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6 Haunted Places in India That Guarantee Goosebumps

I had some abnormal experiences :fie:, not sure if those were super natural
Never had seen any ghost till date,but a few times i couldn't move my body not even a bit,it was like someone was holding me down,during my first encounter i was scared like hell,in the later encounters i figured out a way to get my self free and move my body,the moment i was able to move myself it felt like i had just woke up,which for sure isn't the case,though i am not scared of it now,and haven't experienced anything as such for a while now.
I have come across some bizzrare incidents,like like lights switching off in the kitchen(of my friend's house) all by themselves.
In another incident,I had my sis say that she had seen ghost stand right next to our gate(house enterence),probably peeping inside,though never had she seen any of'em indside our house. Have also heard stories of my back yard being haunted for a long time with, and with a 20m high babul tree adds to the horror.
There have been many stories of ghostly encounters after sunset near river bank of ganga,even to this date, In one incident probably 6yrs ago an elderly woman went to take a dip into the river thinking it was round 4 or 5am in the morning,on her arrival,she came across a woman with shaved head who also had a child with her,this elderly woman tried to intract with the woman like anyone else would do but she didnt reply,she had her back towards the old lady and was continuosly uttering something which the old lady couldn't understand,she came back home and though to check her clock because she couldn't find anybody else along the way except herself,to her horror the clock read 2am. It is belived that ghost are most active between the time frame of 2-3am.There have been many such incident along the river bank and aslo in the river with ppl mystriously drowning to death.
i have few more encounters, but i have been told not to talk about those. Those are more scary and face to face :D
[QUOTE-scorpionx]Share it or it never happened.[/QUOTE]
Tunnel 33 looks awesome
Friendly Ghost o_O ,yeah,just imagine if someone bumps into thos ghost ,he would have his heart in his mouth,and the ghost utters ,hey man wassup? :D
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i couldn't move my body not even a bit,it was like someone was holding me down,
I've had similar experiences........especially while taking a nap during the afternoon, unable to move my body, but awake and conscious......initially I was scared too, but later found out that if I try to move my body forcefully, it doesn't help, let it loose and you'll regain control soon enough.......

People associate the condition with being possessed by a ghost but I think I've read somewhere that it is a biological condition, when you wake up suddenly, your brain is awake but your body takes sometime.....

But the question is, the body shouldn't take few seconds more than the brain to wake up, but I have experienced the condition for as long as 30 seconds(I think) trying hard to move any part of my body but unable to do so, only when I let go, I could move.......
Weird, isn't it??
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Trust me i've tried hard to get over this...but i still cant.
I get very uncomfortable when the electricity goes off at night when I am in India.

you must be an interesting person :laughcry:
Never had seen any ghost till date,but a few times i couldn't move my body not even a bit,it was like someone was holding me down,during my first encounter i was scared like hell,in the later encounters i figured out a way to get my self free and move my body,the moment i was able to move myself it felt like i had just woke up,which for sure isn't the case,though i am not scared of it now,and haven't experienced anything as such for a while now.
I have come across some bizzrare incidents,like like lights switching off in the kitchen(of my friend's house) all by themselves.
In another incident,I had my sis say that she had seen ghost stand right next to our gate(house enterence),probably peeping inside,though never had she seen any of'em indside our house. Have also heard stories of my back yard being haunted for a long time with, and with a 20m high babul tree adds to the horror.
There have been many stories of ghostly encounters after sunset near river bank of ganga,even to this date, In one incident probably 6yrs ago an elderly woman went to take a dip into the river thinking it was round 4 or 5am in the morning,on her arrival,she came across a woman with shaved head who also had a child with her,this elderly woman tried to intract with the woman like anyone else would do but she didnt reply,she had her back towards the old lady and was continuosly uttering something which the old lady couldn't understand,she came back home and though to check her clock because she couldn't find anybody else along the way except herself,to her horror the clock read 2am. It is belived that ghost are most active between the time frame of 2-3am.There have been many such incident along the river bank and aslo in the river with ppl mystriously drowning to death.

I have had similar experiences , its called Sleep Paralysis it its not pleasant
Heard about the boys hostel story in Kurseong from many people, they said that it was a hospital some decades ago, but was burnt to ashes. The students sometimes see nurses moving in the corridor in front of their rooms.

