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8 to 11 Turkish soldiers killed in Idlib yesterday after got hit by anti Julani coalition

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Seljuks were not ethnically Persian, they conquered The Persian Empire but they became Persianized, meaning instead of enforcing their own culture, they embraced the Persian culture, spoke the Persian language and saw themselves as successors to the Persian Empire, not as foreign rulers. They chose the title of Shahs.
Dude why do you even bother yourself?!!

They're proud of their conquerors it's like black Africans or red Indians be proud of their Anglo Saxon conquerors to gain some fancy proud.
As per the logic , Africans are genetic fathers of Humanity.
Dude why do you even bother yourself?!!

They're proud of their conquerors it's like black Africans or red Indians be proud of their Anglo Saxon conquerors to gain some fancy proud.

Dumb comparsion LOL
btw have you any idea about Pyramids which older than Egypt's pyramids and in the today's China earths at prohibited area were made by Turkic Peoples ?

why is it a national secret in China ?
@mangekyo @Aramagedon
This guy has never ceased to amaze me, even though I have taught him but still coming back on the same shit, is he a fish or something with only 7 seconds of memory?
Claiming a Han' royal family tombs to be his "Great ancestors TURK pyramids" is beyond ridiculous.
You can walk into the "National secret" for only ten bucks per ticket.



Exactly its just like saying the native Americans and African Americans are Anglo saxons just like they speak English. They just remind me of the Kurdish parasites who say Abraham and Noah are Kurds because they lived in Kurdistan even though there wasn’t any Kurd around back then also naih is supposed to be the second father of the human race after Adam so how can the father be descendant of his descendants?!:lol:

And you ask why these seljuk loser adopted Persian culture, art and literature?! Because they never had things of their own that’s why until this day they try to claim rumi,nizami,farabi and Avicenna as Turks:lol:

Turks were primitive nomadic tribes who lived in huts. The Persian Empire had existed for 1500 years when Seljuks conquered Persia. Even Persians were nomads at some point in time before they conquered Babylonians and Assyrians.

Its true that they embraced the Persian culture but as i wrote they have nothing to do with u persians. The only Persians who got invited to Anatolia were a handful of persian clerics. All in all its a huge Turkic family who formed multiple empires and they saw themselfs as seljuk turks.

Seljuks expanded to Anatolia, but the heartland of the empire were they ruled from always remained in Iran. They didn't even try or want to change the official language from Persian to Turkish.

The problem is, because Persian is an ethnic group, and Iran is know as Persia by the western world. It causes lots of misunderstandings. Seljuks were not ethnically Persian, but they were Persian in the sense that they ruled the Persian Empire and adopted the culture and language of the Persian empire. You can say their nationality were Persian. But since Persian can both describe and ethnic group and a historic empire, it causes misunderstandings. Do you get what I am saying?

For instance, The Saffavids who in fact revived the Persian Empire, they were not ethnically Persian, they were ethnically Turks, but they were rulers of the Persian Empire, who spoke the language of the Persian Empire and had the same culture as the thousands of Persian kings before them. They were not ethnically Persian, but their nationality were Persian. Even though nationality as we know it today, didn't exist back then.

To make it simpler for you. I am Iranian, but let's say I am an atheist. If I conquer Turkey but Instead of enforcing Persian on you, I learn Turkish. I embrace your culture, I become muslim, and instead of saying I am the Shah of Turkey, I say I am an Ottoman Sultan. Does that make me an Iranian ruler or Turkish ruler? What about the dynasty and Empire I leave behind me? Ottoman or Iranian? The Ottoman Pashas, most of them were from Balkan countries. Does that mean Ottoman Empire was a Balkan empire?
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Turks were primitive nomadic tribes who lived in huts. The Persian Empire had existed for 1500 years when Seljuks conquered Persia. Even Persians were nomads at some point in time before they conquered Babylonians and Assyrians.

Seljuks expanded to Anatolia, but the heartland of the empire were they ruled from always remained in Iran. They didn't even try or want to change the official language from Persian to Turkish.

The problem is, because Persian is an ethnic group, and Iran is know as Persia by the western world. It causes lots of misunderstandings. Seljuks were not ethnically Persian, but they were Persian in the sense that they ruled the Persian Empire and adopted the culture and language of the Persian empire. You can say their nationality were Persian. But since Persian can both describe and ethnic group and a historic empire, it causes misunderstandings. Do you get what I am saying?

