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8 to 11 Turkish soldiers killed in Idlib yesterday after got hit by anti Julani coalition

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It’s that ironic that a turkified scum call others subhumans?!

We are not turkified you arabian sand nigger :D Dont compare urself to us, you wont even reach our spit u subhuman.
We are not turkified you arabian sand nigger :D Dont compare urself to us, you wont even reach our spit u subhuman.
And who are you turkified Anatolian subhuman gypsy?!
Turks were primitive nomads living in huts when the Persians built the largest and most advanced empire the world had ever seen.
Calling him thief while you claim the Sumerians as Turks in your post?!:lol:

Whole historians very well knows about Sumerians were non semitic people who migrated into Mesopotomia from Central Asia

maybe after 2000-3000 years Pathetic thieves will call Turkish Seljuks as persians and Turkish Ottomans as arabs

Those structures are not pyramids, they are ziggurats. The article you copy pasted from says the first Turkic Kurgan was built in 400BC. There is a ziggurat in Iran built in 3000 BC, which means it was built 2600 years before the first Turkic Kurgan.

not 400BC , idiot but 4000BC ....
The earliest known Kurgans are dated to the 4th millennium BC

wtf persians in Mexico to built Ziggurat/Pyramid/Kurgan ?

I am saying again ancient Turkic peoples, throughout the last 40000 years, had migrated further into Euroasian steppes, Europe, America, China, India as well as Mesopotomia while bringing their highly intelligent civilizations to the indigenous populations and These ancient Turkic / Turanians also founded the civilizations of ancient Sumer, early Egypt, China, Indus Valley/India(Harappa) and furthermore influenced on every other early civilizations Sumerians , early Egyptians, Hittites/Hattians, Trojans, Lydians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Basques and Celts/Picts, Indus civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, and the builders of all ancient worlwide cities including South American cities of Tihuanaco and Kara
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And who are you turkified Anatolian subhuman gypsy?!

The one who calls u a subhuman sand nigger and there is nothing u can do about it because its the truth, u scum of the earth :D
Whole historians very well knows about Sumerians were non semitic people who migrated into Mesopotomia from Central Asia

not 400BC , idiot but 4000BC ....

wtf persians in Mexico to built Ziggurat/Pyramid/Kurgan ?

I am saying again ancient Turkic peoples, throughout the last 40000 years, had migrated further into Euroasian steppes, Europe, America, China, India as well as Mesopotomia while bringing their highly intelligent civilizations to the indigenous populations and These ancient Turkic / Turanians also founded the civilizations of ancient Sumer, early Egypt, China, Indus Valley/India(Harappa) and furthermore influenced on every other early civilizations Sumerians , early Egyptians, Hittites/Hattians, Trojans, Lydians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Basques and Celts/Picts, Indus civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, and the builders of all ancient worlwide cities including South American cities of Tihuanaco and Kara
Don’t lie nobody know their origins exactly and you claimed other civilizations as türk not onky the Sumerians. The second thing if they came from Central Asia how does that make them Turks when the Turks still didn’t exist in Central Asia?! You are like the clowns who claim that the romans were Turks because their ancestors came from Anatolia even though the Turks didn’t live in Anatolia until few centuries ago?!!:lol:

The one who calls u a subhuman sand nigger and there is nothing u can do about it because its the truth, u scum of the earth :D
Says the animal who his people are famous for being barbaric behavior and genocides :rofl:
Whole historians very well knows about Sumerians were non semitic people who migrated into Mesopotomia from Central Asia

maybe after 2000-3000 years Pathetic thieves will call Turkish Seljuks as persian and Turkish Ottomans as arabs

not 400BC , idiot but 4000BC ....
The earliest known Kurgans are dated to the 4th millennium BC

wtf persians in Mexico to built Ziggurat/Pyramid/Kurgan ?

