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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

well, thanks! do you know what this incident is all about? shooting down 2 Mirages?

do you have a link to a site wich shows RsAF's all air victories or dogfights?

Saudi Arabian air force engaged in 3 dogfight wars throughout its history one was during the Yemen civil war in which Pakistani pilots flew our birds against Egyptian air force (a fact we are humiliated for by Pakistanis to this day). Second was during what was termed the "Tanker wars" in which Iran destroyed and sunk GCC Oil Tankers and civilian boats our Airforce was sent to intercept the Iranian advancing jets and ONE F-15 managed to shoot down 2 F-4s and seriously damaging a third and following it until it was Iranian territory. Iran stopped attacking our boats since then throughout the rest of the Iraq-Iran war (Lesson learned) Third which is this video was when an advancing Iraqi jets was going to bomb our Oil factories we sent two F-15s to intercept their 2 Mirages and their 2 (other aircraft forgot its name) the other 2 ran away when they saw our F-15 coming while the mirages didn't and the result was the fastest double shot down in history not a single Iraqi jet dared to repeat the mission.

According to history our Air Force is apparently not a joke. In matter of fact it's scary.
This is expected from the silly Saudi's both the KF-X and many European fighters exceed the capabilities of the F-15 then again Uncle Sam is milking your @sses again selling Junk to Saudis so they can get a few jobs ? kind of like the Gold Cars your princes have ?

F-15 is a battle proven aircraft. KF-X as i know isn't on the market, hasnt even made test flights or started assembling. F-15 is good at it's job. look at US victories with it in different wars, look at Israeli victories with it and look at Saudi victories with it.

there isn't a pure dogfight plane made in Europe today as far as i know. or atleast have the capabilities that the F-15 has... this hasn't much to do with @sslicking USA. but rather a smart choiche. Saudi has used it for what? almost 35 years now probably?

it isn't just changing and getting something else. it will cost a lot for Saudi to do that...
It's highly disappointing when a respected Saudi member (or any other Muslim member) has to name Pepsi or some other Western soft drink when dozens of Muslim countries prepare their own soft drinks, including Bangladesh. Even in Bangladesh, many Bangladeshis prefer the infidel/Western soft drinks. I generallyavoid carbonated beverages, but certain Bangladeshi fruit juices, other processed foods and lemon/lime etc juices are often consumed by me. Some examples:

Upper 10


RC Lemon

Tatka Fruit "Mocktail"

Fruit Mocktail

There are so many other examples I could find from around the Muslim world. I think it is time for all Muslims to understand that cooperation is much better for each of us than enmity, envy or competition with each other. Let us try to be the best in every important field by ourselves.

LoL. You actually believed that?? Man I was just kidding. I need to turn my sarcasm-o-meter down a notch.
We could have reached the stars if the Oil Rich Arabs helped their Muslim Brethren the way they suck up to America, Now I see why Pakistan is abandoning the Gulf Arabs for China.

You have a good point that Muslim world could have progressed much more if there was more cooperation amongst ourselves including in the space industry. But not all the blame can be laid on Gulf Arabs or any other group alone. What is the extent of cooperation between Egypt and Libya, for example, or between Turkey, Iran and Pakistan? Why have Turkey, Iran and Pakistan not signed common defense treaties and held joint exercises if they blame Arabs all the time? You could also find misunderstandings and confrontations between Malaysia and Indonesia as well, when cooperation and joint projects are so much more efficient and beneficial for the Muslims as a whole.
So we also get from Europe.. And we also Manufacture a lot of the aircraft spare parts. Or do you mean go Russian?? Because we all know how Russia loves Muslims right? Just ask our brothers in Chechnya.

To be frank, no Non-Muslim country loves Muslims, whether it be USA, UK, Europe, Russia or China. It's only about their own national interests. Saudi Arabia has Eurofighter Typhoons and Tornados from Europe. You already purchased a lot of F-15s from USA many years ago, why purchase new planes at such high price again? I think this is the point of some other member.

Personally, I would suggest NOT to purchase any aircraft from an infidel country for Saudi Arabia because you/Gulf Arab airforce already has the most advanced arsenal in the Muslim world (arguable). What you need is a joint international project to design and develop own jet fighters for the Muslim world. You already have so many aircrafts in your inventory in UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi, Oman, Bahrain, that you could also "play with"/tinker with those aircrafts to come up with something of your own.

