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5,0000 Pakistanis go to India to practice their religion freely !

You Indians obviously do not know history, Sunnis never had a problems with Qadianis until Qadianis declared all non Qadiani as kaffir and then Muslims followed suit and every sect declared them kaffir. That is why there was no problem between Muslims and Qadianis during partition because Qadiani leaders who were in support of partition waited till after the fact to declare others kaffir lol and it bit them in the ***. It is a different story that they go around crying about it now.

And you Pakistanis, quite habitually, always fail to cite a single credible source.
Qadianis are not Muslims. All one needs to do is consider their beliefs and the reasons would be very clear.

Islam is not like Hinduism. There are certain beliefs, negating which would take a person out of Islam. Finality of Prophethood is one of those beliefs. It is interesting to see Qadianis engaging in verbal & logical gymnastics in order to claim two contradictory statements at the same time. First, that they are Muslims; second that they believe in some one who claimed prophethood in late 19th century.

They are no different than Qarmatians, Druze, and Bahais. Bahais have my respect for claiming themselves to be a different religion. Qadianis on the other hand consider themselves to be the only true Muslims. They would not admit to saying so openly on this forum, but they consider all Muslims as Kafirs. This was the particular reason for their being branded as non-Muslims by Parliament.

All the Hindus who are trolling on this thread should read the history of founder of Qadiani religion and their enthusiasm would certainly be deflated.

A peculiar feature of Qadianis is their fixation on Kashmir on account of it being considered the final resting place of Jesus. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, among other titles, claimed to be Jesus also (Masih-e-Mo-ud - promised Messiah); hence their interest in Kashmir. It is a little known fact that some of Ayub Khan's advisers were Qadianis. There is a conspiracy theory out there that Ayub Khan was egged on to indulge in adventure across Cease-Fire Line by these advisers. I can not attest to the veracity of this statement, since Bhutto too had a role in encouraging Ayub Khan. But I mentioned this just because it is an interesting angle that ought to be known on PDF.
All this because of lack of quality education!! Now things have come to such a point that some fellows one sided thinking cannot be reversed!!
And you Pakistanis, quite habitually, always fail to cite a single credible source.

No need to cite a source dude. This is common knowledge. But if you must know, try to dig out Mirza Tahir's testimony in the session of Parliament that declared Qadianis as Kafirs. Alternatively, read their religious books. The definitive statement was issued by their first Khalifa, son of their founder.
What ever it may be i like the out comes

all minorities welcomed/respected/free in India :yahoo:
it is just a tourist visit india gain money :yahoo:evil hindu baniya:p:
They definitely made some provocation statements in seminar how they persecuted,discriminated,killed in pak and say india is best for minorities:yahoo:
Then they send one request to USA and big bro scream,shout about pak laws:yahoo: and pak MP's apologetic statements follow on:rofl::rofl:
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mr. pakistanisage or whatever is name is, i hav read many of ur posts and based on those i had formed a judgement about u that u must be a open minded person having morals that are expected in a civilized member of a progressive society, but after reading ur above post i conclude that u belong to the same racist pakistani breed which caused u to lose east pakistan because of their hatred towards "dark bengalis" . u people can never learn your lessons. and as far as your "kaliya hindu" comment is concerned, i wud like 2 inform u that i am a hindu and i bet u r not fairer than me, (can send u a pic of me, if u request), but the difference between us is that i do not take false pride on my skin complexion. In India a person gets respected because of his worthiness only and not based on his skin colour

This really isn't anything to do with you. I am just responding to these few bigoted individuals who keep making Bigoted statements about Muslims and Pakistanis and I give them a taste of their own medicine so that they know what it is like to hear such retarded comments.

