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5 lakh for Muslim, 2 lakh for Christian family to switch to Hinduism: Dharm Jagran Manch details cos

Dude, we are getting free money for converting to other religion and you are asking money to join your religion? o_O

I'm trying to "sell" religion not buy one .. Only those who can afford contact me۔۔۔

<--- Baba Tharkswami maharaj...
Yea right by the look of it, Hindutvavadis care less about other human beings than animals..

They care a lot about humans and are exemplary humans themselves. But they have to confront a section of humans who behave worse than animals. There their stick approach works well.
teri kimat sirf 2 lac hai .....itna kush na ho:p:

Who says? First I am going to convert to Islam and get incentives from them then I will convert to Hinduism that will make me more richer :D

They care a lot about humans and are exemplary humans themselves. But they have to confront a section of humans who behave worse than animals. There their stick approach works well.

Lolz!! So much for care!!
Who says? First I am going to convert to Islam and get incentives from them then I will convert to Hinduism that will make me more richer :D

Muslim clerics will issue Fatwa against u ...........a case will be registered on u in Pakistan for Blasphemy:devil:
years of being battered bruised and enslaved still seems to be effecting their psyche to this day
"Their"? Like your people were not conquered or enslaved?

Many parts of today's India were not conquered by foreigners like every inch of Pak was, throughout history. It's always amusing to hear Pakistanis trying to pretend to be the conquerers rather than the conquered, just because many of them meekly adopted the religion of the conquerers, while others refused to. I guess all the christians in India can claim to have ruled over an empire on which the sun never set, because the British did that, and most of the Brits were christians.
Im not surprised at this news coz i knew from beginning that India is not the place for muslim to live in, india is only and only for hindus extremist. And their own people has also made it evident by electing modi (a well recognized and well known muslim killer).
And look how they are using money to convert muslims! they cant even tolerate muslims in their country.
So looks like India has also starting to make bharat pure again just like Pakistan has been doing. Well let's see where this purity takes us.

1) It's not "India" that is doing it, it's a few Indians - private organizations.
2) As long as there is no coercion, it is legal and unproblematic. No matter which religion they convert from or to.
3) You can bet that the manner in which they may convert out of islam would be far more peaceful than the way their ancestors adopted it.

Note: I do not care about anybody else's religious beliefs, nor do I wish to convert anybody. I'm only recognizing the fact that people have every right to convert others through inducements (not coercion). After all, promises of a happy heaven after death is also a kind of spiritual bribery, and threats of hellfire and eternal torture for not joining one particular club is a form of spiritual threat. If people can convert on those promises, I don't see why they shouldn't convert for real money. And trust me, monetary inducement is used by every single religion - some more than others.

Im not surprised at this news coz i knew from beginning that India is not the place for muslim to live in, india is only and only for hindus extremist. And their own people has also made it evident by electing modi (a well recognized and well known muslim killer).
And look how they are using money to convert muslims! they cant even tolerate muslims in their country.

1) Pakistan has killed far more muslims than India ever has or ever will.
2) India has more muslims than all of Arabia, and by and large they live more freely than muslims in the birthplaces of islam.
3) Modi has not killed anybody, muslim or otherwise.
4) There is no such thing as "us" not tolerating muslims - if by "us" you mean Indians, that already includes muslims and hindus and christians and atheists and everybody else. Indian muslims are also as much Indians as anybody else. They are not here out of other people's hospitality or goodwill.
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