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6 dead in string of attacks in southern Israel

Kurds are trying but they are denounced as terrorists.

kurds or pkk? you should be smart enough to know that those "kurds" also kill their own race who doesnt agree with them.

anyway the topic aint kurd issue, so ill leave it from now.
You talk about something you don`t understand and speak only what you heard from biased mouths.

If you bothered to do some research you`d know that Israel is mainly secular and the "Jewish Nation" refers to Jews as a people and a religion.
There is no specific law or official statement establishing the Jewish religion as the state's religion.

I`m sure you can use google.

it is funny to see you trying to show that israel is a secular country, when the reason to create israel was a jewish state. and if you arent going to have a jewish state what is the point of having a country called israel there?
Islam did the Worst Jacksh!t to India.

All the Indian Knowledge, Culture and Land was exterminated under Islam!

Remember Taxila, Nalanda?

Ask the Persians!

Islam is not a Salvation, It is the typicalness of the Abrahamic Religions to make you think it saved you from Satan and Label your Previous Faith as Demonic!

You cannot Question Islam!

You cannot Critically Assess it!

Your Throats will be silted apart being labelled a Mushrik!

You have to Gulp Down Islam as and What is fed to you be it Amma Jaan or Mullah!

go ahead and critize islam, nobody is stoping you! or wait, is it some al-qaida member standing behind your head with a gun ready to shoot you when you type something bad about islam?

go ahead, there is a bunch of islam haters in the world that freely enjoys talking sh*t about islam. go join them, i personally wont be hurt. i'll just ignore your idiotic troll comments and live on!
What was that?

Talking like a wannabe white are we?
Then again, only the less educated gripe about such things as "Indians stealing jobs".
And no, Americans aren't racist as a country, it's just you and your uninformed opinions that are racist. You got so busy in being white you forgot how much Pakistanis and Americans dislike each other.


Probably they didn't tell you in your face, but Pakistan is the sixth most disliked copuntry in the US, right up there with Afghanistan and Iran. Guess what? India is also sixth, but on the most favored list.



Next time prolly you wanna listen to what they say about you behind your back when you're wasted. :lol:

dont hate me for it but i am just going to quote this from a pakistani point of view.

"the only reason americans love you is because you suck upp to them".

on the other hand, i was suprised Egypt is a favorite among americans!
silly to compare the 2 -- but Pakistan and israel are both politically/ideologically diverse in the sense that you have ultra-liberals, liberals, moderates, right-leaning moderates, fundamentalists/orthodox and then the extremist types.....

there are areas in Pakistan where there is pressure for "purdah" and other things to be observed.....like there are areas in israel where things like Sabbath must be observed

for example

and then you have people like the incarcerated Sufi Mohammed, who disrespect our constitution and say "democracy is un-Islamic"

so basically, imposing will on others is wrong.
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The bottom line is that israeli killing spree in going on..jets bombing,killing people,news channels paid not to broadcast real situation.
But for how long?
Every tyrant eventually fades away.
Gosh you seriously complain about Woody Alen's girls? :unsure: You really have serious inferiority complex.

As for Xinhua, you can clearly see that buidling was not strike but simply windows were broke because of nearby explosion. Windows can easily broke even when explosion takes hundreds meters away. Why dont u complain about terrorists who fire rockets from Press buildings

Look. I do not care about Hamas. The world is not just Israel and Hamas. You're shooting at neutral foreign citizens because of a suspicion of terrorists firing from the building. This is not acceptable. Gaza is a tiny strip of land. It is Israel's problem if there are terrorists in it, and it is again Israel's problem if the method used to control the terrorists harms those not involved.

As for Woody Allen, it is well known that many Jews have an Asian fetish but at the same time are racist towards East Asians. This is due to the fact that we are too nice to Jews, and thus they think we're easy to manipulate. I watched the interview with the Israeli ambassador and he was essentially nonstop bragging about the greatness of Israel. That's not exactly the best way to advertise yourselves. Koreans, Russians, Japanese, all do not nonstop brag about the greatness of their nations.
If you have ever paid any attention to my posts, what I have indicated that I respect the achievement those Jewish people have contributed to humanity. There are many aspects from Jewish Culture that Chinese value a lot. So Chinese have quite a positive view towards Jewish people and culture as well. It is not about love or not love at all.

Of course, I do not mean there are no conflicts between these two races. However, it has never gotten out of hands. That is why I say China has never had any anti-Semitic campaign against Jewish people.

We all know Spielberg boycotted our 2008 Olympics and some other Jewish politicians, e.g. Joe Liberman, criticize China on human right issues as well as our ways dealing with terrorists. I am also aware those unfair contracts regarding no-sex rule (with Jewish people, I just hear about it but not quite sure the whole detail) for Chinese workers in Israel. Of course, there are other incidents like that as well. Discrimination against Chinese, or even Asian people, is still there in western countries, U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Poland and etc. You name it.