I actually respect Hindus many of whom are good friends of mine here in the US and I mean no disrespect to you or other Hindus on this Forum.
mr. pakistanisage or whatever is name is, i hav read many of ur posts and based on those i had formed a judgement about u that u must be a open minded person having morals that are expected in a civilized member of a progressive society, but after reading ur above post i conclude that u belong to the same racist pakistani breed which caused u to lose east pakistan because of their hatred towards "dark bengalis" . u people can never learn your lessons. and as far as your "kaliya hindu" comment is concerned, i wud like 2 inform u that i am a hindu and i bet u r not fairer than me, (can send u a pic of me, if u request), but the difference between us is that i do not take false pride on my skin complexion. In India a person gets respected because of his worthiness only and not based on his skin colour

Btw, how is it that a liberal Indian as you claim to be has Adolf Hitler as his Avatar ?
Well if a Kaliya Hindu from Benaras whose only claim to fame is that he has a Muslim "Wifey" and believes taking USHNAAN in Filthy Ganga River with Animal faeces and Carcasses is cleansing, can claim to be a Privileged Indian, Why can't a Pakistani " Muhajir " claim to be Privileged. I am not only Privileged but Blessed to be a Pakistani.

Someone's a bit touchy! Please tell how I managed to offend you today?Just yesterday, you yourself were tryna prove everyone that you are a white american originally from Pakistan and of Turkic ancestry. So whats the issue in me referring to you as one ?o_O

You might not agree that Muhajirs have faced persecution and discrimination in Pakistan, but there are lot many Muhajirs who feel otherwise. Operation clean-up is just one example.

I said you might not have faced any discrimination because you belong to a privileged class, no need to blow your fuse over it!.
Someone's a bit touchy! Please tell how I managed to offend you today?Just yesterday, you yourself were tryna prove everyone that you are a white american originally from Pakistan and of Turkic ancestry. So whats the issue in me referring to you as one ?o_O

You might not agree that Muhajirs have faced persecution and discrimination in Pakistan, but there are lot many Muhajirs who feel otherwise. Operation clean-up is just one example.

I said you might not have faced any discrimination because you belong to a privileged class, no need to blow your fuse over it!.

You have along history of making bigoted statements against Muslims and Islam in general and Pakistanis in Particular. It is your convoluted mindset that prevents you from seeing things in a normal perspective. There are many other cohorts of yours with similar tendencies but when you guys are given a taste of your own medicine , you start squealing like little Monkeys.

If you can't stand bigotry from others then don't make Bigoted statements.
You have along history of making bigoted statements against Muslims and Islam in general and Pakistanis in Particular. It is your convoluted mindset that prevents you from seeing things in a normal perspective. There are many other cohorts of yours with similar tendencies but when you guys are given a taste of your own medicine , you start squealing like little Monkeys.

If you can't stand bigotry from others then don't make Bigoted statements.

Prove it or shut it.

Just cause I call out certain wannabee's bs doesn't mean I hate Muslims and Islam and Pakistanis :cheesy:

And your racist diatribe doesn't bother me a bit, I am pretty comfortable in my skin, and don't feel the need to use photoshop unlike some white Americans!
Our faith is very fragile, so we are doing whatever is required to safeguard it and as we are majority we have every right to do so.

Excellent commentary.

To continue what you clearly implied, I wonder how a faith can be fragile when you're in the majority....and what are the implications of accepting that fact....

There is another - supreme- irony.

Ahmadis were a significant part of supporting the creation of Pakistan back in the 1940s. They apparently developed a sigificant response- back then- against 'kaffir India'

And now they are themselves declared 'kaffir' in their once beloved land, and we 'kaffirs' are giving them a free pass back into India so that they may express their religion with freedom? :lol::lol:

How the world turns.
Prove it or shut it.

Just cause I call out certain wannabee's bs doesn't mean I hate Muslims and Islam and Pakistanis :cheesy:

And your racist diatribe doesn't bother me a bit, I am pretty comfortable in my skin, and don't feel the need to use photoshop unlike some white Americans!

Keep suffering from your Narcissism. Your Worthless views mean nothing to us Pakistanis.
Pakistanis coming to India to practice religion, on the soil they left due to fears they wouldnt be allowed to do so!!

Ohh the irony times have brought us!

Defeats the purpose of creation of Pakistan.:coffee:
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