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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

The report of captured pilot seems to be true. He is a pilot of Mig 21. You just stepped into a mine field.

Why stepped into a mine field? Don't forget that it was India who showed the aggression first by violating Pak airspace. Don't forget that Imran Khan told you guys before that both countries should talk about their issues instead of fighting but India refused to listen. So Pak really has no choice against war mongering Indians.

The India-Pakistan relationship is not like Israel-Lebanon or Israel-Syria where you can violate and air strike at any point of time. Pakistan ain't your dogs that you can violate the airspace any time you like.

Indians should no better than to provoke a fight on the worlds hottest border. Shame on you trying to act the victim here.
SSG recovered this pilot, just like FLT Lt Nachiketa was by 1st Commando Battalion "YALDRAM".
The report of captured pilot seems to be true. He is a pilot of Mig 21. You just stepped into a mine field.
It has not be confirmed by the Indian government just like Hussein Mubarak Patel. Infact they have denied it all airmen are accounted for. unfortunately i cant post the bloomberg feed
No, Pakistan will do no such things.

Pakistan will treat these pilots as legal prisoners of war (POW), even if no official declaration of war exists. These pilots will receive medical treatment and will be quartered according to their ranks. Their return to India maybe negotiated but in the meantime, Pakistan will do the honorable thing and respect these men for what they are -- fellow men-at-arms.

Excellent post, spot on.
He should be treated with dignity and respect. The eyes of the world are on this.
No, Pakistan will do no such things.

Pakistan will treat these pilots as legal prisoners of war (POW), even if no official declaration of war exists. These pilots will receive medical treatment and will be quartered according to their ranks. Their return to India maybe negotiated but in the meantime, Pakistan will do the honorable thing and respect these men for what they are -- fellow men-at-arms.
You are right and thats exactly we are doing right now.
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