Of course, there are many other incidents like this with those non-Jewish directors, politicians, countries as well. About unfair treatment of Chinese workers in Israel, our embassy there need do the work to resolve the problems with Israel local companies and officials. I believe it can be solved soon. It is kind of silly anyway.

As for Woody Allen, we all know that long time ago. In directing, he is brilliant. Well, his personal life is not for me to judge. Even Bill Clinton has that M.L. issue, remember? There was one white guy who even wrote a blog about his sex life with all sorts of Chinese women and indicated how easy those Chinese women were. He even posted all sort of pictures as well. I bet he did a degrading job against Chinese women way worse than Woody Allen. BTW, I remember his current wife is Korean, not even Chinese.

BTW, the whole issue is related to Israel dealing with those terrorists. I do think Israel has rights to retaliate those terrorists. Of course, like those PK members who always like to bring the illegal occupation issue back to WWI, that is not a justified cause to bomb the bus station. There is no way to go back to WWI condition or border or whatsoever for both muslims and Jewish people. Keeping insisting that will not get those muslims anywhere. No major countries will support any proposal based on that pre-condition. Those "Allah will give back the whole mid-east to muslims" is just garbage. The negotiation has to go back to a two-state solution frame. The most likely one is to go back to 1967 borders and division of Jerusalem. Wipe-out Jewish people is just some mad and idiotic thinking. For those muslims who keep focusing their minds on their WWI border and condition, they will go nowhere and have no support. No major countries will support them to drive Jewish away from mid-east. Jewish people is for sure to stay for the next thousand years. Of course, it is for Jewish people and muslims to negotiate a peace deal so as to peaceful co-exist for the next thousand years. If not, as far as in my life time, it is those muslims who will lead miserable life there, not the Israelis.

About Israel's current situation, it is quite similar like what we have in Xinjiang. If you do not believe that, let me give you an analogy:

Israel was having strong empires more than two thousand years ago, later empires collapsed and Israel lost her land and dispersed everywhere but still held onto their own belief. After WWI, then during and after WWII, a lot of Jewish people moved back to mid-east through different ways, either purchasing land, finding work and etc. Of course, U.K. has helped them a lot as well. Local majority muslims did not like that and started to attack jewish settlements. Well, by this time, Jewish people have already grown stronger after WWII, they kicked those muslims axx and established their own country with the help of U.S. and U.K. They fight till today however it is those muslims who are living miserably in the camps.

How about Xinjiang?
Han Chinese used to be there a lot more than two thousand years ago. During western Han period, the great Han Wu has ordered General WeiQing to defeat the Huns. Suffering a series of defeat, the Huns retreated from Mongolia western-wards to Xinjiang and then central-Asia. Of course, their remaining forces stayed until quite some time during Eastern Han period. Part of the Huns surrendered to the Eastern Han and part of them kept moving western-wards. Of course, the Huns brought disasters to the Roman Empire later.

Anyway, China has suffered quite some civil wars and was divided into different small empires for quite some time. Of course, there is reunification and division all the time. Our control over Xinjiang was not always there. Actually, a lot of historical periods, we have no control there. Even during Qing Empire, a lot of time we have no control there until Kangxi and Qianlong have several wars to defeat those who wanted to set up an empire there. Zuo Zongtang finally consolidated the control and did not let russia steal that big chunk land away. Finally, CCP have make the control the strongest among all the historical periods and have a lot of han Chinese to move into Xinjiang to solidify such control. Of course, the local uighurs do not like it and started to attack Han Chinese. However, General Wang Zhen took his iron hand policy to annihilate those terrorists.

Any similarity???
Both Jewish people and Han Chinese were there before but get their control again in the recent century.
Both local people (Local arab muslims and uighurs) there were quite hostile to the later move-in people (Jews and Han Chinese) and started to attack them but got crushed.
Both later move-in people will not move anywhere else and will not give up the control no matter who say anything or do anything.
Both are willing to live peacefully with the local people as long as they give up those terrorist activities. If not, both will go extra length to punish those terrorists.

Well, there is of course some difference here. China is too strong so that She will not let the local to set up any independent country at all. It is just a so-called self-governed region but must be remained in China. We have more than 91% of total population is Han Chinese and uighur is just a small percentage.

Israel has to compromise since its population is way smaller than those surrounding muslims. Even though it is stronger but it has to depend U.S. to back it up. That is why Israel would be quite possibly to have a land for peace deal with those muslims to have a two-state solution.

If we are against what Israel is doing, we pretty much is against what we are doing in Xinjiang as well. There is nothing to do with love or not love of Jewish people. It is just practical matter and it is just the reality. You cannot be blind to what they have contributed to the world. Of course, Israel is very close to U.S. and it is essential to its survival. Even for that bust of plane deal that was cancelled due to U.S. pressure, Israel has compensated China very well. In addition, you have to understand its difficulty as well. Being between two giant countries, Israel need find her balance. Its establishment and survival have a lot to do with U.S. So it is leaning for U.S. is not surprising at all.

