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28 Taiwanese die after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine over past 4 days

Most people have preexisting conditions but didn't die from COVID.

A relative of mine is a GP in London. She said the death toll in her surgery is no higher than any other year. Four of her patients 'died of Covid' this year. She said that they would have died anyway. They didn't die 'of' Covid, they died 'with' Covid.
But a lot of people who did catch Covid did die due to complications from pre-existing conditions.
That's just purveyed excuse by medical professionals to cover their failure to save a life or in some cases to take a life.
That's just purveyed excuse by medical professionals to cover their failure to save a life or in some cases to take a life.

Not much more to say really, we’ll just have to disagree on that one. A lot of people here in the states did in fact unfortunately pass away Due to complications when they caught Covid.
read pre-existing conditions.....

amazing... you dont count the hundreds of thousands who died from your virus.

Very few elderly are completely free of "preexisting conditions". It's one of the reasons many country do not administer AZ to the elderly.
In the past few days on the island, the ones dying from the vaccine surpassed those dying from the actual virus. That's not something one can just dismiss with "preexisting condition".
Very few elderly are completely free of "preexisting conditions". It's one of the reasons many country do not administer AZ to the elderly.
In the past few days on the island, the ones dying from the vaccine surpassed those dying from the actual virus. That's not something one can just dismiss with "preexisting condition".

'COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated.'

Posted earlier. Taking the vaccine can make Covid more lethal if you get infected.
'COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated.'

Posted earlier. Taking the vaccine can make Covid more lethal if you get infected.

Thats not what it means. And I am not even entirely sure if the quote above are accurate . Antibodies are very very specific they will only bind to the protein for which they are made. That’s why Bcells turn to memory cells and only release antibodies when that specific antigen is shown to it

Antibodies made for COVID spike protein won’t bind to any other protein, virus, toxins. It’s a lock-key mechanism system
Thats not what it means. And I am not even entirely sure if the quote above are accurate . Antibodies are very very specific they will only bind to the protein for which they are made. That’s why Bcells turn to memory cells and only release antibodies when that specific antigen is shown to it

Antibodies made for COVID spike protein won’t bind to any other protein, virus, toxins. It’s a lock-key mechanism system

It's a copy and paste from the scientific report mentioned. It says clearly that due to Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), you are at greater risk, if infected, if you have taken the vaccine.
It's a copy and paste from the scientific report mentioned. It says clearly that due to Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), you are at greater risk, if infected, if you have taken the vaccine.

can you post a link to it. I’d like to read it
can you post a link to it. I’d like to read it

This is not a research or an experiment or a study. This is a review, they’re using old literature and publications and trying to draw a conclusion out of it. I had to write one of these back in university

“Methods used to conduct the study: Published literature was reviewed to identify preclinical and clinical evidence that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus”

and the conclusion they are drawing are from SARSvirus since COVID is in the sars family they’re saying they didn’t made the vaccine for SARS vaccine made using the traditional method (inactivated ones)

Also ADE is when the vaccines binds to the virus but does not prevents the virus from entering cells. This mechanism is prevelant in old technique vaccines such as Sinopharm . That’s whyuou See patient testing positive despite taking that vaccine and why Pfizer was not made from inactivated technique but a new MRNA one
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This is not a research or an experiment or a study. This is a review, they’re using old literature and publications and trying to draw a conclusion out of it. I had to write one of these back in university

“Methods used to conduct the study: Published literature was reviewed to identify preclinical and clinical evidence that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating virus”

and the conclusion they are drawing are from SARSvirus since COVID is in the sars family they’re saying they didn’t made the vaccine for SARS vaccine made using the traditional method (inactivated ones)

Also ADE is when the vaccines binds to the virus but does not prevents the virus from entering cells. This mechanism is prevelant in old vaccines such as Sinopharm . That’s whyuou See patient testing positive despite taking that vaccine

This is an analysis of previous litreture ( Meta analysis?). ADE was known before. I understand there was a study in which ferrets were given a vaccine, then exposed to the very disease that the vaccine was meant to protect them from. Those that were given the vaccine had a higher fatality rate then the unvaccinated ones.
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This is an analysis of previous litreture ( Meta analysis?). ADE was known before. I understand there was a study in which ferrets were given a vaccine, then exposed to the very disease that the vaccine was meant to protect them from. Those that were given the vaccine had a higher fatality rate then the unvaccinated ones.

