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28 Taiwanese die after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine over past 4 days

So isolated studies, reviews, and conflict of interest studies (like Coca Cola paying to study the effects of sugar on people). Needs to be taken with a grain of salt

This is so important and not often mentioned. Studies are often expensive and have to be paid for. Centres of science are funded by corporations who have a vested interest in moving research in a certain direction, and consquently away from another. The level of financial investment by corporations, and their tie in with universities is often said to detract from the reliability of results.
Me thinks he is Indian, not even a muslim as he claims.
definitely no indian or any asians dna....

unlike you who have mixture of indian/chinese dna.

i dont smell of either indian curry or chinese msg/sesame oil stench or palm oil.
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and when someone dies after getting SinoVac then? we don't consider that they had pre-exisiting condition??

We need to end this propaganda war against all vaccines --- just get any on the market and defeat the virus---
We consider pre-existing condition; that is a requirement. My friend who passed away had diabetes. But the relative who died on Sunday did not - he was not vaccinated.

This nonsense needs to be ended. PDF mods and staff; need to put first these chinese bots by getting their leader of central organisation on this forum to tell them to back off with their halleluyah about everything great about their vaccine. I am tired of the almost weekly burials and impact on our lives here.

We are losing people left right and centre here. These bots are deliberately planting false information and narrative which must be put to a permanent end. We have called for it again and again and nothing is done about it.

All we get is their fake conspiracies and rewinded Winnie Xi Pooh messages; no a single iota of credible scientific study they can suggest.

Moderates told us to counter their narratives - if this mixed messaging is not stopped this engagement will continue.

I am surprised u take that vaccine. It is non halal, hope u know that..

Islamic law has flexibility, so in this kind of situation it is allowed, particularly when we dont have too much option as countries are competing to get any vaccine as they can....

Similar like in In Islam we are not allowed to harm any one, but when we get attacked, we are allowed to kill enemy soldiers in a war
Ok then “weak response” is more suitable term. Light fever after a jab is not uncommon and expected it is just an immune response to a faked infection. I received biontech. Got light pain in arm for a week.

Yup I get light pain in arm too, but it is of course related to the shoot by needle right ?

Third day for my case my body gets normal again.
For your info, sinovac vaccine is halal.

Yup, our Ulama has approved Sinovacs as halal

This guy is part of Fatwa members in our Ulama Council (MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) who announced that Sinovacs is Halal, 5 months ago.


62 dead in Taiwan now after taking Astrazeneca.
In the case of the U.K., there have been 863 deaths reported as having resulted from an adverse reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine out of 24.5 million doses delivered as of June 2, he pointed out.

@UKBengali any comment bro ?

It is around one in 200,000 serious blood clots and 1 in 1 million deaths from blood clots.
The lower the age then the higher the risk of serious blood clots
Dude do you have any idea what are you talking about??
Chinese vaccines so far are the only vaccines with real data and success evidence with almost zero side effects and deaths . Several brazilian towns controlled the pandemic after receiving sinopharm and Sinovac vaccine with zero deaths and hospitalizations.
Think ten times before you call a Chinese vaccine impotent. Infact they are better than western vaccines.
This is not correct. There are things that you will learn in hospitals and not on the web or in media.

A relative of mine is a GP in London. She said the death toll in her surgery is no higher than any other year. Four of her patients 'died of Covid' this year. She said that they would have died anyway. They didn't die 'of' Covid, they died 'with' Covid.
Jamal you need to come here; a lot of numbers are not getting reported. It is beyond shocking what is happening with 3rd wave. Pfizer shots going out for all over 60's - most people i know are done with their first shot.

our variant has been devastating. The statistics here are too high. there is not a single family who has not lost a loved one here.
Jamal you need to come here; a lot of numbers are not getting reported. It is beyond shocking what is happening with 3rd wave. Pfizer shots going out for all over 60's - most people i know are done with their first shot.

our variant has been devastating. The statistics here are too high. there is not a single family who has not lost a loved one here.

I don't always agree with your views, but it is good to have eye witness accounts.
They were half dead already 🤭
Only 28 deaths out of 1.24 million doses is veerrryyyyyy low ratio still, its better not to use Astra in old people.
28 deaths was in the first 4 days out of 48.940 doses administered.
By now the number of deaths has increased to 35.

