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75 injured as Hindus, Muslims clash in south India

Really unfortunate.
I hope such clashes never happen again. We are represented by one identity Indians. And don't mind comments of the pakistani members, they have nothing to do except bashing India.
I think u meant missile defence??
I'm not questioning the loyalities of indian muslims,but the natural comfort level and emotional attachment they share with fellow muslims living in pakistan.

Yes missile defence indeed. My mistake

Most northern Muslims share an affinity with Pakistani Muslims since they have family who moved to Pakistan during partition. Even my late grandmother who was a bigoted Hindu fanatic and prayed every morning that the Indian army would crush Pakistan and drive every Muslim out of Asia (May God Have Mercy on her ignorant soul, and she being ignorant enough at that time to have not realised that the Chief of the Indian Air Force was a Muslim :D ) , yearned about the house which she grew up in now called Lahore where she played happily as a child with her Muslim and Sikh friends. So the comfort level as you put it is somewhat different for different Indians. There are however many Muslims whom I speak to from India who like my late grandmother also believe that the Indian army should just march into Pakistan and whack them for once and forever. Offcourse my Pakistani friends in Africa say that we are welcome to try :D .
This is exactly what we were discussing earlier. Why is it that when a Hindu or a Sikh or a Christian is excluded from acquiring property in Mumbai or is excluded from obtaining a role in a movie because they are a 2nd rate actor or actress , they do not go around screaming discrimination and attempt to round up their Ummah. Certain Muslims come across in a different way and these utube videos are ponts in example

I think it all depends who you are, what you have given and what you expect. The rude awakening is often a shock to the system.
Remember when SRK was threatened by Shiv Sena, it made head line news, only because who he is. For a common man is even too scared to report anything in case of a backlash. Happens all the time buddy.
I think it all depends who you are, what you have given and what you expect. The rude awakening is often a shock to the system.
Remember when SRK was threatened by Shiv Sena, it made head line news, only because who he is. For a common man is even too scared to report anything in case of a backlash. Happens all the time buddy.

Yes the SRK incident is a more apt example of discrimination against a Muslim by Hindu bigots. But then again, you have to admit that bigots exist the world over and some of them do become extreme. Hence the clamp down on Shiv Sena in India and the attack on the Taliban in Pakistan. These are reasons why bigotry should not be allowed to expand but must have its tail cut off the moment it starts to wag its tail
I hope its not a repeat of Gujarat Riots.

Pakistan should step forward and do the humane thing and offer asylum to these people who get slaughtered in India from time to time under the tyranny of a lunatic majority.

Great idea.
Look this was a political move to disrupt peace and make political gains becuase they know idiots would fall for it and create problems.

Now, this is an internal matter for India but the problem is that a few idiots for political gain will use this in Pakistan too and voila, our hindus get abused without any reason. This happened after Babri Masjid and after Gujrat Riots, many temples were damaged.

But you the thing is our hindu's are our hindu's and I have known many in my upscale neighbourhood of Karachi who have contributed alot to Pakistan. My dentist, doctor and some friends are hindus and such communal tension affects us here as the majority of us south asians are educated illiterates. There are hindu's in pakistan, just like christians, sikhs and other religious minorities who I have known and found to be better pakistani's

So the solution to this ever continuing problem is get rid of the scum in charge and things will be much better.

Also refrain from abusing other peoples religion because hatred only encites hatred and we have cuased ourselves alot of harm anyway.

And also let me tell you something, hindu community of pakistan wouldnt leave pakistan and that shows you their commitment, if they wanted to they would be out of here. So dont use the word hindu as a form of insulting indians.
I hope its not a repeat of Gujarat Riots.

Pakistan should step forward and do the humane thing and offer asylum to these people who get slaughtered in India from time to time under the tyranny of a lunatic majority.

Talk about adding "ghee to the fire". So much for avoiding hyperbolic statements on the Forum.:disagree:
When economic benefits are not even in society such communal violence becomes a normality with time hopefully India could realize that even with 200 billion dollar weaponry , its biggest danger lies in its own population's wellness and economic well being as much as its relations with its neighbours

India is spending this much money on weaponary because it is required for a country like india
on india's population wellness india is spending quite a large amount on its people welfare program but major problem is CORRUPTION & because of this the people are not benefited from it.
I think we have the most corrupted politicians and bureaucrats in the world.
WindJammer, thanks for posting the vids. Quite the eye-opener.

Aquil bhai, I agree with your proposition. Even though we already have our hands full, we should do the right thing and offer sanctuary to indian who are affected by communal riots.

There is a psychology concept known as "Group think" and the diffusion of responsibility.

in india, its ''Mob think".........we saw it in Gujrat, when Muslims were being butchered ruthlessly.
WindJammer, thanks for posting the vids. Quite the eye-opener.

Aquil bhai, I agree with your proposition. Even though we already have our hands full, we should do the right thing and offer sanctuary to indian who are affected by communal riots.

There is a psychology concept known as "Group think" and the diffusion of responsibility.

in india, its ''Mob think".........we saw it in Gujrat, when Muslims were being butchered ruthlessly.

Pls do something. Hot air will not help.
Pls do something. Hot air will not help.

i'm nobody that important; but sure, i'll write a letter to the editor in TOI and The hindu.

a proposition was devised, i'm sure most Pakistanis would be happy with it; Quaid-e-Azam Saab would definately support it.
blah blah nonsense...

Just like i've my soft corners for hindus living in pakistan and sikhs in india raise voice aganist any Taliban atrocities on Sikhs living in pakistan.Indian muslims have natural soft corner of pakistanis.Lets not fool ourselves with secular propaganda.

Ground situation is different.See even Sania Mirza married a pakistani for all the trouble we have with that country.

Whats with the communal hatred??...every Indian is INDIAN first and Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christan later.They might fight internally but in face of external enemy they stand together..no matter what faith the enemy belongs too.
coming on topic :

Hyderabad old city needs to be dissolved.I mean ,look at the developments happening at the entire region(IT related).Ghetto Culture must be eliminated in India or anywhere in the world.

I cannot sugarcoat every post- but ,some things needs to be noted.the willingness to send children for education,secular teachings are less in some communities.these all will Hopefully reduces if India Governments Compulsory Education for all Children comes into act.Religious Extremism has to be nullified in India by the Secular Establishments.India cannot afford any religion tries to over power or enforce it's laws above Country's law.

The Hindu : Front Page : Community must do its part for right to education, says Sibal
Everybody is discriminated sometime or other.

As long as noone is breaking the law of the land .Its not a crime and u can carry on discriminating.

yeah discrimination is not a crime but after this next step is hatred and then things goo real bad like we saw things in gujrat before and now.
It all start with discriminating. so the root cause is discrimination .

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