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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Wing Commander Abhinanadan already admitted he was looking for targets inside Pakistan and didnot shot down any F16, and pilot says no but here somehow the indian media IAF says its shot down f16, i mean come on show some proof. Pilot? F16 pieces? Radar signature of the falling, lock on video anything for fck sake.
What has happened yesterday. Minute by Minute details 9:52 AM – Indian Netra and Northern Air command detected ten F16 took off from 3 Airbases from Pakistan. They came in 3 groups and merged in attack formation near Azad Kashmir. 9:54: AM – India scrambled 2 Mig21 bisons and 4 Sukoi MKi to intercept 10 PAK F16
9.58 AM – India sounded alert to PAF fighters that, you are about to encroach Indian air space. Please evade.

9.59 AM – India sounded alert # 2 to PAF with IFAC protocols and they didn’t respond 10:00 AM - PAF violates Indian airspace. With Swarm merge attack formation (which is tactical in nature)

10:01 AM - Nine F16 forced to deviate path and within 1 KM of airspace they returned to Azad Kashmir side after heavy surface to air ground artillery and valiant fight from our Sukoi and Migs.

10:02 AM - One PAK F16 went deep inside Indian territory probably 3 KMs to destroy an Oil storage at an army brigade HQ
10:03 AM – One IAF Sukoi and one Mig 21 Bison Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman) continued engaging the F16 in a dog fight maneuver called “Defensive split”. Mig 21 was in the front, then F16 and then a sukoi. Due to firing from sukoi, F16 flee the scene using a dog fight maneuver called “wingover”.

10:04 AM – Sukoi hovered around oil field guarding it and Mig 21 Bison (Wg Cdr Abhinandan) chased F16 out of Indian territory. While chasing he engaged F16 in a lock-in position for his onboard R-73 air to air missile to be deployed. Here you have to applaud the courage of Abhinandan. He could have returned to base. But if he returns to base then the missile lock in would have been disengaged (due to out of radar coverage) and he will not be able to shoot F16 down. So he decided to chase him down to Azad Kashmir and shoot him down. 10:08 AM – He engaged his R73 missile that hit the F16 and drowned him

10:08 AM – After shooting him down he performed a highly dangerous maneuver called “High-g barrel roll”. He had to do this because he had been in the vicinity of PAK surface to air artillery and SAM. While doing so he has to vertically climb at high speed and reverse its direction towards India. While doing so his old outdated Mig 21 bison’s engine thrust had a problem and he became almost non-maneuverable for few secs. And during that time either a SAM or air artillery hit his plane. So people should understand what has happened. Not upgrading or replacing the ageing jets and just upgrading radar and avionics doesn’t give you the edge. It requires a huge piloting skills, ability and courage to drown a F16 with a Mig21. So salute to Abhinandan!

It seems to me the script of next Bollywood movie.
if our experts review the entire drama from day 1 to drop scene Indians were not prepared for this escalation .....the IAF strike with pathetic media briefing ....high claims no evidances then the way they handled PAF reaction then yesterdays press conference by three services officers Like they were standing on chowk.....now the way they took their hero pilot on wahgah boarder.....
One thing is for Sure now Pakistani Top brass or PAF or for the matter any PAF pilot will have one thing in mind not to get shot out over India.

Indian air space is safe.

For Pak, winning the battle of perception is more important than winning the real war.
One thing is for Sure now Pakistani Top brass or PAF or for the matter any PAF pilot will have one thing in mind not to get shot out over India.

Indian air space is safe.

For Pak, winning the battle of perception is more important than winning the real war.

So your greatest fear is from pakistan air force. I think you summed upped everything in one line about what pounding your airforce as well as Army has Got.

Thanks for the confirmation though!
What has happened yesterday. Minute by Minute details 9:52 AM – Indian Netra and Northern Air command detected ten F16 took off from 3 Airbases from Pakistan. They came in 3 groups and merged in attack formation near Azad Kashmir. 9:54: AM – India scrambled 2 Mig21 bisons and 4 Sukoi MKi to intercept 10 PAK F16
9.58 AM – India sounded alert to PAF fighters that, you are about to encroach Indian air space. Please evade.

9.59 AM – India sounded alert # 2 to PAF with IFAC protocols and they didn’t respond 10:00 AM - PAF violates Indian airspace. With Swarm merge attack formation (which is tactical in nature)

10:01 AM - Nine F16 forced to deviate path and within 1 KM of airspace they returned to Azad Kashmir side after heavy surface to air ground artillery and valiant fight from our Sukoi and Migs.

10:02 AM - One PAK F16 went deep inside Indian territory probably 3 KMs to destroy an Oil storage at an army brigade HQ
10:03 AM – One IAF Sukoi and one Mig 21 Bison Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman) continued engaging the F16 in a dog fight maneuver called “Defensive split”. Mig 21 was in the front, then F16 and then a sukoi. Due to firing from sukoi, F16 flee the scene using a dog fight maneuver called “wingover”.

10:04 AM – Sukoi hovered around oil field guarding it and Mig 21 Bison (Wg Cdr Abhinandan) chased F16 out of Indian territory. While chasing he engaged F16 in a lock-in position for his onboard R-73 air to air missile to be deployed. Here you have to applaud the courage of Abhinandan. He could have returned to base. But if he returns to base then the missile lock in would have been disengaged (due to out of radar coverage) and he will not be able to shoot F16 down. So he decided to chase him down to Azad Kashmir and shoot him down. 10:08 AM – He engaged his R73 missile that hit the F16 and drowned him

10:08 AM – After shooting him down he performed a highly dangerous maneuver called “High-g barrel roll”. He had to do this because he had been in the vicinity of PAK surface to air artillery and SAM. While doing so he has to vertically climb at high speed and reverse its direction towards India. While doing so his old outdated Mig 21 bison’s engine thrust had a problem and he became almost non-maneuverable for few secs. And during that time either a SAM or air artillery hit his plane. So people should understand what has happened. Not upgrading or replacing the ageing jets and just upgrading radar and avionics doesn’t give you the edge. It requires a huge piloting skills, ability and courage to drown a F16 with a Mig21. So salute to Abhinandan!

Firstly brother, nobody can know this. Even Abhi himself may be unaware of some details.
Secondly, whats done is done. Lets look at future possible conflicts ( only saying that because we are in a Military forum, so point in talking about peace )
One thing is for Sure now Pakistani Top brass or PAF or for the matter any PAF pilot will have one thing in mind not to get shot out over India.

Indian air space is safe.

For Pak, winning the battle of perception is more important than winning the real war.

This part I agree with. What the P.Army has done with Abhi ( videoing him and making clips of statements ) , I pity the PAF pilot who ever ejects in Indian areas.

Which is another reason why I think PAF will never cross the LOC again. They will play their defensive game only.
One thing is for Sure now Pakistani Top brass or PAF or for the matter any PAF pilot will have one thing in mind not to get shot out over India.

Indian air space is safe.

For Pak, winning the battle of perception is more important than winning the real war.
:sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic: Good good for you @Bindas :lol::lol:Pakistan already won perception war against india @Bindas ;):enjoy:
This part I agree with. What the P.Army has done with Abhi ( videoing him and making clips of statements ) , I pity the PAF pilot who ever ejects in Indian areas.

Which is another reason why I think PAF will never cross the LOC again. They will play their defensive game only.
Do u remember the tactics the japanese used? I believe I dont have to say anymore

Looks like its hunting season, after a very long time

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