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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

One thing is for Sure now Pakistani Top brass or PAF or for the matter any PAF pilot will have one thing in mind not to get shot out over India.

Indian air space is safe.

For Pak, winning the battle of perception is more important than winning the real war.
Look lad, could you explain to me that how Indian Channels and Print Media knew about his heroics of shooting down this F-16?

The man was in lock-up and had no contact with the outside world until his release.

We know Indians like to relate everything to Media.
Dramas on Star Plus
Hell..., even your Sports is over dramatized.

And please don't give me any b.s. about the 'edit' in the last statement he made as if you're all Jerry 'fuckin' Bruckheimer.

I'm eager to hear his official statement just as much as the next guy.
You questioned me in a manner more suitable to the subject. Unlike the other poster in the post above yours, who chose to show his family background to the world.

Here is the link, showing Two seater F16's ADF BN ( Did I get the name wrong ?) . Remember that the PAF is going blue in the face denying the use of the Vipers.

Also @Knuckles @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Hodor
The 2nd one is definately JF17 thunder, i am not sure about the first one.


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This part I agree with. What the P.Army has done with Abhi ( videoing him and making clips of statements ) , I pity the PAF pilot who ever ejects in Indian areas.

Which is another reason why I think PAF will never cross the LOC again. They will play their defensive game only.

I dont understand your level of comprehension. we cannot shoot means India cannot shoot as well. Will India dare to shoot down a pakistani plane in pakistani airspace? Its risky for the indians as well. Because indian guys forgot one thing from Past few days. That our airforce dont need to violate the line of control. We have the capability of making kills with BVR at least 70 km inside india without any air space violations. The same applies for Indian army as well.

The question is will Indian airforce risk it ? And bare the consequences afterwards. Dont try to delude yourself ..
The Bison shot down is essential not even Russian. It used Israeli F-16 avionics and Russia hasn't used the Mig-21 in decades it was also built in India.

Your bogus conspiracies got busted now you are tap dancing.
Sukhois are
Proof meray bacchay, proof do? No bollywood lullabies.
Exactly bro... I just asked the same a while back.

Where in the World did these guys get the exact timings?!!

HE WAS LOCKED UP IN A PAKISTANI MILITARY PRISON. He didn't have a 4G iPhone or a laptop giving out LIVE interviews to d!ckheads like Arnab Goswami.
What has happened yesterday. Minute by Minute details 9:52 AM – Indian Netra and Northern Air command detected ten F16 took off from 3 Airbases from Pakistan. They came in 3 groups and merged in attack formation near Azad Kashmir. 9:54: AM – India scrambled 2 Mig21 bisons and 4 Sukoi MKi to intercept 10 PAK F16
9.58 AM – India sounded alert to PAF fighters that, you are about to encroach Indian air space. Please evade.

9.59 AM – India sounded alert # 2 to PAF with IFAC protocols and they didn’t respond 10:00 AM - PAF violates Indian airspace. With Swarm merge attack formation (which is tactical in nature)

10:01 AM - Nine F16 forced to deviate path and within 1 KM of airspace they returned to Azad Kashmir side after heavy surface to air ground artillery and valiant fight from our Sukoi and Migs.

10:02 AM - One PAK F16 went deep inside Indian territory probably 3 KMs to destroy an Oil storage at an army brigade HQ
10:03 AM – One IAF Sukoi and one Mig 21 Bison Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman) continued engaging the F16 in a dog fight maneuver called “Defensive split”. Mig 21 was in the front, then F16 and then a sukoi. Due to firing from sukoi, F16 flee the scene using a dog fight maneuver called “wingover”.

10:04 AM – Sukoi hovered around oil field guarding it and Mig 21 Bison (Wg Cdr Abhinandan) chased F16 out of Indian territory. While chasing he engaged F16 in a lock-in position for his onboard R-73 air to air missile to be deployed. Here you have to applaud the courage of Abhinandan. He could have returned to base. But if he returns to base then the missile lock in would have been disengaged (due to out of radar coverage) and he will not be able to shoot F16 down. So he decided to chase him down to Azad Kashmir and shoot him down. 10:08 AM – He engaged his R73 missile that hit the F16 and drowned him

10:08 AM – After shooting him down he performed a highly dangerous maneuver called “High-g barrel roll”. He had to do this because he had been in the vicinity of PAK surface to air artillery and SAM. While doing so he has to vertically climb at high speed and reverse its direction towards India. While doing so his old outdated Mig 21 bison’s engine thrust had a problem and he became almost non-maneuverable for few secs. And during that time either a SAM or air artillery hit his plane. So people should understand what has happened. Not upgrading or replacing the ageing jets and just upgrading radar and avionics doesn’t give you the edge. It requires a huge piloting skills, ability and courage to drown a F16 with a Mig21. So salute to Abhinandan!
I'll give you a more believable version which might keep you awake at night.

