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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

And you are an utter and complete fool. Oh look over there an Iranian a$$ kiss it kiss it quickly. Oh man you were about to go to heaven it was one of the Imams too nuts.

Back to topic. Read what the deal contain stupido.

Ok man when in 2018 Saudia will get first batch of F15 (Enahced painted) it would be nice to see some pictures with Saudi flag on it
it would be fantastic

But , when is the money being transferred instantly or in batches , I would not give full 30 billion to American sales man , they might take it and build a home in UAE you know , lot of nice villas for sale in UAE

70-80 more fighters will surely enhance Saudia Airforce from its current standard

But what if another nation builds 700 Locally produced fighters during that time , will the 70 planes be enough ?
Well there are only 2 things the future has for you, unless you change your ways, 1) you will be annihilated by Israel or Iran & 2) You will return to your camps when the oil runs out in 30-50 or 100 years. We can only hope that something wakes up your pride as a nation and you start competing with the world on technology instead of who can spend more on the highest building in the world!

---------- Post added at 02:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 AM ----------

Your Air combats have been carried out by pilots on hire (usually from PAF), ignorance cannot be an excuse!

But....which encounter are you referring to?

LoL. Iranian boot licker I expected nothing better from you. You are free to google it yourself you know. And the names of the pilots who did it and the videos of them doing it are also available so you can suck it along with your Iranian friends. You see in Arabia we have a saying "The dog that barks a lot is the least dangerous one" Iran is the biggest barker in the world lol.

Why has my attitude changed?? Because PDF has changed to PDF (Persian defense forum). I just hope we do not look at Iran the wrong way we want to win the war while at least having fun. Idiots Iran threatens to close our trade route and you guys clap like nothing but a pack of idiots.

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------

Ok man when in 2018 Saudia will get first batch of F15 (Enahced painted) it would be nice to see some pictures with Saudi flag on it
it would be fantastic

But , when is the money being transferred instantly or in batches , I would not give full 30 billion to American sales man , they might take it and build a home in UAE you know , lot of nice villas for sale in UAE

70-80 more fighters will surely enhance Saudia Airforce from its current standard

More news from Iran?? LMAO use a little thing called "GOOGLE" here let me help you this is its link https://www.google.com/ people use it to surf the internet and find information on questions they have. LMAO. WoW Iranian passe is so butt hurt it is so fun to watch.
How exactly? Please elaborate?

There is more news on Iran than there is news on Pakistan. but not like it is not expected after all this site IS controlled by an American Foreign Affairs group "The Defense Network" propaganda capabilities of this site is massive. I mean for God sakes look at the damn Mods. carefully selected from also a group of Iranians boot lickers. Again not surprising.
Brother Mosamania,
Salam and I hope you use more polite words in your exchange. I expect that other members also use more polite words with Mosamania.

I think most Muslims and Pakistanis love Saudi people who are considered brothers. The real problem are the "kings" who do not represent the people, and who serve Washington's agenda.
Any conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, or any number of Muslim countries is totally unacceptable to me and I am sure many millions of Muslims agree with me. We hope that all Muslims can increase our cooperation and collaboration to leave behind all these petty insults and animosity towards one another.

There is more news on Iran than there is news on Pakistan. but not like it is not expected after all this site IS controlled by an American Foreign Affairs group "The Defense Network" propaganda capabilities of this site is massive. I mean for God sakes look at the damn Mods. carefully selected from also a group of Iranians boot lickers. Again not surprising.

Well, i guess we all have our views regarding this forum. This forum initially seemed pro-india to me, but now its just neutral, some of the mods are so called "ultra-liberals", there's more indians on this forum than Pakistanis, Chinese, Iranians, Arabs, Israelis, Afghans combined; maybe its due to their very large population so there tends to be a lot more of them.

Regarding all of the news related to Iran, true there has been a lot of it recently, maybe its due to the current media hype over Irans procurements? Other than that there was no such thing on PDF (at least not as much as it is now) , mostly Pakistani related issues. Nevertheless not a reason to be overly frustrated, your frustration is understandable but don't let that get you banned. Honestly, you did change the perception of many on this forum regarding Saudi Arabia and Arabs in general.
Brother Mosamania,
Salam and I hope you use more polite words in your exchange. I expect that other members also use more polite words with Mosamania.

I think most Muslims and Pakistanis love Saudi people who are considered brothers. The real problem are the "kings" who do not represent the people, and who serve Washington's agenda.
Any conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, or any number of Muslim countries is totally unacceptable to me and I am sure many millions of Muslims agree with me. We hope that all Muslims can increase our cooperation and collaboration to leave behind all these petty insults and animosity towards one another.

Always nice to meet someone from Algeria, hope you guys are doing great :-)
Brother Mosamania,
Salam and I hope you use more polite words in your exchange. I expect that other members also use more polite words with Mosamania.

I think most Muslims and Pakistanis love Saudi people who are considered brothers. The real problem are the "kings" who do not represent the people, and who serve Washington's agenda.
Any conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, or any number of Muslim countries is totally unacceptable to me and I am sure many millions of Muslims agree with me. We hope that all Muslims can increase our cooperation and collaboration to leave behind all these petty insults and animosity towards one another.


Walaikum Salam, a very thought full post indeed. :tup:
Brother Mosamania,
Salam and I hope you use more polite words in your exchange. I expect that other members also use more polite words with Mosamania.