No not meta analysis. Meta analysis is the highest level of accuracy in a scientific researches it includes a statistical analysis of 100s or 1000s of experiment with different population sample size results etc etc. if it was meta analysis then I would take their words without a doubt

The other problem is these isolated studies and review. For example 1 isolated ferret experiment scientifically wouldn’t draw a direct conclusion to human effects because there are 1000s of variables . That’s why we still do human studies after doing it to animals. Because little things as age, race, metabolic syndromes they all come to play

So isolated studies, reviews, and conflict of interest studies (like Coca Cola paying to study the effects of sugar on people). Needs to be taken with a grain of salt

Infection and lethality are two different. Infection by itself doesnt mean anything to a disease. Infection just means something foreign had entered in ur body. What that organism does is the cause of concern is what constitutes a disease or not .And I don’t need to point much than india where their health capacity is over run ppl are dying on the street. Their lungs are getting compromised etc etc

Local governments report 28 deaths after AstraZeneca jabs in Taiwan
Taiwan News

4-5 minutes

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Over the past four days, 28 elderly people in eight cities and counties across Taiwan were reported to have died after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, but whether there is a direct causal relationship between the vaccinations and the deaths has yet to be determined.

On Tuesday (June 15), Taiwan began inoculating its citizens with 1.24 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine that was donated by Japan on June 4. The first group prioritized to receive shots was people aged 85 and above.

However, in just four days, there have been more than two dozen cases of elderly vaccine recipients suddenly dying after receiving their first dose of the vaccine. As of 8 a.m. on Friday (June 18), there were 28 such cases reported, with Taichung City reporting the most at six deaths, according to SET News.

When questioned about the apparent surge in deaths following inoculations at the Legislative Yuan on Thursday (June 17), Health Minister and Central Epidemic Command Center head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said that whether there is a direct causal relationship still remains to be investigated. He then emphasized "the advantages outweigh the disadvantages" and called on the public to continue to get vaccinated.

As of Friday, health departments in 12 cities and counties had reported sudden deaths following AZ jabs, including: three in Taipei City, five in New Taipei City, three in Taoyuan City, two in Hsinchu City, one in Hsinchu County, six in Taichung City, one in Changhua County, two in Yunlin County, one in Chiayi City, one in Tainan City, one in Kaohsiung City, and two in Pingtung County.

The ages of the 28 recipients who were reported dead ranged between 60 and 97. Of these recipients, 14 had long-term chronic illnesses, such as kidney failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, while the health history of the other eight is not yet known.

The recipients experienced coughing, fever, vomiting, a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, coma, sputum, delirium, shortness of breath, and foaming at the mouth before their deaths. Five patients went into a coma before their vital signs ceased.

In response to the deaths reportedly occurring after receiving AstraZeneca vaccines, CECC Spokesman Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) on Thursday (June 17) said that according to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 11 deaths following an AstraZeneca jab have been reported in Taiwan, eight of which occurred in persons over the age of 75.

Chuang said the vast majority of the deceased were elderly people who had been suffering from chronic diseases. He said that autopsies of two patients showed that one suffered from arterial obstructive cardiovascular disease and acute myocardial infarction, while the other had arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, with serious blockages in three arteries.

Chuang stated that based on statistics, it's expected that an average of 200 people over the age of 75 will die every day. In the case of the U.K., there have been 863 deaths reported as having resulted from an adverse reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine out of 24.5 million doses delivered as of June 2, he pointed out.

He stated that apparent adverse reactions after injections could be due to the shots or related to the patient's condition. "It could just be a coincidence that the adverse event occurred just after vaccination," said Chuang.

He said the causes of death in these recent cases needs to be investigated and clarified. Chuang pledged the CECC will continue to monitor adverse events following jabs, and he called on the public to rest assured the vaccines are safe.

Chuang stressed that thus far, there have been no deaths directly attributed to any COVID-19 vaccine in Taiwan.

The findings are consistent with other middle to old aged people who received Astra Zenca. In Australia Astra is not being used for people above 50 years of age after reported blood clotting seen in some recipients, what would you expect from people aged 85 & above!? They were half dead already 🤭
Only 28 deaths out of 1.24 million doses is veerrryyyyyy low ratio still, its better not to use Astra in old people. Astra is still the 2nd most effective vaccine after phizer.
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