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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

The young man is not at fault- he answered in trust and that too a senior who I am assumed was ex-PAF.
He still did not reveal anything what is not already understood.

It is the fault of the person recording the call.

Or could simply be a staged call. Zaid Hamid was pushing the 350 killed since yesterday, so could simply be the hawks on our side.

Could be true as well, in any case "don't wish to face your enemy in battle but when you do, be steadfast"
Incursions happened near Rajouri and Nowshera, that's over 200km from Budgam, again please don't quote Indian media as proof when you don't accept rest of it.

There is a video from Azad Kashmir going hot In youtube where local captured this pursuit, you can clearly hear them saying 1 pilot ejected(Mig21) and then moments later 2 more pilots ejected(f16), where this other 2 pilots are? This simply relates to what ispr said earlier 3 pilots, 1 was IAF and 2 we're of PAF which when upon realising made them change there stament to 1 pilot.

Ok ISPR was lying, and it was PAF dual pilots F16, tell me one thing Indian air chief and IAF must have footage of shoot out, they must have lock on. Atleast show proof like the whole world knows and seen the proof.

Pakistan will be busted out in open for all to see!!! Simple. Baat kr f*** with facts and evidence not Indian media lies.
But bro there is no footage of this, the locals would have filmed it for sure. We shouldn't do a Times of India and start to make up claims (NOT that you are but facts must be ascertained) that are not even true i.e. their shooting down of an F-16.

lol ….. In first Video ,Eye witness said it was jet not a heli and few people at back were saying 2 piolet dead , but man on camera said 3 … Police office said 2 bodies recovered ...........
Even they were (are) confused . what to say and what not.
At this moment in time I'm not really a fan of Pakistani government, not at all unfortuantely. in fact I'm far from that.
but i gotta say this is really embarrassing for India, WTF.

found it. Wing Commander Faheem allegedly.
can you give me a recap on how many fighters on both sides have been downed?
LOL, I have no friend in India or Pakistan, and I will take neither side.

I gently asked here about the situation:

It was Pakistanis who said more than one Indian pilot has been captured and the other two are in hospital.

It was Pakistanis who were barging about shooting down the SU30 and MIG29.
So, it's clear who has played gymnastic here.
You can make any sorts of claim, but they will be unsubstantiated. I provided some logical alternate explanations on how this can be explained, to which you failed to respond (as per my expectations ) further this is war situation and information is released, withheld or even reversed for certain strategic purposes - that is not gymnastics. If we go with substantiated evidence so far we have one IAF pilot and jet in Pakistan for whole world to see. PAF claims another jet, but yes we have yet to substantiate if we see as a neutral observer. Then overhere I dont understand why you missed the opportunity to also equate the “crashed” mig21 jet and MI17 as also shot by Pakistan, but want to take words and then turn them into evidence for some bigger far reaching conclusion your liking, for example an f16 loss?
If the second pilot previously claimed to be in hospital is one of ours, then why would we claim him as Indian in a press conference - are we that stupid to not recognize our own pilot, from our own fighter jet crashed in our own territory?Just think about this alone and you will realize that this reversal of info is for matters about which you and me do not have the clearance to give a authentic opinion; and without substantial evidence we can only speculate inconclusively in many directions. I will repost my alternate explanations from previous post again with some additions, and I hope you dont miss them this time:
“The correction can mean many things if we speculate:
1) could be dead?
2) could have managed to escape
3) the second jet was in IOK so maybe they were too close to the LOC and we thought they landed on our side but didn't.”
4) We have the pilot but will reveal later, or we had him but couldn’t survive injuries and is dead; the benefit of hiding this is not to escalate situation with India as they already have lost uniformed soldiers and a pilot captured and paraded on live tv so far, vs some fictional 300 terrorists chilling in Balakot (which turned to be trees).
5) Indians lied about the first jet and Abhinand as well when Pak initially claimed with vids public - India still stated all pilots accounted for; doesnt this tell that they will hide facts and lied about their loss from beginning, so equally likely they are doing the same for the F16 kill.
5) We were just mistaken as can happen in war like situations.
6) We can do a count of our F16s to end all of speculation once the environment cools down - i am quite sure along with our Iranian friends, US and Lockheed Martin would be eager to know for sure. Trust me Americans would like to account for all F16s to esnure we did not export it illegally to China :D, so there is no hiding if Pak is lying.
@VCheng @gambit would like your opinion on the last point - as you say there are checks and balances on use of F16s by US, wouldnt US like to know where one the F16s with ITAR parts have disappeared if we haven't lost any? If there is a loss then wreckage also would need to be accounted for. And the AMRAAM shown - i have some aerospace exp on civil side from which I know every part/lru has an associated part no for identification and version control to ensure a plane is certified and has conformity for specific usage. It should be similar in military side. These are are not some honda civics that can disappear, or its origin of parts that cannot be identified. ( actually car manufacturers are pretty similar in part no identification)
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lol ….. In first Video ,Eye witness said it was jet not a heli and few people at back were saying 2 piolet dead , but man on camera said 3 … Police office said 2 bodies recovered ...........
Even they were (are) confused . what to say and what not.
In the first video the initial two letters of ZP are visible on what is clearly a helicopter tail. Also, the registration ZP are used for helicopters by the IAF.
Here's another image of the same site, clearly showing the rotor assembly of a HELICOPTER.


