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500 Illegal Bangladeshis Run back to Bangladesh Fearing Arrests

Make this 500 figure to 500,000 soon. Deadline-2014 mid.

@other members: Don't derail the thread, its about illegal Bangladeshis not illegal Indians.
Massive Protest March in Assam Against Bangladeshis


The All Bodo Students Union (ABSU) today took out a massive protest march at Kokrajhar town against the presence of illegalforeign nationals and continuous infiltration from across the border. The rally was supported by 26 organisations representing various groups including AASU, AGSU, ARSU, AKRSU besides school and college students took part in it with different placards and banners, braving heavy rain.
The protest rally started from the Kokrajhar District Sports Association¡¯s playground where thousands of students, youths, people of all age and from various walks of life participated shouting anti-foreigners slogansand calling their expulsion from Assam. The rally also demanded upgradation of NRC, not to provide shelter to illegal immigrants of Bangladesh in BTAD, sealing of the Indo-Bangla border, providing constitutional safeguard to indigenous people, protection of tribal belt and blocks etc. The rally passed through main thoroughfare of Kokrajhar town and ended at KDSA field.
Our Goalpara Correspondent adds: More than 5000 members of Goalpara Anchalik StudentsUnion (AASU) along with All Rabha Students Union(ARSU),All Bodo Students Union (ABSU),All Assam Koch Rajbonshi Students Union(AAKRSU) , All Tea TribeAssociation (ATTA) and other social organisations joined a mammoth protest rally to highlighting the failure of the State Government to implement the Assam Accord and demanded immediate upgradation of NRC, expulsion of illegal Bangladesi immigrants , sealing of Indo Bangladesh border and not to resettle immigrants who were found without valid land records in the BTAD areas in the district of Goalpara.

Massive Protest March in Assam Against Bangladeshis | Northeast Today
Illegal Immigrants in Manipur

Manipur state police has started rounding up illegal immigrants staying in the state. Mostly belonging to Muslim community from neighboring Bangladesh and Myanmar, number of illegal immigrants hascreated alarm in Manipur during the last few years. Immigrants are a threat to cultural and demographical threat to indigenous population. The demand for implementation of Inner Line Permit system, which has been sidelined by both the centre and state government for the last couple of years, was raised for identifying immigrants from outside the state. However, apparently due to Indian citizenship status of these immigrants fromIndian states, the centre declines to issue Inner Line Permit for them. However, for those coming in stealthily from outside countries, the government seems concerned. Hence the identification and subsequent wiping out process has begun.
The state police on 30 th August rounded up43 foreign nationals including 24 Bangladeshis and 19 Myanmareses during a crackdown in selected valley areas in twoseparate operations. The Myanmarese Nationals were found staying at Lilong (Imphal West and Thoubal districts) while the 24 Bangladeshi Nationals at Hatta Golapati areas (Imphal east district).Those from Myanmar came to Manipur through Moreh, Meghalaya and Tripura. Some of them have been living in Manipur for the last 8 years along with their family. Their free entry into Manipur indicates that border areas of North Eastern States are still porous. Police still continues its drive against illegal migrants to prevent unwanted incidents in the state.
Jiribam is the prime target for police to conduct such operations since there are reports of many illegal migrants settling. Influx of illegal migrants is not a small issue. Many of them have been included in the voters¡¯ list and census records of the state and the government cannot do anything against those who are included in the voters¡¯ list. According to reports, state police already sent back more than 200 Bangladeshis since 2006. Foreign nationals,who committed crimes in their countries, are increasingly infiltrating in Manipur.
By: seram neken

Illegal Immigrants in Manipur | Northeast Today
Meghalaya Organisations Demand Permit System for Visitors