If possible, you could also invite specialists from Egypt, Algeria, Malaysia, and any other Muslim countries of your choice. This would be a boost for all Muslim countries' indigenous air forces in times of war (when Western/Russian/Europeans could stop your supplies) and also this would help advance the Muslim countries.

That would be my idea, maybe other people have other ideas.
So we also get from Europe.. And we also Manufacture a lot of the aircraft spare parts. Or do you mean go Russian?? Because we all know how Russia loves Muslims right? Just ask our brothers in Chechnya.

---------- Post added at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

MY FRIENDS THE IRANIAN HAVE SPOKEN. God all Iranians I speak too share this gentleman's exact thoughts. Now see for yourself the great Iranians mind. oh how wonderful and glorious it is. HAHAHA.

A single person does not represent the view of all he is just here to troll if you were smart you would ignore him.

---------- Post added at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

You have a good point that Muslim world could have progressed much more if there was more cooperation amongst ourselves including in the space industry. But not all the blame can be laid on Gulf Arabs or any other group alone. What is the extent of cooperation between Egypt and Libya, for example, or between Turkey, Iran and Pakistan? Why have Turkey, Iran and Pakistan not signed common defense treaties and held joint exercises if they blame Arabs all the time? You could also find misunderstandings and confrontations between Malaysia and Indonesia as well, when cooperation and joint projects are so much more efficient and beneficial for the Muslims as a whole.

I do not put all the blame on Gulf Arabs however they have Natural resources that could have funded tons of things that exceed anything Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan has yet they waste it on Gold Cars and palaces, their personal planes or Bases from the USA to make them feel safe, I can very much understand why Pakistan is moving away from them and closer to China.
The arabian sand-reptile peninsula is a joke of a country.

It produces oil - not on its own, but Westerns do everything - and produces nothing else, but venom and conspiracy.

It is a consumer society that produces nothing.

Only because it sucks certain anatomical parts is it allowed to survive.

Wait until oil runs out or it oil facilities of hooked nose retards are blown up ... and we will see what these reptile lizard eating retards are capable of, with their swords (made in China), sand, and dates.

Stop being ignorant. The same country blew your arrogance into the dust in the 7th century Christian Era. Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries are one of the largest petrochemical industrial powerhouses of the world (petrochemicals is different from petroleum extraction industry). Not only that all Gulf countries have mobile phone penetration in excess of 100%, and even close to or above 200% in many cases. Lavish scholarships, stipends, benefits are provided by the Gulf Arab countries to their citizens for study in national as well as foreign universities. Sometimes, foreigners can also enjoy these benefits.

The only "developed" countries in the Muslim world are in the Gulf Arab countries and perhaps in Brunei. The next in line are medium-income or medium-developed countries, when you look at the economic, social and other indicators. I can not support the close alliance of Saudi/Gulf Arab kings with USA/West, and I can not support the close relationship of Bangladeshi, or other Muslim countries with USA/West for the same reason.

Do not use profanities.
To be frank, no Non-Muslim country loves Muslims, whether it be USA, UK, Europe, Russia or China. It's only about their own national interests. Saudi Arabia has Eurofighter Typhoons and Tornados from Europe. You already purchased a lot of F-15s from USA many years ago, why purchase new planes at such high price again? I think this is the point of some other member.

Personally, I would suggest NOT to purchase any aircraft from an infidel country for Saudi Arabia because you/Gulf Arab airforce already has the most advanced arsenal in the Muslim world (arguable). What you need is a joint international project to design and develop own jet fighters for the Muslim world. You already have so many aircrafts in your inventory in UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi, Oman, Bahrain, that you could also "play with"/tinker with those aircrafts to come up with something of your own.

If possible, you could also invite specialists from Egypt, Algeria, Malaysia, and any other Muslim countries of your choice. This would be a boost for all Muslim countries' indigenous air forces in times of war (when Western/Russian/Europeans could stop your supplies) and also this would help advance the Muslim countries.

That would be my idea, maybe other people have other ideas.

Okay you speak some very valid points but however something remains. Let's talk about this from an economical point of view. Making a plane takes billions more Billions than those spent on the F-15 I love how some people say "You could have only spent 5 Billion to build an industry and saved the rest on Education" I Laugh so hard because all I can say is look how much the F-35 is costing how much the F-22 cost?? How much the Pak-FA and J-20 cost and that is just research. Who is going to keep our lines open or should we make the planes and then distribute them as charity?? Can you guarantee me that Muslims countries will buy??Can you guarantee me that Muslims countries would mot leave you with a weaker plane on your own and go for the much better Russian and American?? People just looooove to talk and talk and talk don't they??