For instance, The Saffavids who in fact revived the Persian Empire, they were not ethnically Persian, they were ethnically Turks, but they were rulers of the Persian Empire, who spoke the language of the Persian Empire and had the same culture as the thousands of Persian kings before them. They were not ethnically Persian, but their nationality were Persian. Even though nationality as we know it today, didn't exist back then.

Thats why primitive nomads the Arabs, Turks and the Mongols cucked the advanced persians.
May Allah SWT accept them as shuhada.
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Thats why primitive nomads the Arabs, Turks and the Mongols cucked the advanced persians.

I am a Turk myself, but the Persian civilization was in every single way, LIGHTYEARS ahead of any Turkish civilization that existed at that point. Turks were primitive nomads living in huts when the Persians built the largest and most advanced empire the world had ever seen.
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Seljuks expanded to Anatolia, but the heartland of the empire were they ruled from always remained in Iran. They didn't even try or want to change the official language from Persian to Turkish.

The problem is, because Persian is an ethnic group, and Iran is know as Persia by the western world. It causes lots of misunderstandings. Seljuks were not ethnically Persian, but they were Persian in the sense that they ruled the Persian Empire and adopted the culture and language of the Persian empire. You can say their nationality were Persian. But since Persian can both describe and ethnic group and a historic empire, it causes misunderstandings. Do you get what I am saying?

For instance, The Saffavids who in fact revived the Persian Empire, they were not ethnically Persian, they were ethnically Turks, but they were rulers of the Persian Empire, who spoke the language of the Persian Empire and had the same culture as the thousands of Persian kings before them. They were not ethnically Persian, but their nationality were Persian.

But that runs contrary what u claimed before lol The court language was persian but the population itself always spoke Turkish which is why Turkey today also speaks Turkish. All turkic empires had persian influence in them but that didnt make the turkic familys Persian themselves. The families further migrated while establishing more and more empires but this I think OT. The main argument here was that todays Turkish population is compromised of greeks,armenians,anatolians and some even claim -arabs- (god beware) and this is argument received a lot of attention in the past 3 years because a lot of Greeks and Armenians constantly brigaded these arguments in the web and with a Turkish wikipedia bann there wasnt much to against it. These arguments however are being debunked steadily and i posted the sources already for that. The majority of Turkeys population has centrial asian dna in it and the ones who are not included are some kurds and the recent sand nigger migration :D
@mangekyo @Aramagedon This guy has never ceased to amaze me, even though I have taught him but still coming back on the same shit, is he a fish or something with only 7 seconds of memory?
Claiming a Han' royal family tombs to be his "Great ancestors TURK pyramids" is beyond ridiculous.
You can walk into the "National secret" for only ten bucks per ticket.


very funny ... another thief who stole great Turkic history

Do you know what about KURGAN ?

KURGAN is a type of tumulus constructed over a grave, often characterized by containing a single human body along with grave vessels, weapons and horses

and KURGANs spread into much of Central Asia and Eastern, Western and Northern Europe during the 3rd millennium BC

KURGAN comes from Turkic language which means fortress

The earliest known Kurgans are dated to the 4th millennium BC
Kurgans have been found from Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Altay Mountains, Caucasus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria. ( Turkic Peoples )




Teotihuacan: Massive Pyramids near Mexico City

wth are Chinese in Kazakstan , Russia , Ukraine , Egypt , America to build Pyramids/Kurgans ?

but ancient Turkic peoples, throughout the last 40000 years, had migrated further into Euroasian steppes, Europe, America, China, India as well as Mesopotomia while bringing their highly intelligent civilizations to the indigenous populations and These ancient Turkic / Turanians also founded the civilizations of ancient Sumer, early Egypt, China, Indus Valley/India(Harappa) and furthermore influenced on every other early civilizations Sumerians , early Egyptians, Hittites/Hattians, Trojans, Lydians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Basques and Celts/Picts, Indus civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, and the builders of all ancient worlwide cities including South American cities of Tihuanaco and Kara

Genetic history of P1-M45: Proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans , Iranians and Indians

and American genetic scientists have proved that Europeans ( haplogroup R ) and Native Americans ( haplogroup Q ) are descendants of the proto Turkic Peoples ( haplogroup PM-45 )

