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8 Chinese submarines approval & used western subs talks

Have heard from a very good source, that the miniaturized reactor/naval propulsion system and the various electrical systems have recently completed a key testing and reliability test, brothers assisted with various technical assistance.

It is all coming on line - with a version of S3, being further developed with MIRV the first SLBM.

Congratulations to the whole nation, for the effective birth of Pakistan Navy Strategic Force Command.
NSFC and our Second Strike Capability.

Pakistan Paindabad.

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:
No kiddo we have 5 subs (3 with AIP) + 8 more AIP subs and more .. All these apart from midget subs (Also armed) that are in use with SSGN.

That 13 subs 11 with AIP .. Meanwhile not a single indian sin has AIP and they tend to explode while in harbour.
From when did Pakistan have 13 subs ?? Can you please enlighten me. Or Just day dreaming


From a visual point of view of the Chinese people , who compared the Pakistani and Indian naval forces , objectively speaking , the Navy still a big gap in Pakistan than India , asymmetrical balance can only be investigated , such as strengthening the submarine and anti-submarine forces , strengthening the empty sea , ground -to-sea combat capability , so as to cope with the threat of India 's naval forces have much more. As a loyal friend of China , China always willing to do the backing of Pakistan !


Pakistan know its navy is backward and obsolete way behind.
Its all about Money , you throw some Dollars and see Angela dance for you :D
you got cash , you can buy it ..

That ship has sailed, they won't allow us to integrate Cruise Missiles on them, thus they have been rejected.

well they are considering Subs from UK, France and Germany ... France already say no , and Germans dont allow us to put CM on it ... that leave us with only Uk , do you think they have any potent disel electric sub which PN can buy ?? or we have no other option but Chinese one ?
well they are considering Subs from UK, France and Germany ... France already say no , and Germans dont allow us to put CM on it ... that leave us with only Uk , do you think they have any potent disel electric sub which PN can buy ?? or we have no other option but Chinese one ?

Most like a negotiating tactic

We are going for Chinese options which will be customized to suit our needs.
Most like a negotiating tactic

We are going for Chinese options which will be customized to suit our needs.

but dont you think its a bit odd to disclosed to have a order of 8 subs ??
i mean to me its a bit strange news ... i mean for navy like PN , this is a huge order ..
but dont you think its a bit odd to disclosed to have a order of 8 subs ??
i mean to me its a bit strange news ... i mean for navy like PN , this is a huge order ..

Look at the pace with which the Indian Navy is growing. It is far more cheaper for China to subsidize Pakistan's Navy to keep the Indian Navy busy, rather than dedicate a force to counter the growing might of the Indian Navy.
Look at the pace with which the Indian Navy is growing. It is far more cheaper for China to subsidize Pakistan's Navy to keep the Indian Navy busy, rather than dedicate a force to counter the growing might of the Indian Navy.

well PN compare to its enemy is very weak ... not too much but they are ..
so as they are ready to operate Gwader and other newly made bases , they need a big fleet , type 21 are over used already ... they need to retire soon ... OHP has no future in PN cause of Americans ...

we have left with one option and that China ,either for Subs or for DDG's or Frigates ..
as many members here talk about improved version of Yuan class , so i am guess we may go for AIP .. and ability to fire Babur ..
What are the options when we talk about chinese and western submarines?
Government Of Pakistan gave approval to buy 8 submarines from China....
Also Talks are with UK Germany and France to buy used Submarines....
Saw this on SAMAA News Channel....

I've been saying it for a while, watch the expansion of the Pakistani Navy. With shore lines expanded to add another few hundred miles, over $ 16 billion in the savings account and by the end of this December, an 8% growth over the two years in GDP, allows Pakistan to go spend about 3-4 billion on the NAVY. This is all coming to reality with the expansion of Gawader port!!

but i dont understand we have 3 augostas 90s 2 A.70s(soon to be retired)
8 chinese subs are enough we would have 11 submarineswhy are we looking for used subs from other countries? how big a fleet they intend to build

With growing economy, growing military will come. India, at some point in the near future, will have about 20 subs facing the Pakistani side. So with a growing economy, you could afford about 15-16, that's the number they'll be targeting for over the 5-7 years.

I also mentioned before that PN would have about 15-20 newer Frigates and Destroyers. When I wrote it last year, the Indian members made fun of me and argued the "financials" didn't exist to make BOATS, let alone expensive military hardware!!! Here's the answer to those people.

Plus, Pakistan now has a few extra hundred miles worth of waters to cover for, which it can use to disperse its Navy and expand the distance and sphere of assets.

Which will make it much harder for the IN to do a concentrated narrow attack on a smaller area like before around Karachi, resulting in more damage.

So PN is becoming a bigger naval power than before and its focus will be India and Iran specific, not just India specific. Good threat assessment on PN's end, and good job by the current government, in providing funding and financials to purchase these items!!
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Chinese sub will have elements of Augostas and some of new capabilities will be added. I don't think we'll buy old subs.
8* s20 or qing or yuan ?
China revealed a scaled-down version of Type 039A [yuan] submarine designated as S20, specially intended for export. The main difference between S20 and Type 039A is that the AIP system on the original Type 039A is deleted, but can be available and easily integrated due to modular design of S20
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