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3 FC Troops Martyred in Terrorist Attack in Bolan District

OK from technological standpoint there are "Infrasound sensing devices" in the market which can:

1. Detect a hostile fire within a specified radius
2. Detect the exact direction the hostile fire is originated

There are other additional specifications which I don't remember on top of my head at this time but definitely dig it through and post it.

No FC Jawaan should be just standing guarding the fence they should be behind well hardened outposts. There MUST be new ways of guarding the border fences from a distance with Infrared and night vision cameras etc (I have to do a little research on that too as well).

Oh I totally forgot to congratulate every one on yum e azaadi (i.e. 27th Ramazan ul mubarak) :pakistan:

Perhaps just put a bunch of these shotspotters on some of the cell towers or lamp posts, and put FLIR cameras on some other cell towers. Working with the community before installing them will also be key to maintaining trust and preventing people from thinking it is a way to listen on their conversations.

Honestly it’s time for a troop surge from the regular forces. The situation is perilous. There have been way too many deaths above a so called low level insurgency.
They are our own people, right or wrong, this needs to be treated how swat teams would try to arrest armed suspects. If civilians are in the line of fire, they should refrain from action and wait till they have a clear chance to engage (capture or respond accordingly) suspects.

The Turks have a special police commando force. Pakistan should train and study them an how they have dealt with the PKK and ISIS (but of course ensure we follow our own laws)

Pakistan regularly send its people to Turkey for training. Hopefully situation will be much better in next 2-3 years.
If that was so we wouldn't have cleared fata
Eventually if you throw enough troops, things will turn into your favour but at what cost. Look at the troop cost of operations and compared it will US across the border.
Honestly it’s time for a troop surge from the regular forces. The situation is perilous. There have been way too many deaths above a so called low level insurgency.
Wouldn’t solve the problem. Gotta do constant surveillance and prosecution of culprits and their helpers. Even taking out individual here n there will not solve the problem. Once general population see swift justice and hanging in courts. They will learn lesson.
Perhaps just put a bunch of these shotspotters on some of the cell towers or lamp posts, and put FLIR cameras on some other cell towers. Working with the community before installing them will also be key to maintaining trust and preventing people from thinking it is a way to listen on their conversations.

Always have MRAP with machine gun mount and IR camera present with the fence working party. Install similar short spotter type system used by US military on vehicle. Have surveillance drone present in the area. As soon as ambush started, jump inside MRAP give direction of attack and wait for QRF and armed drones to clear the area.
Perhaps it is time to Ask Gen. Tariq Khan to come out of retirement (or appoint one of his most capable commanders under him that is still in active service) and help reorganize/straighten out at the very least the police force if not the entire FC. If the other officers don’t want to or are unable to do so, they should at least step aside and let an experienced battlefield commander do it. (No offense meant to any officers working quietly working on this issue and we in the public are not aware of it)

No one should be allowed to challenge the writ of the state except through legal means. Train with the Turks and get some insight from other friendly countries on intercepting enemy comms (legal means of course). Expand the smart city concept to major roads into an out of hot spots in the country. Use big data policing to get ahead of the threats; facial recognition body cameras when looking for suspects for example.

The Army should focus on sealing all the borders while the FC and Police work on keeping an eye out for the miscreants already in the country.
Gen Tariq is a national asset. I would have him square dab in the middle of this helping his country from the front. He has immense experience and knowledge that we should leverage.
Troops dropping dead left and right, ISPR is silent while PM is busy tweeting about Palestine and Bajwa wants to make peace with India.

Once Americans leave NDS and RAW better be skinned alive.
Wake up, blame RAW, sleep, repeat.
Another IED attack in Quetta near Sariab flyover.2 FC soldiers among 3 injured.
Patience brothers. We have been through this hellish patch before and seen worse. The killing of our beloved soldiers is regretful. May they RIP. Hindustan and its cronies in Afghanistan know the reality. Their game is up. These are desperate times for the enemies. Let things go as they are planned and we will undoubtedly rule the roost. India will be evicted from theit terror base.

These poor illiterate bastards don't have an idea who is using them and for what purpose. Dying like cockroaches and undermining their own cause. What a waste.
Patience brothers. We have been through this hellish patch before and seen worse. The killing of our beloved soldiers is regretful. May they RIP. Hindustan and its cronies in Afghanistan know the reality. Their game is up. These are desperate times for the enemies. Let things go as they are planned and we will undoubtedly rule the roost. India will be evicted from theit terror base.

These poor illiterate bastards don't have an idea who is using them and for what purpose. Dying like cockroaches and undermining their own cause. What a waste.
Twitter is quick to srub and ban posts that are anti a politician like Modi. Yet you'll see an orgy of terrorist supported posts bask in the glory of twitter with no action.
Twitter is quick to srub and ban posts that are anti a politician like Modi. Yet you'll see an orgy of terrorist supported posts bask in the glory of twitter with no action.

I have said it many times. They will collectively protect any fascist if it is their fascist. The West and its human rights claims are just that. Twitter, FB and others are all hand and glove with their governments. Freedom of speech only exists in name.

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