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75 injured as Hindus, Muslims clash in south India

Hence the clamp down on Shiv Sena in India and the attack on the Taliban in Pakistan . These are reasons why bigotry should not be allowed to expand but must have its tail cut off the moment it starts to wag its tail

As far as Pakistan is concern u dont need to worry we know how to tame this TTP .and we almost done with them .
I think it time for india to tame these hindus extemist. so tht they wont try doing sum adventure .
I hope its not a repeat of Gujarat Riots.

Pakistan should step forward and do the humane thing and offer asylum to these people who get slaughtered in India from time to time under the tyranny of a lunatic majority.

encore, encore.

You are right there buddy. It's a well known fact how Muslims are discriminated against.

YouTube - Indian Muslim Actress taking about discrimination in indian soceity and no muslim right in india??
Interesting comment, and true nevertheless to some extent. It all depends on the societies where you want to set up your nest. In a purely vegetarian society/housing complex, or in societies with married people with children and teenage daughters, people would not want someone who eats meat or young unmarried people or people with 'risque' reputation. Its wrong but then it happens.
Btw, where does she and her husband stay in Mumbai? What about their son the famous director - Farhan Akthar?
He's one attention whor3 I have seen. Apparently SRK came out 'debunking' Hasmi.

And is the RSS or VHP is indeed involved in the current Hyderabad unrest, then pray, it will be some of the last nails in their political coffins. Stupid morons in brown chaddis.
In almost two decades there have been no communal incidents in Hyderabad. In Old city itself I have been personally seen and joined in communal harmony workshops where young boys of both communities were brought together. As always there will certainly be a political angle to this.

Local residents there that I know have said that both the Muslim and Hindu mobs were not locals and were ferried in from outside the area. Recently MIM had a huge procession for Milad-Un-Nabi which they never did before (instead of spending this money on the development).

A judicial probe should be done and we should wait to find out the actual culprits behind this. Some rumors are the anti-Telangana forces, others suspect anti-Rosaiah and pro YSR sons' politcians involved in this.

And oh yeah, for my the concerned Pakistani friends, if you want to help us, shut down the LeT, HuJI and other anti-India so -called Jihadi" groups. That would be much appreciated.

Politicians playing a dangerous game
Politicians playing a dangerous game
R Akhileshwari, March 30, Hyderabad:

Is the communal violence in Hyderabad being used by unscrupulous political forces to settle scores with their rivals? Or is it being used to scuttle the demand for Telangana state? Several people in the know believe it is so.

Instigating communal trouble to unsettle rivals in the party has been used by Congress leaders in the past with success. “A political game is being played in the Old City. Definitely, there’s conspiracy in how the trouble was fomented. It is clear to everybody,” said Zahed Ali Khan, veteran editor of Siasat Urdu daily newspaper published from Hyderabad.

Leaders in the Old City admitted that they were expecting such “pre-planned” trouble for the past four to five months. A few efforts made to trigger violence failed but the one on Saturday succeeded. They maintain that the huge funds have flooded the Old City, to both Hindus and Muslims and they cite two instances to prove their point.

Prophet Mohammed’s birthday, Milad-un-Nabi, was celebrated in an unprecedented manner on February 26 last. “Does this community which is poor and backward have the funds for such grand celebrations,” commented a community leader on condition of anonymity.

Similarly, Hanuman Jayanti which used to be a small affair limited to temples has been turned into a gala public affair this time. Evidently both sides are being funded, he observed.

Madhu Yashki Goud, Congress MP stirred up a hornet’s nest by charging coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema political vested interests with formenting communal trouble in Hyderabad.

He told Deccan Herald that it was a shame that political parties and groups within them were creating animosity between people for their political ends. “They are exploiting poverty and unemployment of a section of the people, their vulnerability and their helplessness,” he said.

Another senior Congress legislator Shankar Rao also alleged that those opposing Chief Minister K Rosaiah were behind the riots to destabilise his government. Their allegations evoked sharp reaction from Congress leaders belonging to the Andhra and Rayalaseema regions, who called these critics “madmen” and demanded disciplinary action against them.

Another agenda that is sought to be achieved is to scuttle Telangana statehood demand. Observers believe that the communal violence was being used to kill two birds: that is destabilise Rosaiah government and dilute the struggle for Telangana.
They insist that the developments point to a “nexus” of Andhra-Rayalaseema leaders across the political spectrum that is dominated by one caste that is keen on regaining the power it lost last September with the death of Y S Rajasekhara Reddy in a helicopter crash.

The effort of this group to install YSR’s son Jaganmohan Reddy as chief minister came to a naught and hence the ploy now being employed to destabilise the Rosaiah government to foment communal violence.