However, about those conspiracy theories, well, I just have to laugh it off. China is not dumb and pissing off China will have grave consequence since China is growing stronger and stronger. It is never in Israel's interest to let China be in the group of anti-Semitic countries. Even U.S. does not want China to fall into those groups that are actively anti-U.S. as well. That is why Israel is also positively looking for building better relation with China as well.


Hey Ephone, you love the jews, do they love you?

They bombed the Xinhua News office in Gaza. What love they show for Chinese!

---------- Post added at 05:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 AM ----------

All your posts have been about how much Chinese love Jews. But how many Jews love China? Tell me? How many Jews love China, and not specifically Chinese women (easily substituted for by other Asian women like the Korean Soon Yi Previn; take a look at Woody Allen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Allen and Farrow's biological son, Ronan Seamus Farrow, said of Allen: "He's my father married to my sister. That makes me his son and his brother-in-law. That is such a moral transgression. I cannot see him. I cannot have a relationship with my father and be morally consistent... I lived with all these adopted children, so they are my family. To say Soon-Yi was not my sister is an insult to all adopted children."[79][80][81][82]
Do not take part in those terrorist activities and kill those who do that in your territories, you will not have a bomb from Israel on your head.

The bottom line is that israeli killing spree in going on..jets bombing,killing people,news channels paid not to broadcast real situation.
But for how long?
Every tyrant eventually fades away.
Germany has officially apologized for its wrongdoings, actively compensated those victims, denounced its past anti-Semitic policies and its prime minister also knelt down in Israel to repent for the whole Germany. In addition, Germany has set up strict laws to punish those anti-Semitic behaviors as well.

In this sense, I do understand what you have written here.

However, many westerners have questioned why Chinese still focus on the Japan Invasion into China during WWII and the atrocities it has committed. They even listed the example that Jewish people has forgiven German already as a counter-example.

They just do not understand that those japan bastards have never done those Germany has done to show any remorse for its past atrocities. It even modified its own textbooks to ignore those atrocities it has committed. That is why China will bring out this matter every time we meet those japs. We have no forgiveness for those bastards who have never repented.

It is in me not to condemn the present generation of Germans simply for what their grandparents did, which was to send my grandparents, uncles, and aunts to the gas chambers.
I came to PDF now once every couple of months just to browse a little. Even a thread on "6 dead in string of attacks in southern Israel" gets hijacked by the usual suspects!

What have Japan and Woody Allen got to do with the topic?

What's Xinjiang got to do with it beyond a superficial similarity? If you want to compare Xinjiang to something, compare it to the Russian Caucasus.

And do it somewhere else please!

As to China-Israel relations or Chinese-Hebrew bonhomie/animosity, ask the mods to humour you with your own stickies in your own chosen corner.

As to the topic, I offer condolences to the families of the dead and I have nothing useful to say.

Once again I just want to "learn" a little.

Is it really impossible these days at PDF?
The bottom line is that israeli killing spree in going on..jets bombing,killing people,news channels paid not to broadcast real situation.
But for how long?
Every tyrant eventually fades away.

Israel's modified Newton's 3rd law of motion :

"Every action has an unequal and opposite reaction"

Action.Reaction. Simple.

Dont bomb , kill Israelis , you don't get bombed , killed in return.
Israel's modified Newton's 3rd law of motion :

"Every action has an unequal and opposite reaction"

Action.Reaction. Simple.

Dont bomb , kill Israelis , you don't get bombed , killed in return.

first of all.israel is never able to catch the actual perpetrators on any occasion...If they call themselves democracy and civilized.try arresting the perpetrators.take them to court . make the hearings public..and punish them.
on the contrary israel shows a signs of being a yahoo barberian...by burning and demolishing whole areas.not just catching the people who done it.
ofcourse i wont give a toss if those who fired the rockets into israel get caught.get hangex after a court ruling..
but no...israel has to do the drama...has to show palestinians that they are woryhless sever rats by killing them indiscriminately....thats what makes people against israel round the world.
first of all.israel is never able to catch the actual perpetrators on any occasion...If they call themselves democracy and civilized.try arresting the perpetrators.take them to court . make the hearings public..and punish them.
on the contrary israel shows a signs of being a yahoo barberian...by burning and demolishing whole areas.not just catching the people who done it.
ofcourse i wont give a toss if those who fired the rockets into israel get caught.get hangex after a court ruling..
but no...israel has to do the drama...has to show palestinians that they are woryhless sever rats by killing them indiscriminately....thats what makes people against israel round the world.

All terrorist scum are sent to their maker , which is the rightful thing to do.

So you support the act of terrorists sneaking into Israel via Egypt and killing unarmed civilians , and when Israel retaliates , you raise all hue-and-cry eh ?

Hypocrisy !!
All terrorist scum are sent to their maker , which is the rightful thing to do.

So you support the act of terrorists sneaking into Israel via Egypt and killing unarmed civilians , and when Israel retaliates , you raise all hue-and-cry eh ?

Hypocrisy !!

er......no....i say catch the perpetrators and bring them to justice via court like a civilized people..instead to bulldozing and bombing whole areas and jumping around like angry.gorilla
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