Several social organisations in Meghalaya Monday staged a sit-in, demanding immediate implementation of inner line permit (ILP) to restrict entry of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants to the state.
The demand for the system, present in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram, comes in the wake of the clashes between Bodos and migrant Muslims in Assam as the organisations contended the situation in Meghalaya might go out of control given its proximity to Bangladesh and Assam.
The organisations also demanded from the government to adopt a resolution for implementation of ILP in Meghalaya during the three-day assembly session starting Sep 5.
“The problem of influx has been plaguing thestate for three decades and if the government is seriously concerned with the issue, they should implement the ILP in the state,” said Joe Mar, working president of the Federation of Khasi, Jaintia and Garo People (FKJGP).
“The Manipur assembly has unanimously adopted a resolution to implement the ILP to curb influx. Our legislators in Meghalaya should press the government to implement the inner line permit,” he said.
The Manipur assembly July 13 adopted a resolution urging the central government to extend the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873 to the state to check the influx of suspected Bangladeshi and Myanmarese nationals.
Meghalaya Chief Minister Mukul Sangma, who had earlier admitted that the entry of illegal immigrants into the state was alarming, said the state would have a “more stringent institutionalised mechanism” than the ILP.
“When I visited certain parts of the state, I could see that the local indigenous people have been outnumbered by the people from outside the state,” he said.
Though, the organisations welcomed Sangma’s proposal to implement a “strong mechanism” to curb the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, they strongly felt that the ILP should be first implemented.
“The chief minister has been talking about implementing the “strong mechanism” since October last year. If he is serious on the issue,he should first implement our demand to protect Meghalaya from being swamped by illegal immigrants,” Khasi Students’ Union supremo Daniel Khyriem said.
He said the implementation of the inner line permit would help protect the tribal population from being “annihilated” in their own land.
Khyriem, who is leading the most powerful students’ body in the state, also demanded said the organisations are also demanding scrapping of the India-Nepal Treaty of Friendship, which, he claims, is only helping the illegal immigrants.
India needs such events like riots, bomb s exploding, terrorist gunning down foreigners, etc. to start taking things seriously and act on it. Anyways, at least it started. We should keep this Illegal Bangladeshi issue hot till next elections. Vote for those who work against these people.
Manipur Pushes Back 60 Suspected Bangladeshis


Authorities in Manipur have pushed back intoAssam 60 suspected Bangladeshis, an official said Sunday. Manipur Police have launched a crackdown in several parts of the state to flush out illegal Bangladeshi and Myanmarese immigrants. A total of 49 illegal Bangladeshi and Myanmarese immigrants have been arrested and booked under the Foreigners Act, the official said. Over 400 suspected illegal immigrants have been rounded up to verify their nationality.
¡°We pushed back 60 suspected illegal Bangladeshi immigrants Saturday into Assam from Jiribam after they failed to produce any document to prove they are Indian citizens,¡± a police official told IANS. Jiribam bordering Assam is one of three entry points to Manipur. Manipur shares a border with Nagaland to the north, with Mizoram to the south and Assam to the west and Myanmar tothe east. ¡±No person will be allowed to step into Manipur without producing valid documents and those who fail will be pushedback,¡± the official said.
Manipur Home Minister G. Gaikhangam said the crackdown to detect illegal Bangladeshi and Myanmarese nationals would continue. The minister said the government would takeaction against those who shelter illegal immigrants. ¡±It is a sensitive issue (illegal immigrants) and the government will not allow any illegal immigrant to settle in Manipur,¡± Gaikhangam said. Following pressure from civil society groups, the Manipur assembly July 13 adopted a resolution urging the central government to extend the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873, to the state to check the influx of suspected Bangladeshi and Myanmarese nationals.

Manipur Pushes Back 60 Suspected Bangladeshis | Northeast Today
Highway cops hold 16 illegal immigrants from Bangladesh

HIGHWAY cops smashed a suspected human smuggling syndicate in Victoria Falls on Thursday and arrested 16 illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.
Police believe the 16 evaded immigration authorities in both Zambia and Zimbabwe on the porous border shared between the two countries either side of the Victoria Falls Bridge.
The 16 were held together with their Zimbabwean driver of a commuter minibus which was stopped by cops at a roadblock.
Jairos Chiona, the Victoria Falls police chief, said: ““We are holding 16 Bangladesh nationals on suspicion of illegal entry into thecountry.
“They managed to evade both Zimbabwe andZambia immigration procedures and were only arrested at a police roadblock on their way to Bulawayo.
“They are going to be charged under our immigration laws and if convicted they will be deported.”
Their driver, who has not been named, was “assisting police with their investigations”, he added.
The group is expected to appear in court sometime on Friday.
Corrupt immigration officials at the country's border posts are blamed for an influx of illegal immigrants into Zimbabwe. Many simply bribe their way through.