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The missiles were indeed purchased by Pakistan. So another propaganda busted
FACT-CHECKING: Missile shown by Indian generals appears to be one sold to Taiwan | The Express Tribune
FACT-CHECKING: Missile shown by Indian generals appears to be one sold to Taiwan
By Zeeshan Ahmad
Published: February 28, 2019


Part of a missile India claims was launched a PAF F-16. SCEREN GRAB

KARACHI: As New Delhi presented what it claimed was ‘incontrovertible proof’ that Pakistan used its F-16 fighter jets in Wednesday’s air action, a fact-checking exercise by The Express Tribune revealed that the missile remains the Indian military found could belong to a missile sold by the US to Taiwan.

India’s top military brass on Thursday displayed the remains of an American-made missile as ‘absolute proof’ that the Pakistan Air Force used F-16s in aerial operations conducted the day before. Claiming that the missile could only have been launched by an F-16, the Indian generals tried to strengthen their claims that the Indian Air Force also shot down a PAF F-16 while losing a MiG-21.

Imran Khan wins praise over captured pilot’s release

The wreckage displayed by the Indian generals identified the missile as an AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM. Markings on the wreckage also identified the contract serial number of the missile as FA8675-05-C-0070.


A Google search The Express Tribune ran using the keyword ‘AMRAAM’ along with the serial number in question returned links to a US Department of Defense (DoD) document titled “Report to Congress on Department Of Defense Sales of Significant Military Equipment to Foreign Entities Fiscal Year 2009”.


The report revealed that contract number FA867505C0070 corresponded to a batch of AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM missiles supplied to Taiwan in a Foreign Military Sale worth $2.38 million.

It should be noted that Pakistan does not recognise Taiwan as a separate entity from the People’s Republic of China and as such, does not have any diplomatic or consular relations with Taiwan.

How the wreckage of a missile sold to Taiwan ended up in the hands of an Indian military air vice marshal is something only New Delhi can explain.

A version of the report can be found on the official website of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment. It can be accessed via the following link:

https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/cpic/cp/docs/USA002235-10_Complete Foreign Military Sales.pdf
can you give me a recap on how many fighters on both sides have been downed?
2 confirmed claimed by Pakistan, including at least 1 MiG-21 Bison.
2 pilots captured as stated by ISPR l, later said to be only 1.
1 MiG-21 lost, pilot in Pakistani custody claimed by India.
1 F-16 shot down, claimed by India, denied by Pakistan.
1 Mi-17 crashed inside Indian administered Kashmir, not claimed by Pakistan.
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