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5,0000 Pakistanis go to India to practice their religion freely !

because we are next door neighbour and we dont believe in ummah ummah... :cheesy:

Iran and Afghanistan are also next door neighbors. We may not believe in Ummah. But they (Ahmediyas) definitely did.

No sense in forcing them to change their beliefs now.
Yes your Free Land where Gujrat riots and Sikh Genocides occurred and where Muslims are so discriminated that they cant even buy a flat in hindu communities area, where Muslim women have to portray themselves as Hindu to get a job.

They were riots and not systematic ethnic cleansing of Minority like Kishmir and Pakistan and Bangladesh in a systematic and sustained manner.
Iran and Afghanistan are also next door neighbors. We may not believe in Ummah. But they (Ahmediyas) definitely did.

No sense in forcing them to change their beliefs now.
nobody is forcing them to come. I said only if they apply for asylum while fleeing from persecution (like rohingyas) we have a duty to acertain the fact and decide without bias.
Yes they can go to iran or afganistan but thats their decision.
I hope you guys (fellow Indians) realize that it was these guys (Ahmediyas/Qadyani/whatever) who were at the forefront of asking for Partition?

Are we mad that we will take them back just to score brownie points over Pakistanis? As far as we are concerned they are Pakistani Muslims. What gives?

Well no doubt Ahmadies played a big roll in creation of pakistan but Nehru played a trick on them as soon as pakistan was created Nehru Managed to send Indian trash to pakistan. You know the ones who were against the creation of pakistan and are now in the process of destroying pakistan:sniper:
Yes they can go to iran or afganistan but thats their decision.

But keeping them here is ours.

I vote NO. I think its a bad bad idea.

Well no doubt Ahmadies played a big roll in creation of pakistan but Nehru played a trick on them as soon as pakistan was created Nehru Managed to send Indian trash to pakistan. You know the ones who were against the creation of pakistan and are now in the process of destroying pakistan:sniper:

I don't understand who you are referring to? You mean Muslims from my state (Bihar)? That's mean man .....
Well no doubt Ahmadies played a big roll in creation of pakistan but Nehru played a trick on them as soon as pakistan was created Nehru Managed to send Indian trash to pakistan. You know the ones who were against the creation of pakistan and are now in the process of destroying pakistan:sniper:
if ahmedis wanted pakistan, they will obviously go to pakistan, why would it require nehru to push them to pakistan.
some say they wanted pakistan some say they dont, which one is true?
Well no doubt Ahmadies played a big roll in creation of pakistan but Nehru played a trick on them as soon as pakistan was created Nehru Managed to send Indian trash to pakistan. You know the ones who were against the creation of pakistan and are now in the process of destroying pakistan:sniper:
which muslims u talkin about?
I don't understand who you are referring to? You mean Muslims from my state (Bihar)? That's mean man .....

Maulana Maududi and his “Jamaat-e-Islami” still claims to be the guardian of Pakistan’s ideological frontiers as it were. They have been at the forefront of religious bigotry against all minority groups of Pakistan. They abuse those who stand for a peaceful settlement of Kashmir dispute and they hurl abuses at groups like Agha Khanis and Ahmadis- the two of the most actively pro-Pakistan groups during partition- and accuse them of being the enemies of Pakistan.What a turn around. Maududi was the most vociferous opponent of Mr. Jinnah and the Pakistan Movement.
Maulana Maududi and his “Jamaat-e-Islami” still claims to be the guardian of Pakistan’s ideological frontiers as it were. They have been at the forefront of religious bigotry against all minority groups of Pakistan. They abuse those who stand for a peaceful settlement of Kashmir dispute and they hurl abuses at groups like Agha Khanis and Ahmadis- the two of the most actively pro-Pakistan groups during partition- and accuse them of being the enemies of Pakistan.What a turn around. Maududi was the most vociferous opponent of Mr. Jinnah and the Pakistan Movement.

So this maulana chappie is from India? Bhai at that time even you were from India. Why blame us for this bozo?
if ahmedis wanted pakistan, they will obviously go to pakistan, why would it require nehru to push them to pakistan.
some say they wanted pakistan some say they dont, which one is true?

They wanted it back then, they probably regret it now. Ironically the people who were at the forefront of the "Pakistan movement", are the ones being persecuted the most. Muhajirs, Shias, Ahmadiyyas.
Height of intolerance.
It is our tolerance that you are still posting. You asked question and i post answer so what is the problem?. If we answer than intolerance and if we don't than .....................
Sorry if my attempt at light humor comes across has blame i was simply trying to expose Today's self appointed Guardians of Pakistan's Hypocrisy.

What's his trip? Is he and his team trying to undermine you guys so that eventually you fall and come back to India? Or has the tune changed since Partition? Ghazwa e Hind maybe?
They wanted it back then, they probably regret it now. Ironically the people who were at the forefront of the "Pakistan movement", are the ones being persecuted the most. Muhajirs, Shias, Ahmadiyyas.

Here is the small but significant difference between Two self appointed guardians of pakistan and Ahmadiya.

Majority of the places you see ahmadiya living around the world they proudly display pakistan flag while self appointed guardians of pakistan dress like Arabs even while in coldest countries in the world.
Here is the small but significant difference between Two self appointed guardians of pakistan and Ahmadiya.

Majority of the places you see ahmadiya living around the world they proudly display pakistan flag while self appointed guardians of pakistan dress like Arabs even while in coldest countries in the world.

I personally know a whole bunch of Pakistani Ahmaddiyas in Sydney, and as you say they are very proud of being Pakistani. They even have a huge Mosque here in Sydney and no one bothers them.
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