16 Bangladesh immigrants held
@idune: Better post another threa and post these news and links about Indians. Don't derail this thread.
Illegal Migrants Arrested in Manipur

Amidst the recent uproar over the exodus of NE people from several South Indian states in the fallout of the Assam violent clash betweenBodos and illegal immigrants, the state police today found several illegal migrants from the Muslim dominated Lilong and Hatta Golapati areas of the state. A reliable source informed that a combined team of the Imphal West Police and the Thoubal Police conducted an operation at Lilong following credible information about the presence of a huge number of militants in the area.
It is learnt that even though the police failed to pick up any militants, several illegal immigrants who were unable to converse in the local language were found from several houses of the area. Altogether 19 Myanmarese illegal immigrants including two women and three children were picked up from the area.
Meanwhile, another 127 immigrants from several other states were rounded up for further verification during the same operation, a source informed. The 127 include 62 from West Bengal, 32 from Silchar and 33 from Bihar. Several of them including the Myanmarese illegal immigrants were found to have married local Muslim girls and residing in rented accommodations.
Following the detection of the illegal foreign immigrants from Lilong area, the Imphal Westpolice teamed up with its Imphal East counterpart and conducted a similar combingoperation at the Hatta-Golapati area. 24 Bangladeshi immigrants were rounded up from the operation. All the migrants both from outside the country and those from other states were later brought to the 2nd MR compound and individually verified upon.
Meanwhile, in a meet with several media persons, IGP (ops) Kailun said the migrants are being verified at the moment and action will be taken up against those who have entered the country without proper documents. He added that the state police willcontinue its operation to detect illegal immigrants in other parts of the state. It is likely that after the MHA had identified five organizations in the state which could whip up communal flare ups in the state, the state home department could be taking up precautionary measures. Meanwhile, it may be mentioned that two stolen Honda Activa and a CBZ motorbike were also recovered during the Lilong operation.

Illegal Migrants Arrested in Manipur | Northeast Today
Immigrants; Naga Students¡¯ Federation Cautions Taking Law into Hands


The Naga Students¡¯ Federation (NSF) has cautioned individuals and groups against ¡°taking law into their hands¡± in their attempt to ¡°identify and deport¡± Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants (IBIs). In a press note issued by President Kelhouneizo Yhome and Asst. General Secretary Tongpang Ozukum, the NSF has reiterated that a mass movement or forceful eviction of IBIs will not bring lasting solution, instead having a repercussion on, and resultant victimization of, thousands of Nagas living outside the state.
It will thus be necessary to implement specificlegal measures and steps. The Federation hasreiterated its stance of safeguarding the common interest, integrity and fraternity of Nagas living in India and Myanmar, ignoring imaginary boundaries drawn by external forces. ¡°Anyone trying to dislodge the unity and cooperation amongst our people will be considered as agents of alien forces,¡± said the note. NSF has urged people to restrain from provoking ¡°unwanted situations¡± that could hamper peace coexistence of people onthis land.
Meghalaya Groups Want Check on Illegal Immigrants