Haplogroup P-M45 ( proto Turkic Peoples )
Time of origin : 45.000 years ago
Place of origin : Central asia and Southeast Asia
Descendants Haplogroup Q and R
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But that runs contrary what u claimed before lol The court language was persian but the population itself always spoke Turkish which is why Turkey today also speaks Turkish. All turkic empires had persian influence in them but that didnt make the turkic familys Persian themselves. The families further migrated while establishing more and more empires but this I think OT. The main argument here was that todays Turkish population is compromised of greeks,armenians,anatolians and some even claim -arabs- (god beware) and this is argument received a lot of attention in the past 3 years because a lot of Greeks and Armenians constantly brigaded these arguments in the web and with a Turkish wikipedia bann there wasnt much to against it. These arguments however are being debunked steadily and i posted the sources already for that. The majority of Turkeys population has centrial asian dna in it and the ones who are not included are some kurds and the recent sand nigger migration :D

You still didn't understand what I meant. Read the last part I edited in.
You sand niggers have always been irrelevant lol
You know sand niggers also applies for the Turks don’t you donkey?!:lol:

Dude why do you even bother yourself?!!

They're proud of their conquerors it's like black Africans or red Indians be proud of their Anglo Saxon conquerors to gain some fancy proud.
Exactly they are like a whore who proud of her rapist:lol:
very funny ... another thief who stole great Turkic history

Do you know what about KURGAN ?

KURGAN is a type of tumulus constructed over a grave, often characterized by containing a single human body along with grave vessels, weapons and horses

and KURGANs spread into much of Central Asia and Eastern, Western and Northern Europe during the 3rd millennium BC

KURGAN comes from Turkic language which means fortress

The earliest known Kurgans are dated to the 4th millennium BC
Kurgans have been found from Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Altay Mountains, Caucasus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria. ( Turkic Peoples )




Teotihuacan: Massive Pyramids near Mexico City

Those structures are not pyramids, they are ziggurats. The article you copy pasted from says the first Turkic Kurgan was built in 400BC. There is a ziggurat in Iran built in 3000 BC, which means it was built 2600 years before the first Turkic Kurgan.

EDIT: My bad: I thought Kurgan was a similar structure to the ancient ziggurats. But it is just a pile of dirt. Why the F would you brag about that? And I thought it said 4th century BC not millenium BC. But why would you brag about a pile of dirt, and from where do you see the resemblance of this pile of dirt


with a ziggurat:

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very funny ... another thief who stole great Turkic history

Do you know what about KURGAN ?

KURGAN is a type of tumulus constructed over a grave, often characterized by containing a single human body along with grave vessels, weapons and horses

and KURGANs spread into much of Central Asia and Eastern, Western and Northern Europe during the 3rd millennium BC

KURGAN comes from Turkic language which means fortress

The earliest known Kurgans are dated to the 4th millennium BC
Kurgans have been found from Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Altay Mountains, Caucasus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria. ( Turkic Peoples )




Teotihuacan: Massive Pyramids near Mexico City

wth are Chinese in Kazakstan , Russia , Ukraine , Egypt , America to build Pyramids/Kurgans ?

but ancient Turkic peoples, throughout the last 40000 years, had migrated further into Euroasian steppes, Europe, America, China, India as well as Mesopotomia while bringing their highly intelligent civilizations to the indigenous populations and These ancient Turkic / Turanians also founded the civilizations of ancient Sumer, early Egypt, China, Indus Valley/India(Harappa) and furthermore influenced on every other early civilizations Sumerians , early Egyptians, Hittites/Hattians, Trojans, Lydians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Basques and Celts/Picts, Indus civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, and the builders of all ancient worlwide cities including South American cities of Tihuanaco and Kara

Genetic history of P1-M45: Proto-Turkic ancestors of Europeans, Native Americans , Iranians and Indians

and American genetic scientists have proved that Europeans ( haplogroup R ) and Native Americans ( haplogroup Q ) are descendants of the proto Turkic Peoples ( haplogroup PM-45 )

Haplogroup P-M45 ( proto Turkic Peoples )
Time of origin : 45.000 years ago
Place of origin : Central asia and Southeast Asia
Descendants Haplogroup Q and R
Calling him thief while you claim the Sumerians as Turks in your post?!:lol:
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