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6 Haunted Places in India That Guarantee Goosebumps

Where do I get to meet a couple of Mohinis?? :D

Well, last heard in mythology, the persons who met Mohini, 1)Bhasmasur, 1)Mahisashur, 4) All the Asuras after finding of nectar!! I know what happened to them!!

BTW all men love to dream of Nymphos (aka Mohini) but when they meet one they will run a mile away from her!!:D

so how the story came out!!

I remembered it from my childhood.

The stories came up may be because of "Halat" , There was no street lights in smaller towns,. In my Bhubaneswar there was deserted roads, very few vehicles (you would find a couple of Govt. jeeps and some Ambassadors). Bus plying between towns was limited to two or three and that too reached towns during night. People were afraid when they start their journey whether they will reach before evening!! People slept early!! Shops also closed early!!
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Dreams maybe... :sarcastic:

There are lots of scary places here in Pakistan too where people don't dare to go in even day light. I have visited those places in night too. Nothing scared me in all these visits. Its only in your mind when you are in a place like this. You start to see things that don't exist.
Dreams maybe... :sarcastic:

There are lots of scary places here in Pakistan too where people don't dare to go in even day light. I have visited those places in night too. Nothing scared me in all these visits. Its only in your mind when you are in a place like this. You start to see things that don't exist.
1. i saw 2 times my grandmother in dream, she was very religious and good person. i felt peace when i saw her.
2. they do exist but first they try to scare you, if you don't get scared, nothing will happen
My worst day when me and my friends purposely went to a place near my village that was haunted and wer told by all the elders to avoid after dark.( It was a Delta before now no more, we were told like, Virgin ghosts used to come there to take bath in full moon days, that day we say a person atleat 8-9 foot tall and head was covered by cloth so couldn't see much from the side, finnaly walked and looking south staring at the sea, while on the left side a Big Dark shade in the beach (Delta) i don't know how to say it, but only near the shade there was wind and the soil was blowing away, the dogs were following it and they couldn't bark.. i could clearly see they were trying but just couldn't....

Man oh man... My best friend got fever for 8 days since then... we had to run over 2 miles without stopping
My worst day when me and my friends purposely went to a place near my village that was haunted and wer told by all the elders to avoid after dark.( It was a Delta before now no more, we were told like, Virgin ghosts used to come there to take bath in full moon days, that day we say a person atleat 8-9 foot tall and head was covered by cloth so couldn't see much from the side, finnaly walked and looking south staring at the sea, while on the left side a Big Dark shade in the beach (Delta) i don't know how to say it, but only near the shade there was wind and the soil was blowing away, the dogs were following it and they couldn't bark.. i could clearly see they were trying but just couldn't....

Man oh man... My best friend got fever for 8 days since then... we had to run over 2 miles without stopping
so it proves again, listen to elders :enjoy::enjoy:
Not just that man.... little north, there's a beach road connecting all the villages,, for some distances there're no houses, only small ponds and trees and two abandoned small temple(broken), if you're coming by bike, everyone will ride on the top speed, fearing that place.. though i never heared of any ghost stories, while my friend and cousin were traveling via that road at 9ok clock suddenly the bike got stopped, when they checked everything was k, didn't know the reason for the bike to stop, all of sudden my cousin bro got a big hit on his back.. when he shouted and turned back, there was no one... Thank god bike started and with scream they topped the bike speed and came to my place and both of them started crying..

when you are young, you need to listen elder :D

I'm Sure when those elders were young did the same thing and learned of it...
Actually there is a place in India where spirits are actually said to be residing. They suck on the life force of anyone that dares to come to their abode.

The place is the Indian parliament I believe.
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In my house .. near a mango tree

Dreams maybe... :sarcastic:

There are lots of scary places here in Pakistan too where people don't dare to go in even day light. I have visited those places in night too. Nothing scared me in all these visits. Its only in your mind when you are in a place like this. You start to see things that don't exist.
ever vist manora island. ? shamshan ghat and cinema next to it?
People who love goosebumps might try spending one night in Writer's building and old radio station at Garstin place, Calcutta.
Dada,i would love to spend a night inside the Akashvani Bhawan(actually i have this wish since my childhood:D) but the main problem is that i won't be given permission to do that right now:(
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