Even as this allegation is being trashed, the fact that city police commissioner A K Khan was the first one to state that the violence was “preplanned and deliberate” shows that he had the support of his political bosses in coming out in the open.
Violence spreads to new areas - Hyderabad - City - The Times of India

HYDERABAD: Hyderabad continued to be rocked by communal clashes on Tuesday. One person who was hit with boulders died in Old City and 30 others suffered stab injuries and other wounds even as the authorities imposed curfew in eight more police station limits in the west zone.

While there was no relaxation in the curfew imposed from 7 pm on Monday in 17 police stations falling under the south zone police limits, the areas under the police station limits of Afzalgunj, Begum Bazar, Shahinayatganj, Tappachabutra, Asifnagar, Mangalhat, Kulsumpura and Habibnagar were also bound by the curfew.

M Tanaji, a 34-year-old worker at a garment firm from Shivarampally, was attacked by unidentified persons with boulders near Mesco Educational complex in Mustaidpura near Karvan on Tuesday afternoon. The incident occurred when he along with his brother-in-law Aravind was returning home from his shop in Putli Bowli. Tanaji died on the spot and Aravind was rushed to Osmania General Hospital with injuries. In the evening, a youth identified as Sagar was hit by boulders thrown by unidentified persons in Malakpet and admitted to the hospital.

Ten persons who sustained injuries due to the clashes in the Secunderabad area were admitted to Gandhi Hospital while seven others were rushed to Osmania General Hospital. Three cops were also injured in the day’s melee. With Tuesday’s violence, the number of injured in the communal clashes since Saturday last rose to 106 even as over 120 persons were rounded up by the police for indulging in violence on Tuesday.

The day’s violence was largely fanned by a massive Hanuman Jayanthi rally that triggered stone-pelting, burning of places of worship, shops, and vehicles leading to lathicharge, teargassing and firing of rubber bullets by the cops.
The Veer Hanuman Vijay Rath Yatra, estimated to be about 10,000 strong, set out from the Gowliguda Ramalayam around 11 am and had the Veeranjeneya Swamy temple in Tadbund as its final destination. The trouble started when the rally reached Raja Deluxe theatre in Musheerabad around 1.30 pm when unidentified persons from the lanes and bylanes pelted stones at the processionists.

The rallyists retaliated by pelting stones and soon, four four-wheelers, 20 two-wheelers, four shops and a place of worship were razed by the rampaging mob. The police had to resort to lathicharge, teargassing and firing rubber bullets to control the situation.

But the police action only sparked further trouble as the rallyists got dispersed and made their way into the nearby colonies in small groups. Shops were attacked at Ghasmandi, at Paradise crossroads, Ramgopalpet and a religious structure attacked near the Paradise flyover on SP Road. Shops on the RP Road through which the rally passed were also targeted by the mob. The rally finally reached the Tadband temple a little before 4 pm after which the participants dispersed.

The violence in Secunderabad area had its echo in Old City. Around 4 pm, trouble broke out in Begum Bazaar when a group of Hindus insisted on taking out a Hanuman Jayanthi rally from Puranapul to Gowliguda despite not having permission. The situation soon descended to stone-pelting, burning of a few shops and a place of religious worship before the police and the Rapid Action Force (RAF) personnel chased away the miscreants. But the mob regrouped later and attacked the Begum Bazaar police outpost besides damaging a few vehicles. The police then had to burst teargas shells and fire rubber bullets to control the situation.

By the evening, stray incidents of stone-pelting were reported from a few other places in Old City and the authorities quickly clamped curfew in eight more police station limits. The 17 police station under south zone police limits where curfew was in place remained largely peaceful on Tuesday barring minor tension near Gulzar House in the morning. According to the police, the entire Old City and several areas of the twin cities remained tense and said the curfew will not be relaxed the whole of Wednesday.
Kitni bar post karoge? World affair me thread already chalu he..btw there was law and order situatn and it is solved. .
i'm nobody that important; but sure, i'll write a letter to the editor in TOI and The hindu.

a proposition was devised, i'm sure most Pakistanis would be happy with it; Quaid-e-Azam Saab would definately support it.

indian muslims r already engaged in development of india. Even in my city ahmedabad,gujarat there is absolutely amighty. .myself regularly go on meeting many of my muslim frndz ,,jointly celebrating bakara eid and eid e milad functn together. .gujarat muslims are the most prosporous muslims in india accordng to central goverment ,sachar commitee report. .but our pakistani frndz wont understand..indian muslims r more safe, more wealthy than muslim bro in pakistan.
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Another Indian excuse to kill minorities. Why the Hindus had to come and remove the green scarfs and start all this problem. Hindu extremists need to be controlled. India is living in denial if it does not realize a hindu extremist problem.

