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44% of Indians support reunification with Pakistan, finds survey

we do live in bizarre times. I love my fellow Pashtuns pointing fingers at Pakistan. While forgetting they sit in usa the biggest murderer of fellow Pashtuns, and is now starving them in Afghanistan This world has gone completely mad .., people in it too
Do pakistani women or even any section of it wear it everyday ...NO
That means it's NOT our culture.

Now you would try to make a comeback with like we wear sherwany some days but its still our culture . well ya even sherwani is not a culture but merely an occasional thing..

With regards to clothing anything you wear occasionally is not your culture.Pakistani women wear kurta shalwar everyday.so that's their culture.

Please first learn what culture is ..

Why does Pakistan Army have saaris as part of uniform?
I think Pakistan Muslims, If they were in India right now, would have been part of every ruling government just because of thier numbers with a lot of power. They would have been the king makers for every prime minister. No party would have afforded to anger you guys.

I'm not saying pakistan should not have been made. So please don't start trolling. Just honest observation by looking at how Indian politics/government work.
I think Pakistan Muslims, If they were in India right now, would have been part of every ruling government just because of thier numbers with a lot of power. They would have been the king makers for every prime minister. No party would have afforded to anger you guys.

I'm not saying pakistan should not have been made. So please don't start trolling. Just honest observation by looking at how Indian politics/government work.
What happened is what happened- there's no point to discuss

Like I said before- after the brutality of partition we are just not mentally ready for anything to do with India, like it's an event that'll take 100-200 years for people to truly forget and move on and at that point our cultures would be different

If anyone is genuinely into the ideology of akhand Bharat or unity of the lands, they should focus on reducing tensions between people, not wanting to commit brutality on the other side is progress enough for a start- respecting each other as people is enough for a start (Last part goes both ways)

not akhand bahrat
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Why does Pakistan Army have saaris as part of uniform?
They like teasing Indians as our women look prettier in Saari..ok on a serious note.. Dude ..our army wears trousers and shirt. So does that mean our culture is similar to Gora culture.

If we are ocasionaly doing stuff its most of the times a personal prefernce or likeness regardless its origin is india or Afghanistan. From Afghanistan comes the round neck kurta with embroidery on front. ..many wear it locally but its not pakistani culture..then you have shuttlecock burka or the Uzbek hat gone viral with ptm. Both are not culture of Pakistan.. but yes if sizeable section of society starts wearing it everyday such that it becomes noticeable it would become our culture.same thing with saari.
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New Delhi: A survey that aims to “take stock” 75 years after the 1947 Partition — asking citizens of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh a series of questions on political, economic, social, and religious issues — has found that 44 per cent of Indians would support reunification with Pakistan.

Around 14 per cent of Indians said the Pakistani government could be trusted, while 60 per cent believed Bangladesh to be trustworthy, found the survey carried out by the Centre for Voting Opinion & Trends in Election Research (CVoter) and the Centre for Policy Research (CPR).

Conducted across the three countries using 15 languages between May and September, the survey’s first report, released last month — containing the responses of the 5,815 Indians surveyed — also assesses prevalent gender norms, what citizens had to say on India’s economic prospects, the country’s employment situation and its infrastructure.

When asked about democracy in India, the survey also found that 48 per cent of citizens believed it had been strengthened over the past 10 years. Around 51 per cent also believed India was nowhere close to autocratic rule, while about 31 per cent thought the country “might slide” into autocracy.


Around 46 per cent of Indians said the partition of India and Pakistan was the “right decision at that time”, and 44 per cent supported the division of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The survey, however, noted that people in western India, comprising Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Goa, remained critical of the Partition. The region was also “supportive of any efforts of reunification”.

Age also proved to be a deciding factor in the survey. It said that only 30 per cent respondents above 55 years supported the 1947 Partition, against 57 per cent who thought it was “wrong for the two nations to be divided”.

Progress on infrastructure

When it came to living conditions, the condition of roads, water quality and employment in India, 79 per cent of respondents thought that infrastructural progress had been better than expected.

South India, however, disagreed a little. Only 28 per cent of respondents from the region found progress on infrastructure to be better than expected. In the east and north of India, 53 per cent and 51 per cent respectively shared this view.

The survey also noted that around 70 per cent of ‘upper-caste’ Hindus and people from the Other Backward Classes (OBC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) believed that progress in infrastructure had been satisfactory. Around 60 per cent of respondents from religious minorities and about 47 per cent of those from Scheduled Castes (SC) found infrastructure development to have been worse than expected.

Economic prospects

When it came to the country’s economic prospects, the survey found most Indians to be optimistic. On average, about a third of respondents agreed that India’s economic condition would improve in a few years, while about 26 per cent predicted it would get worse.

Religious minorities such as Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs, however, reported pessimism. Around 53 per cent of Muslims thought the economic condition of India would progressively worsen.

Gender disparities

The survey also sought to assess how prevalent gender norms affected the country’s economy. Around 62 per cent of respondents said women in their households needed permission to take up jobs, participate in political meetings, or wear the clothes of their choice.

When assessed on these terms, the survey found regional trends: Women in the south enjoyed the least autonomy, while those living in western India enjoyed greater freedom.

The survey also found that 51 per cent of urban women needed permission from their families to work outside their homes, while the percentage stood at 65 per cent for those living in rural India.

When it came to politics, 61 per cent of women said that they had never participated in a rally or campaign. The survey also found that women with more education participated less in political rallies and campaigns.

Source: https://theprint.in/india/75-years-...ification-with-pakistan-finds-survey/1153338/

Did they ask the follow up question to the 44% who wants reunification, if they are ok with muslims ruling them ?
My guess about the sample size in this survey:

  1. Kids who just returned from some cultural exchange program
  2. Salty oldies with one foot in the grave who want to inflict pain on people after they kick the bucket
  3. Karl Rock's wife
Yes go ahead and support reunification.

Then India will have the world's largest population of Muslims. lol.

If they give provincial autonomy to West Pakistan and Bangladesh, then I am all for it.

BUT, the Indian National Congress rejected the Cabinet Mission Plan, and thus because of their narrow-mindedness, partition happened.

We Pakistani Muslims have no regrets.

They like teasing Indians as our women look prettier in Saari..ok on a serious note.. Dude ..our army wears trousers and shirt. So does that mean our culture is similar to Gora culture.

If we are ocasionaly doing stuff its most of the times a personal prefernce or likeness regardless its origin is india or Afghanistan. From Afghanistan comes the round neck kurta with embroidery on front. ..many wear it locally but its not pakistani culture..then you have shuttlecock burka or the Uzbek hat gone viral with ptm. Both are not culture of Pakistan.. but yes if sizeable section of society starts wearing it everyday such that it becomes noticeable it would become our culture.same thing with saari.
Shalwar Kameez is definitely Pakistani culture strictly.
My guess about the sample size in this survey:

  1. Kids who just returned from some cultural exchange program
  2. Salty oldies with one foot in the grave who want to inflict pain on people after they kick the bucket
  3. Karl Rock's wife
?? Didn't get this one though
?? Didn't get this one though
Karl Rock is a kiwi youtuber married to an Indian and now living in India. His wife is one extreme Aman ki Aasha types, plus woke liberal. The types who think everything is wrong with their own country and others are doing it right all the time.
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