indians

push and squeezed in a 783,562 km2

Ottoman Empire in 1300 ( only around 4.800 km2 )
Turkiye in 2020 783.562km2 and enough for 82 million Turks
Turkey and Russia are guarantors of the Astana and Sochi peace process

but fcking pussy Russians attacked Turkish forces from behind last night and the Turkish Armed Forces have started great offensive against them ... no more any tolerance to treacherous pussy Russians

in 2012 fcking pussy Russians shoot down unarmed Turkish RF-4 Jet

and Turkish Airforce shoot down Syrian MI-17 Helicopter , Syrian MIG-23 Jet and Russian SU-24M Jet

Turkey is a great military power and regional super power but she shouldn't mess up with BEAR..... You still have long way to go to be in the position to challenge BEAR alone on your own without NATO..... Just leave it interfering Syria, Libya....

Let the peace prevail....
Most of the Islamic Turkic empire that were persianised. Guess what turkic languages was always the language spoken by the soldiers.

Persian was for administration or scientific purposes and Arabic was for religious purposes most of these Islamic Turkic Empires spoke a form of Turkic language that was common among their population or soldiers.

Since soldiers spearheaded lots of conquests none of them gave up their language. Hence why Turkey does not speak Persian or Arabic. Because those languages are reserved for the Elite. I can say the same for most Turkic countries.

Not all of us come from elite classes.
I never claimed half those things. Shame on you. Your religion teaches you to lie?

I said Arabs culture, cuisine, and dress was heavily influenced by 500 years of Ottoman rule.

Look at this Syrian-Lebanese dress, its Turkish.


Baklava, Turkish dessert from old Mongolian word meaning to layer on top.


Persians, Afghans, Kurds, Pakistanis also were heavily Turkified, but we can discuss that later.

You can ask next time if you have trouble with english comprehension. I can correct your misconceptions.

Scythians were ofcourse nomadic yurt dwellers whose livelihood was grazing and herding, just like Turks. They were Iranic just like other groups which I listed.

Most of the population of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan come from simple nomadic backgrounds.

This is why Persia became Iran.

Stop living thousands of years ago. Just look at a few hundred years ago. This is greatness which cannot be denied.

First of all the map is wron second that dress is not Turkish but it’s middle eastern and the Turks who took it from the Lebanese and Syrians not the opposite so is most of their food you claimed that the Arabs took their woodwork and other things from them which is totally lie because they were mostly nomads if you say the Arabs influenced by pre Turkish Anatolians than I would agree but not by the central Asian Turks.
First of all the map is wron second that dress is not Turkish but it’s middle eastern and the Turks who took it from the Lebanese and Syrians not the opposite so is most of their food you claimed that the Arabs took their woodwork and other things from them which is totally lie because they were mostly nomads if you say the Arabs influenced by pre Turkish Anatolians than I would agree but not by the central Asian Turks.
What are you proud of? Today Arab's are a lost cause, and Turk's are not to blame. You all established independent states, sheikhdoms, kingdoms and dictatorships, etc. Besides, map isn't true, based on Ottoman influence in region, it is way bigger. You are trying to convince people that a handful of uncivilized people in Asia, conquered the rest of established civilizations in ME and North Africa, Caucasus, Eastern Europe, and challenged Rome on daily basis. Being an uncivilized good fighter can't give you all that. I don't know what do you think but that makes you pathetic.
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where is your source you liar clown ?

I have a source from American genetic scientists who says that a man named NIYAZOV a Kazakh Turk who lives in Kazakhstan . NIYAZOV has African markers that go back 2000 generations ( 40.000 years ago ) and also has an important Y chromosome marker called P-M45, which is ancestral to R-M207 and Q-M242

only watch and educate yourself and stop Trolling
Genetic history of P1-M45: Proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans and Indians

Ottoman Empire in 1300 ( only around 4.800 km2 )
Turkiye in 2020 783.562km2 and enough for 82 million Turks
But not enough for a "40000 years civilization" and "Father of all European", is it?
But not enough for a "40000 years civilization" and "Father of all European", is it?

I like a lot of mmm-e posts but his historical posts reek of pseudo history. I dont like that at all.
But not enough for a "40000 years civilization" and "Father of all European", is it?
Whats your opinion on Africans as genetic fathers of all Humanity??
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