Is hash free over there?
Got many paranormal experiences myself will tell them some other time,let's just say i can sense something bad if its present in any house i enter something about the air in that house doesnt seem right.Had many OBE's, Sleep Paralysis,Heard women walking around our house in night with ghungroo etc.:D
I've had similar experiences........especially while taking a nap during the afternoon, unable to move my body, but awake and conscious......initially I was scared too, but later found out that if you try to move your body forcefully, it won't help, let it loose and you'll regain control soon enough.......

People associate the condition with being possessed by a ghost but I think I've read somewhere that it is a biological condition, when you wake up suddenly, your brain is awake but you body takes sometime.....

But the question is, the body shouldn't take few seconds more than the brain to wake up, but I have experienced the condition for as long as 30 seconds(I think) trying hard to move any part of my body but unable to do so, only when I let go, I could move.......
Weird, isn't it??
Yeah,it is ,i don't relate it paranormal activites either ,its jus that i found it intresting,when such a thing happend to me for like 4-5 times i want afraid anymore i was more like, bring it on :D ,though i think it has something to do with the brain,its more like you get paralised for a while and then everything is normal. I belive scientific community is yet to give a reason for its occurance.
Got many paranormal experiences myself will tell them some other time,let's just say i can sense something bad if its present in any house i enter something about the air in that house doesnt seem right.Had many OBE's, Sleep Paralysis,Heard women walking around our house in night with ghungroo etc.:D
Woman with a ghungro sound,i would hv been half dead hearing such a noise :hang2: ,share your experience it sounds intresting ,let everyone know what happens in your house :D
I have had similar experiences , its called Sleep Paralysis it its not pleasant
Not at all,but i had figured out a way to get myself free from that paralysis kinda state. I have seen that remaining calm is the best thing to do.
Yeah,it is ,i don't relate it paranormal activites either ,its jus that i found it intresting,when such a thing happend to me for like 4-5 times i want afraid anymore i was more like, bring it on :D ,though i think it has something to do with the brain,its more like you get paralised for a while and then everything is normal. I belive scientific community is yet to give a reason for its occurance.

Don't do exercise of hands before going to sleep to avoid this paranormal activity.
Friendly Ghost ,yeah,just imagine if someone bumps into thos ghost ,he would have his heart in his mouth,and the ghost utters ,hey man wassup?
where do you come up with this stuff?
Woman with a ghungro sound,i would hv been half dead hearing such a noise :hang2: ,share your experience it sounds intresting ,let everyone know what happens in your house :D
That was in my teens and in my college days i used to stay up late nights to watch DD national english movies which were a bit exotic :D.
I used to hear sound of a woman walking around my house with ghungroo around 2-3 am first i thought it was some neighbour but there was none when i looked out of my window.It kept happening for many days thats when i told my mother about this she told me that sometimes teenage boys hear that and told me to sleep with my kid brother in his room for some days.
Once there was nobody at home as my folks left town to attend a function at our Mamaji's house, i invited some friends to home and we started watching star plus english.There were exactly 8 people and one started hearing this ghungroo sound and then everyone started hearing it, then i told them this happens everyday at around 2-3 am around my house and one guy literally got spooked he rushed into our prayer room(mandir) and started crying in front of god to save him,it was funny.After this incident my mother called some priest and did some puja and after that the sound was gone.
They say that unmarried females etc. who die roam around boys who are young, teen etc.

This is just one incident
There was another incident about my aunt (Mothers elder sister) when she was in college she was in NCC and they went to a camp in the train journey they met a girl who they taught was in NCC like her, in the camp they used to see her every now and often whenever they asked her where her tent was she would point some different tent.On the return journey after 10 days when the train was approaching Falaknuma palace and tombs in hyderabad she told them i have to get down here.But there was no train stop there and the train was at 90km speed, then she told the truth that she was raped and murdered in that area and even now she waits for vengeance to kill those murderers and like a normal girl she too wants to be in company with young girls and that is why she joined them.
Saying so she just literally drifted in air from the train like walking on air and vanished.

Another Incident
was my maternal ancestral place it was in front of a graveyard and my mother used to study in night on the building, at night she watched a woman with white saree and unkempt hair covering her face running from here to there on a piece of land it was almost so fast that it was like teleportation.
She thought someone must have taken a head bath and trying to dry her hair but why run here and there for it :D
When she narrated this to our chowkidaar he told that a woman commited suicide there and many have seen here running in the night.

This and many such experiences. :D
Will post sometime later ;)
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