PAF Mirage V ROSE aircraft carrying SOW's pick up ground targets across the LoC and engage.
Upon realising they are under attack the Indian Air Force redirects all aircraft in the vicinity towards the Mirages.
Not being able to detect Pakistani aircraft due to heavy jamming they cross over into Pakistani airspace hoping to get a quick kill.
They are intercepted by F-16/JF-17's and at least 2 aircraft (2 x MiG-21's or 1 x MiG and 1 x Su-30) get shot down.
Indian ground forces upon seeing an IAF aircraft going down in Pakistan assume it's a PAF aircraft to distract themselves and their nation from the major whooping they received from our Mirages.
W/C Abhinandan and possibly one other pilot gets captured.
Tapal Danedar gets a new sponsor.
India receives their pilot back claiming him to be a hero but discharges him because isn't that what you're supposed to do to heroes?

Don't go to sleep tonight, pray instead for your pilots because every one of ours is an Alam, a Rafiqui, a Younis, a Bhatti etc etc
Yaar ab ye kya bhonk rha hai
Why is he making it look like Pakistan still in touch with Jaidh e whatever????
Military ne jitwaya
Ab ye khabees daboye ga
One thing is for Sure now Pakistani Top brass or PAF or for the matter any PAF pilot will have one thing in mind not to get shot out over India.

Indian air space is safe.

For Pak, winning the battle of perception is more important than winning the real war.

This part I agree with. What the P.Army has done with Abhi ( videoing him and making clips of statements ) , I pity the PAF pilot who ever ejects in Indian areas.

Which is another reason why I think PAF will never cross the LOC again. They will play their defensive game only.

With the blatant humiliation India has just faced, and the episode of chai-wala pilot, tell me seriously and honestly - which air force do you think is now more worried about perception? Just imagine if yet another IAF plane is shot in Pak airspace and the wreckage is broadcast around the world, and we capture yet another pilot and release videos of him.

I understand that Indians are shocked and dismayed with all that has happened, but you dont need to lose your minds in the process. Use your brains.
Exactly bro... I just asked the same a while back.

Where in the World did these guys get the exact timings?!!

HE WAS LOCKED UP IN A PAKISTANI MILITARY PRISON. He didn't have a 4G iPhone or a laptop giving out LIVE interviews to d!ckheads like Arnab Goswami.

They won't. They can't. Their air marshal is sacked for not achieving targets. Them are just bunch of dumb chest thumping indiots.
if our experts review the entire drama from day 1 to drop scene Indians were not prepared for this escalation .....the IAF strike with pathetic media briefing ....high claims no evidances then the way they handled PAF reaction then yesterdays press conference by three services officers Like they were standing on chowk.....now the way they took their hero pilot on wahgah boarder.....

Yeah. I also think that is the case. They were actually made to take some kind of action by their Media which was very ill-prepared.
Stop embarrassing yourself by making up conspiracies. It has been debunked long ago that no Sukhoi was in the area when the Mig-21 was shot down. Many Guilbible Pakistanis challenged me on and then conceded that they have no proof whatsoever.

No wreckage of any Sukhoi, no downed pilots, no footage of Sukhois being shot down and no proof whatsoever from Pakistan.


Evidence of a job well done I guess. Or not.

PAF must have bitch@slapped IAF.

Kargil War Hero Air Marshal R Nambiar Appointed Western Air Command Chief
Air Marshal Raghunath Nambiar is credited for shooting five of the eight Laser Guided Bombs on the Pakistani positions during the Kargil war from his plane.
All India | ANI | Updated: March 01, 2019 06:55 IST
by Taboola
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Air Marshal Raghunath Nambiar flew the Mirage-2000 in combat during the Kargil war.

Kargil war hero and present Eastern Air Command chief Air Marshal Raghunath Nambiar has been appointed as the new chief of Indian Air Force's sword arm Western Air Command (WAC) on Thursday.

The Air Marshal is credited for shooting five of the eight Laser Guided Bombs on the Pakistani positions during the Kargil war from his plane.

The WAC is headquartered in the national capital and controls the area from north of Bikaner in Rajasthan up to Siachen Glacier and controls almost 40 per cent of the air bases of the Indian Air Force.

Air Marshal Nambiar has the distinction of having the highest number of flying hours on the Mirage-2000 in the IAF, with over 2300 flying hours on the aircraft to his credit, and a total of 5100 hours of flying experience.

He is a member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and was the Project Test Pilot for the Light Combat Aircraft Tejas.

Air Marshal Raghunath Nambiar has been a Flight commander of a Mirage-2000 Squadron, the Senior Test Pilot and Commanding Officer of the Flight Test Squadron at Aircraft System Testing Establishment (ASTE).

He has commanded the oldest Squadron of the IAF, the prestigious No. 1 Squadron.

He flew the Mirage-2000 in combat during the Kargil conflict and has flown 25 operational missions.

Air Marshal Nambiar was also awarded the Vayu Sena Medal for Gallantry by the President of India for the Kargil Operations.

He was awarded a Bar to the Vayu Sena Medal for flight testing the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) in 2002, during its first phase of flight testing.
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