Entry permits should be introduced in Meghalaya to restrict the influx of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, social organisations demanded Wednesday. The Khasi Students¡¯ Union (KSU), along with eight other organisations, submitted a joint memorandum to Chief Minister Mukul Sangmaon the issue. ¡°The problem of influx has beenplaguing the state for 30 years and has grown due to lack of sincerity and political will,¡± KSU supremo Daniel Khyriem told IANS Wednesday.
The chief minister earlier admitted that the entry of illegal immigrants into the state was alarming. ¡°When I visited certain parts of the state, I could see that the local indigenous people have been outnumbered by the people from outside the state,¡± Sangma said. The KSU sought restrictions like the inner line permit ¨C required by Indian citizens to enter Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram ¨C saying that the influx situation in Meghalaya might go out of control given its proximity to Bangladesh and Assam.
The inner line permit is issued under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873, by the state governments. The KSU supremo said that in the last decade the state¡¯s population grew by 27.82 percent, as per the census 2011, raising apprehensions of illegal immigration. ¡°The influx of illegal immigrantsin the state is not only alarming in areas bordering Bangladesh and inter-state border with Assam but the immigrants have outnumbered the indigenous tribals in certain areas in Shillong as well,¡± Khyriem said.
The implementation of the inner line permit would help protect the tribal population frombeing ¡°annihilated¡± in their own land, he said. On July 13, the state assembly in neighbouring Manipur adopted a resolution urging the central government to extend the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873 to the state to check the influx of suspected Bangladeshi and Myanmarese nationals.

Meghalaya Groups Want Check on Illegal Immigrants | Northeast Today
Naga Hoho: Time Comes to Flush out Bangladeshi Immigrants


The Naga Hoho has said that the ¡°Bangladeshfactor¡± is a challenge to the north east regionof India and has come to a point where a Bangladeshi would even become ¡®chief minister¡¯. Telling on the scourge of Bangladeshi illegal immigrants in north east India, the Naga Hoho has declared that the time to flush them out has come. ¡°Over and above, the time has come for the North East States to unite together and flush out the illegal immigrants once and for all so as to safeguard our future from the hands of aliens,¡± the Naga Hoho stated in a statement issued through its publicity secretary C Daipao. ¡°The efforts to control the problem have been unsuccessful due to lack of political consensus on the issue. The influx of migrants has exacerbated existing social tensions in the region, put public services under strain and worsened the security situation.¡±
In spite of the serious demographic, economic, security and political ramifications of the illegal immigrants in the north-east, theNaga Hoho said, the issue continues to remain substantially outside the realm of the security discourse in the country. Illegal migration will remain a security challenge for India if no concrete actions are taken, including deporting and checking illegal immigration. ¡°Although the mass deportationof long-term immigrants is unrealistic, with the concerted efforts of North eastern states and the central government should enact a series of measures to control immigration in future,¡± the apex tribal Naga organization stated.
On the current communal tension vis-¨¤-vis threat and intimation against people of the NE States in the southern parts of India, the Naga Hoho reminded that the issue reminds of the challenge posed by illegal immigrants. ¡°In this regard, the Naga Hoho strongly feels that the prime Minister of India and every Chief Minister in the states should be sincere enough to protect the life and property of North Eastern people, or else, the people in mainland India have to stand clearly that NE states are not a integral part of India.¡± The Naga Hoho also expressed sympathy and solidarity with the students and professionalsof NE states in India who are under duress. The ¡®hoho¡¯ appeals for calm and ¡°not to be reactionary as one¡¯s career is more precious when they are away from home.¡±
The Naga organization said that the ¡°Bangladesh factor¡± remains a significant issue in north-east India. The process to check illegal migration in the north-east, which started during the British Empire, remains unfinished despite various efforts made at the national level, the ¡®hoho¡¯ stated. ¡°In fact, the overall Muslim population in the North East has grown from 16 to 18 per cent in 1950s and 1960s to over 40 per cent now.However, Bangladeshi infiltration remains unchecked and illegal immigration continues to be a sensitive issue, exploited by vested political interests,¡± the Naga Hoho stated. Theorganization quoted Assam¡¯s former Governor, Lt Gen. (Retd.) SK Sinha that ¡®if unabated infiltration of foreigners is allowed to continue, the situation in Assam will be worse than that of Kashmir in days to come and one should not be surprised if a Bangladeshi national manages to become thechief minister of the State.¡¯

Naga Hoho: Time Comes to Flush out Bangladeshi Immigrants | Northeast Today
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