And what kind of vulgar comment is that laughing about "they were half dead already".
There are people without any conditions who could have lived 10 or 20 more years among the victims, which likely could have been avoided if if wasnt for this farcial geopolitical and commercial propaganda war driven by America and puppet regimes abondoning any common sense and decency. Even by the most cold blooded objective stance that a 95 year old person with conditions is at high odds to die from any vaccination, their policy is more than just careless but irresponsible.
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I don't always agree with your views, but it is good to have eye witness accounts.
man, not witnesses - we have been digging graves around the clock. Normally in the graveyard in zeerust - we always keep 2 graves open for burial; it is 7. It is unreal how things are developing here.
I have lost 10 family members; my friend a GP - lost 4; another colleague - lost 3; and list goes on.
If that is not it; post covid effects are beyond comprehension - do you know symptoms closer to gangerene is being seen on feet extremities in young people who survive it. my own cousin has paralysis of her entire both arms - she was in coma for 8 weeks in CPT when the big wave hit with the RSA variant. Another cousin pharmacist - she believed in taking extra doses of vitamins etc; despite complete protocols - she succumbed; exactly on the 4th day, this wretched china bug hits you; either you will make it or succumb. She was in coma for 4 days. Lung damage. 3 brothers belonging - sons of my late uncle - gone in 5 weeks.

Here we are discussing mere insignficant digits yet; in this province we are seeing it closer to 10% fatalities per family.

vaccines are the way out; this bug is mutating at a rapid rate and based on our understanding vaccine that is most effective right now needs to be deployed to halt its progress and stablize. Then the long journey of economic engagement needs to happen.

It is heart breakin to see the unemployment here. It is beyond comprehension what this virus has brought to our shores.

I am here by requesting the moderators to take a stick approach to any idiot who wants to measure the size of their party boss dick's effectiveness in terms of vaccine. Let statistics be the judge and science to take it forward.
28 deaths was in the first 4 days out of 48.940 doses administered.
By now the number of deaths has increased to 35.

And what kind of vulgar comment is that laughing about "they were half dead already".
There are people without any conditions who could have lived 10 or 20 more years among the victims, which likely could have been avoided if if wasnt for this farcial geopolitical and commercial propaganda war driven by America and puppet regimes abondoning any common sense and decency. Even by the most cold blooded objective stance that a 95 year old person with conditions is at high odds to die from any vaccination, their policy is more than just careless but irresponsible.

"On Tuesday (June 15), Taiwan began inoculating its citizens with 1.24 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine that was donated by Japan on June 4. The first group prioritized to receive shots was people aged 85 and above.

However, in just four days, there have been more than two dozen cases of elderly vaccine recipients suddenly dying after receiving their first dose of the vaccine. As of 8 a.m. on Friday (June 18), there were 28 such cases reported, with Taichung City reporting the most at six deaths, according to SET News.

The ages of the 28 recipients who were reported dead ranged between 60 and 97. Of these recipients, 14 had long-term chronic illnesses, such as kidney failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, while the health history of the other eight is not yet known."

^^ Quoting from the main article posted in the original post, I have not followed the whole story and further comments.

Sorry if I offended you, I don't see death as something dreadful. It is a natural process, we all go through it. Yes but my comment could be taken as offensive, sorry and I apologise for that. However, 48.940 does administered you said? Did you mean to say 48,940? Even if it is 48 thousand 9 Hundred and 40 doses, and 35 deaths by now, it means 0.07% of deaths. That too in people who already were old and had diseases. They were not fully healthy. Yes government could & should have opted phizer or any other less risky vaccination for older people or people with medical histories but getting hands on phizer is very difficult these days. Too much lobbying from bigger countries. Astra is second best as I said.

I just don't find this news as alarming as its being portrayed. 0.07% is not a statistically significant number. Perhaps such news articles are fuelled either by paranoia, negative marketing my competitive vaccination companies or propaganda by any other entity with some stakes or interests involved.

Old aged people and people with conditions are at a higher risk to die from Astra Zenca specially and even another vaccine, because their own immune system responds to the vaccine abnormally. There is nothing in the vaccine in itself thats harmful. Full long term and short term effects of all vaccines will present themselves later. As of now, yes Phizer seems to be more safe. Chinese vaccines appear to be safe too. Effectiveness is another question all together.
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