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5,0000 Pakistanis go to India to practice their religion freely !

Well no doubt Ahmadies played a big roll in creation of pakistan but Nehru played a trick on them as soon as pakistan was created Nehru Managed to send Indian trash to pakistan. You know the ones who were against the creation of pakistan and are now in the process of destroying pakistan:sniper:

The way you think about Ahmedis in the same was Sunni thinks about you Shias. When it comes to you, you cry a river that minorities are not safe and when it comes to Ahmedis it is fine to deprive them of their basic rights.Hypocrisy at its best.
Good riddance let them live in India they can build their temples their and increase their number in India

only a minority in Pakistan consider them muslim or pakistani anyway
Althou i am of a view that everyone got the right to practice their religion/faith freely, but Ahmedi's are not Muslims as they follow someone whom they claim is Prophet after Hazart Mohmmad(PBUH):astagh:, which is a clear violation.
@Spring Onion I just wonder why didn't Pakistanis have this sense back in 1947 that Ahmedis aren't Muslims when they were creating Pakistan for Muslims of British India.
Ahmedis were actually at the forefront of the struggle for Pakistan. In the midst of madness inflamed by the Jamiat and Muslim League their intellectuals brought sense and logic into the movement and formed the backbone of Pakistani bureaucracy. Most of the secular Pakistanis should thank them for the few ropes they cling on, to claim that Pakistan was meant to be a secular country. If Jinnah did not have these men and women around and was completely on his own, influenced by Islamism, then God knows how Pakistan would be.

Sadly it took them very short time to realize their blunder. Yet people like Abdus Salam tried their best to develop Pakistan, calling it their own country.

Ahmedies made a choice back in the days let them have it now. No need to invite backstabbing scumbags even for seminars.
Ahmedis have been living in India as well for decades. They regularly face protests from Islamic groups and parties(AIMIM being a famous example. Their leader Akbaruddin Owaisi threatened violence against Ahmedis many years ago, around the time he threatened violence against Taslima Nasreen. Only the national media did not flag this guy until he talked smack(blasphemy in other words) about Sita) for calling themselves muslim. They live in substantial concentrations around some Indian cities. I am afraid even mentioning those areas here will make them targets by the yahoos.
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Ahmedis were actually at the forefront of the struggle for Pakistan. In the midst of madness inflamed by the Jamiat and Muslim League their intellectuals brought sense and logic into the movement and formed the backbone of Pakistani bureaucracy. Most of the secular Pakistanis should thank them for the few ropes they cling on, to claim that Pakistan was meant to be a secular country. If Jinnah did not have these men and women around and was completely on his own, influenced by Islamism, then God knows how Pakistan would be.

Sadly it took them very short time to realize their blunder. Yet people like Abdus Salam tried their best to develop Pakistan, calling it their own country.

I am aware of it, my question was relevant, what Pakistani Muslims believe today, they believe it 100 years ago. But that time they had no issue with presence of Ahmedis in Muslim League and even claimed Gurdaspur as Muslim majority by adding Ahmedi population as Muslims.
Ahmedis have been living in India as well for decades. They regularly face protests from Islamic groups and parties(AIMIM being a famous example. Their leader Akbaruddin Owaisi threatened violence against Ahmedis many years ago, around the time he threatened violence against Taslima Nasreen. Only the national media did not flag this guy until he talked smack(blasphemy in other words) about Sita) for calling themselves muslim. They live in substantial concentrations around some Indian cities. I am afraid even mentioning those areas here will make them targets by the yahoos.
I don't care about rest of India ... We in Punjab and Harayana don't like such people and I don't want such filth to spread in our area, not that I am insecure, but the repercussion would be huge
Yes your Free Land where Gujrat riots and Sikh Genocides occurred and where Muslims are so discriminated that they cant even buy a flat in hindu communities area,

I'm sick of poorly informed people spewing fecal matter out of every orifice where possible. Now I don't give my left butt cheek about religion, in fact, I think religion is for the weak-minded, and for those unfortunate souls who can't seem to break away from the shackles of their upbringing. Coming to your pretty one-sided (as usual) point in bold, in the city of Bombay for example, in orthodox Hindu-dominated vegetarian neighbourhoods (which by the way, are few and far between), you're right about the fact that non-Hindus cannot buy/rent property; similarly, in a majority Islamic neighbourhood, Hindus/Chritians/Jews aren't allowed to buy/rent property, and in Christian dominated areas, you and I can't buy property unless you belong to that particular community of Christians/Catholics, and then there are a million examples of neighbourhoods in which people of every faith, creed, colour, and caste co-exist peacefully. In fact, the latter is much more prevalent than the former, so stop being yourself (haha), and start being a world citizen for the love of the freakin planet.
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Ahmedies made a choice back in the days let them have it now. No need to invite backstabbing scumbags even for seminars.

I think we must use them and prompt them to fight against oppressing state which do not even consider them Muslims and treats them like second class citizens.
Pre 1947 - intolerance of a minority, Post 1947 intolerance of majority.

And Pakistanis lie through their teeth saying Ahmedis are just like any other minority, but conveniently forget to add that they are banned from preaching, a right enjoyed atleast on paper by other minorities.
I think we must use them and prompt them to fight against oppressing state which do not even consider them Muslims and treats them like second class citizens.
Well this fight must be through pen than sword. Some new perceptions are needed to be propped in gullible minds.
Well this fight must be through pen than sword. Some new perceptions are needed to be propped in gullible minds.

I have no problem in this, you pen the pamphlets I will distribute it to them during their meet. The ultimate goal is to extend the support to them.
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