Today in the US they arrested Christian militants because they realize it is a problem. One has to realize a problem before they can solve it.
I hope its not a repeat of Gujarat Riots.

Pakistan should step forward and do the humane thing and offer asylum to these people who get slaughtered in India from time to time under the tyranny of a lunatic majority.

Using religion for furthering implicit objectives is a heinous crime. Both BJP and MIM are responsible for this clash. At least, now, there is a realization among both Muslims and Hindus that they are being used as pawns of some vested interests, and this realization has made it possible that the violence not go out of hand

Please, I did not expect such kind of nonsense as offering asylum to Indian citzens from a senior member. This kind of empty statements don't help either

No, this clash is nowhere near Gujarat Riots
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Please Indian members, don’t post anything such as sending Indian Muslims to Pakistan as asylums either in a positive manner or in a negative manner. Such kind of ideas should not be even entertained. Every Indian Muslim has every right on India as do Indian Hindus, Indian Sikhs or Indian Christians.
Is there a place on earth where muslims live and there is no violence.It does'nt means all muslims are violent people butthere is some shortcomings in their teachings which leads a few powerful men thir community to take control of life of the masses and steer them in their desired direction for their personal benefit.

Hey listen here kid!

What are you trying to prove by your comments here huh? Have you ever studied Islam in great detail before jumping to such conclusions? Have you even read the Quran?Do you even know what the Quran is about?

Think before critising another person's religion, and all of your friends who thanked him there, remeber, you guys are on a forum, where a majority of the people here are muslim by nature, and would take this offensively, so think before you act!
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Riots in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Wide spread riots took place in the old city area where muslims live in large numbers. Curfew is clamped in most of these places and 144 section was imposed in sensitive areas of the state. The city is shook by frenzied mobs clashing with each other and with police even as it is limping back to normal after the recent Telangana riots for the separation of the state. These riots braought back memories of the period till 1990s in Hyderabad when every year clashes are common-place with such a regular recurrence that some people holiday or essentially migrated during a few festivals.

Trouble started when a right wing Hindu party tried to decorate the area near a mosque in the runup to Hanuman Jayanthi celebrations. In the process they removed flags already there since Milad-un-Nabi when Muslim youth nearby challenged them. Police were called in and things settled. What started as a turf war ended up spreading to the whole old city the next day after police left the area the same night. Locals blame it on the police that they did not take precautions given the history of this place. Till about 3 years ago after each festival corporation workers removed the flags of that community so that these kind of events do not occur. As peace came to Hyderebad people forgot this issue and today it reared its head once again.

Traditionally in India BJP has been strong in Hindu areas which are closer to Muslim concentrations. It is easy to see why. They play up people's fears to their advantage. Hyderabad is the only place in Andhra Pradesh where BJP has some strength. Though intel reports suggest political motives it is not clear what they are.

One obvious explanation is BJP's bid to power by claiming it's 'victory' in these clashes. It has to be noted that BJP has been trying to regain its strength by hook or crook. Its all-out support for Telangana is just one of the measures as its only hopes are for these areas where it can cash on people's insecurities about living with Muslims. Police have prevented the BJP leaders from staying too long near the area and asked religious leaders to not stir up tensions.

Telangana supporters have Majlis party to blame for the riots as an attempt to bulldoze their movement. Thought Majlis did not make their stand on Telangana clear, given the Majlis leaders' promise protection for non-Telangana people in Hyderabad(which at the outset is a plain populist message to gain votes in Hyderabad), they are seen as anti-Telangana by separatists. The Majlis leader's voicing of convcerns in public meetings that BJP may become strong if Telangana materilazed only adds to their suspicions.
The Telangana movement has its own backers in the Muslim community running with a promise of 12% reservation for their community after the formation of a new state. This is not withstanding the constitutionality or its negative of such a provision.

For me personally this is just another prick trying to screw up Hyderabad.

However the bright streak is that common people understand that they are being played. They have suffered enough during the last few months. The entire place was calm from morning till about 1 in the evening every day as school students have their matriculation exams which kids of both communities are attending. This discretion, however hypocritical is a breather.
your post number is 1588

India Defence

Discussions related to Indian military build up, military developments, defence technology.


but if you still want to say same than i think
you should edit little bit your earlier post.and it should be like this....

"Even after 902 post you didn't understand that everything related to india bashing goes to INDIAN DEFENCE SECTION.......... "

according to you

Indian bashing thread. ...:what:

Dude its a news not someones personal opinion that 75 people injured..

And also read the detail of other sections.

This thread certainly goes into INDIAN DEFENCE SECTION.

Anyway the mods moved it to world affairs.
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