I think most Muslims and Pakistanis love Saudi people who are considered brothers. The real problem are the "kings" who do not represent the people, and who serve Washington's agenda.
Any conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia, or any number of Muslim countries is totally unacceptable to me and I am sure many millions of Muslims agree with me. We hope that all Muslims can increase our cooperation and collaboration to leave behind all these petty insults and animosity towards one another.


They can suck it. I have been polite for months here and what do I get?? Redicule attacks on my race even MOST people call me non-Muslim here. Seriously I should just take this crap and keep on going. hell no. Both Iran and its tails will be stepped upon according to the needs of the custodian of the holy mosques take care. LMAO
Well, i guess we all have our views regarding this forum. This forum initially seemed pro-india to me, but now its just neutral, some of the mods are so called "ultra-liberals", there's more indians on this forum than Pakistanis, Chinese, Iranians, Arabs, Israelis, Afghans combined; maybe its due to their very large population so there tends to be a lot more of them.

Regarding all of the news related to Iran, true there has been a lot of it recently, maybe its due to the current media hype over Irans procurements? Other than that there was no such thing on PDF (at least not as much as it is now) , mostly Pakistani related issues. Nevertheless not a reason to be overly frustrated, your frustration is understandable but don't let that get you banned. Honestly, you did change the perception of many on this forum regarding Saudi Arabia and Arabs in general.

Please. I have been here for months not a SINGLE PERSON was not a racist shmock who talks out of his a$$ based on stereotyping and pure Racism. People who are bashing Arabs on a regular basis get "Think Tank" status. people who praise Iran and worship it like fire (Seems appropriate to associate Persian with fire worship get it ;) ) get special status in the blink of an eye. Don't act like there is nothing going on there is SOMETHING. which is this forum is a propaganda den and stinks of lies and hypocrisy. No matter how many facts I put on the table a guy only comments with "LoL" and gets 1000 thanks. Okay is this how it is played here no problem two can play the same game. I am not a freaking one man army you know.
They can suck it. I have been polite for months here and what do I get?? Redicule attacks on my race even MOST people call me non-Muslim here. Seriously I should just take this crap and keep on going. hell no. Both Iran and its tails will be stepped upon according to the needs of the custodian of the holy mosques take care. LMAO

I agree that there are many ignorant and amateurish members here. Surprisingly there are more Indian members than Pakistaniis on a Pakistani defence forum. It makes some people think that this site is run by Indians. You should not insult those ignorant members because they may ban you. What you should do is to get them banned for their insults by reporting to the moderator, if possible.

Also, if possible, take any criticism of Saudi "kings" in a positive way if the criticisms are meant to improve the state of Saudi, Arab and Muslim world. For example, I am against the Saudi kings' close relationship with the West/USA as I am also against the close relationship of Bangladesh or any Muslim country with the West/USA. There is no double standard in my criteria here.

I hope you also agree that Saudi Arabia is going through many changes and will improve a lot in the future, Inshallah. This means a lot of improvements can be made in Saudi Arabia already, so there is no need to be upset or angry. Many members are ignorant so they write a lot of nonsense, other members often wish Saudi Arabia well in reality.
They can suck it. I have been polite for months here and what do I get?? Redicule attacks on my race even MOST people call me non-Muslim here. Seriously I should just take this crap and keep on going. hell no. Both Iran and its tails will be stepped upon according to the needs of the custodian of the holy mosques take care. LMAO

Calm down ok.
Please. I have been here for months not a SINGLE PERSON was not a racist shmock who talks out of his a$$ based on stereotyping and pure Racism. People who are bashing Arabs on a regular basis get "Think Tank" status. people who praise Iran and worship it like fire (Seems appropriate to associate Persian with fire worship get it ;) ) get special status in the blink of an eye. Don't act like there is nothing going on there is SOMETHING. which is this forum is a propaganda den and stinks of lies and hypocrisy. No matter how many facts I put on the table a guy only comments with "LoL" and gets 1000 thanks. Okay is this how it is played here no problem two can play the same game. I am not a freaking one man army you know.

I agree that there is a general trend among ignorant members here to bash and insult Arabs for no reason and out of their ignorance. In reality, India and Pakistan (the two countries with most members in this forum) are decades behind the development level of the Arab world in general. The same is true for Bangladesh which is decades behind the Arab world in general. As you know, the largest number of illiterates in the world are located in India, and India has the highest number of members in this forum.

They are mostly ignorant and not only that, they seem to be mentally deficient. If a dog barks at you, you should not bark back but "kick" it or strike it at the right time.
Please. I have been here for months not a SINGLE PERSON was not a racist shmock who talks out of his a$$ based on stereotyping and pure Racism. People who are bashing Arabs on a regular basis get "Think Tank" status. people who praise Iran and worship it like fire (Seems appropriate to associate Persian with fire worship get it ;) ) get special status in the blink of an eye. Don't act like there is nothing going on there is SOMETHING. which is this forum is a propaganda den and stinks of lies and hypocrisy. No matter how many facts I put on the table a guy only comments with "LoL" and gets 1000 thanks. Okay is this how it is played here no problem two can play the same game. I am not a freaking one man army you know.

But the number of thanks you received speaks otherwise. We do have a lot of pro-Arab(Saudi) members, you just choose to remember the pro-iranians and the things they say. And as i stated, some of our Mods are very "ultra-liberal" so for them anything Arab is associated with "Wahabiism". You should also keep in mind that this forum hasn't had and does not have a lot of Arab (Saudi to be more specific) members which is why there are all of these misconceptions.
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