---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM ----------

A single person does not represent the view of all he is just here to troll if you were smart you would ignore him.

Ooooooh trust me THIS IS the view of all Iranians. I mean that how ALL Iranians I have met think. Maybe it is just the Iranians that go into the internet...And come to Hajj....and Umrah... Maybe only them think this way not all.
I do not put all the blame on Gulf Arabs however they have Natural resources that could have funded tons of things that exceed anything Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan has yet they waste it on Gold Cars and palaces, their personal planes or Bases from the USA to make them feel safe, I can very much understand why Pakistan is moving away from them and closer to China.

Libya and Algeria to Egypt's west also has natural resources. How much cooperation was there between Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt? Is there cooperation or confrontation between Morocco and Algeria (two "Arab/Berber" and "Muslim" neighbours)? Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei also have oil. Malaysia and Indonesia have had disagreements and confrontations in the past. Iran has oil and gas, so do Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Sudan. The Gulf Arabs are the wealthiest of them all and their rulers are "allies" of USA/West which I can not support. For the same reason, I can not support other Muslim countries not cooperating with each other and having close alliances with the West/USA. That is the case for Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, to name a few countries.
Stop being ignorant. The same country blew your arrogance into the dust in the 7th century Christian Era. Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries are one of the largest petrochemical industrial powerhouses of the world (petrochemicals is different from petroleum extraction industry). Not only that all Gulf countries have mobile phone penetration in excess of 100%, and even close to or above 200% in many cases. Lavish scholarships, stipends, benefits are provided by the Gulf Arab countries to their citizens for study in national as well as foreign universities. Sometimes, foreigners can also enjoy these benefits.

The only "developed" countries in the Muslim world are in the Gulf Arab countries and perhaps in Brunei. The next in line are medium-income or medium-developed countries, when you look at the economic, social and other indicators. I can not support the close alliance of Saudi/Gulf Arab kings with USA/West, and I can not support the close relationship of Bangladeshi, or other Muslim countries with USA/West for the same reason.

Do not use profanities.

Come on man. He is only being an Iranian don't be racist we should respect how people are. And that is how Iranians are after all.I mean God forbid we are racist to stop them from being themselves just because we don't like it.
Okay you speak some very valid points but however something remains. Let's talk about this from an economical point of view. Making a plane takes billions more Billions than those spent on the F-15 I love how some people say "You could have only spent 5 Billion to build an industry and saved the rest on Education" I Laugh so hard because all I can say is look how much the F-35 is costing how much the F-22 cost?? How much the Pak-FA and J-20 cost and that is just research. Who is going to keep our lines open or should we make the planes and then distribute them as charity?? Can you guarantee me that Muslims countries will buy??Can you guarantee me that Muslims countries would mot leave you with a weaker plane on your own and go for the much better Russian and American?? People just looooove to talk and talk and talk don't they??

---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM ----------

Ooooooh trust me THIS IS the view of all Iranians. I mean that how ALL Iranians I have met think. Maybe it is just the Iranians that go into the internet...And come to Hajj....and Umrah... Maybe only them think this way not all.

Stop generalizing people if you think all Iranians view it this way your wrong your acting no different then the people that think all muslims are terrorists, however mosa whatever makes you feel happy.
Libya and Algeria to Egypt's west also has natural resources. How much cooperation was there between Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt? Is there cooperation or confrontation between Morocco and Algeria (two "Arab/Berber" and "Muslim" neighbours)? Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei also have oil. Malaysia and Indonesia have had disagreements and confrontations in the past. Iran has oil and gas, so do Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Sudan. The Gulf Arabs are the wealthiest of them all and their rulers are "allies" of USA/West which I can not support. For the same reason, I can not support other Muslim countries not cooperating with each other and having close alliances with the West/USA. That is the case for Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, to name a few countries.

The Gulf has more resources then Algeria, Egypt and Libya combined. Algeria Libya and Tunisa have a Economic Union. My point is the Gulf has alot of resources and their money could have been spent better then on fancy cars and useless planes however it's not up to me so let them spend their money rather for the ummah.

---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------

YESSSSS Unleash your Iranianism brother.

I have reported him. feel better ?
The Gulf has more resources then Algeria, Egypt and Libya combined. Algeria Libya and Tunisa have a Economic Union. My point is the Gulf has alot of resources and their money could have been spent better then on fancy cars and useless planes however it's not up to me so let them spend their money rather for the ummah.

---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 PM ----------

I have reported him. feel better ?

wonderfully stated
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