I am saying again ancient Turkic peoples, throughout the last 40000 years, had migrated further into Euroasian steppes, Europe, America, China, India as well as Mesopotomia while bringing their highly intelligent civilizations to the indigenous populations and These ancient Turkic / Turanians also founded the civilizations of ancient Sumer, early Egypt, China, Indus Valley/India(Harappa) and furthermore influenced on every other early civilizations Sumerians , early Egyptians, Hittites/Hattians, Trojans, Lydians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Basques and Celts/Picts, Indus civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, and the builders of all ancient worlwide cities including South American cities of Tihuanaco and Kara

Why are you so stupid?

How can you say that a Kurgan:

Is the same as a Ziggurat:
Says the animal who his people are famous for being barbaric behavior and genocides :rofl:

You little sand neggro :D Its the nature of ur people to be slaughtered, today its the west and before that it were others lol

Turks have a great and glorious history. They spread Islam into Europe, India, Africa, and Asia. They revived Islamic civilization after its death under Crusaders and Mughal occupations.

Who can deny the greatest of the Seljuks of Rum?

The three gunpowder civilizations, Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal, were known as the greatest of their time for 500 years.

All I see is a bunch of jealous cultures who revile the dominance and honor of Turks.

The funniest thing I saw was a fellow Iranic claiming Turks are primitive nomads, when Iranic people were similarly primitive nomads too. Yet the nomads conquered large settled territories of Greeks, Persians, Romans, Chinese, and Indians. They obviously were superior in some way too.
The funniest thing I saw was a fellow Iranic claiming Turks are primitive nomads, when Iranic people were similarly primitive nomads too. Yet the nomads conquered large settled territories of Greeks, Persians, Romans, Chinese, and Indians. They obviously were superior in some way too.

Are you really this stupid or are you just pretending?
Don’t lie nobody know their origins exactly and you claimed other civilizations as türk not onky the Sumerians. The second thing if they came from Central Asia how does that make them Turks when the Turks still didn’t exist in Central Asia?! You are like the clowns who claim that the romans were Turks because their ancestors came from Anatolia even though the Turks didn’t live in Anatolia until few centuries ago?!!:lol:

only ignorant stupid clowns like you can say this

historians,paleontologs,genetic scientists have proved Turkic Peoples lives in Central Asia including Kazakhstan for over 40.000 years

also The Turkic peoples came to Anatolia 15.000 years
Today, Central Asia, Turkey, Yenisei, Aral, Balkhash, Pamir, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tamgaly Say, Talas, Issıq Kul of Bashkortostan available tens of thousands of pigtogra (cave paintings) , petroglyphs (rock-figured rock painting- tamga) and hundreds of inscriptions or similar are also scattered across Anatolia

for example The writings in the Cunni cave in Erzurum/Turkiye are dated to approximately 3000 BC

TAMGA or DAMGA is a Turkic word and TAMGA was the emblem of a particular tribe, clan or family. They were common among the Eurasian nomads throughout classical antiquity and the Middle Ages (including Alans, Sarmatians, Scythians) Mongols and Turkic Peoples
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Turks have a great and glorious history. They spread Islam into Europe, India, Africa, and Asia. They revived Islamic civilization after its death under Crusaders and Mughal occupations.

Who can deny the greatest of the Seljuks of Rum?

The three gunpowder civilizations, Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal, were known as the greatest of their time for 500 years.

All I see is a bunch of jealous cultures who revile the dominance and honor of Turks.

The funniest thing I saw was a fellow Iranic claiming Turks are primitive nomads, when Iranic people were similarly primitive nomads too. Yet the nomads conquered large settled territories of Greeks, Persians, Romans, Chinese, and Indians. They obviously were superior in some way too.
That’s because conquering and destroying is easier than building:-)
only ignorant stupid clowns like you can say this

historians,paleontologs,genetic scientists have proved Turkic Peoples lives in Central Asia including Kazakhstan for over 40.000 years

fck off now camel rider ... you are an ignorant TROLL ... nothing else
How is that possible when the Turks didn’t even exist 3000 years ago let alone 40000 years ago you misguided lying clown.
That’s because conquering and destroying is easier than building:-)

How come Iraq never conquered any part of Europe or India like Turks?

Turks built the greatest Islamic empires the world had ever seen. Take a look at Istanbul, Lahore, Cairo, Jerusalem, Makkah, Madinah, etc.
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