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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Why were they able to get so close? Bloody shoot a warning shot at them to warn them but they still have the audacity to come over because they know there will be no retaliation. Why is that so hard to comprehend?

In sha Allah, next aircraft to penetrate our airspace should be shot down immediately.
dude this is not the first time has happened it is quite routine I hate to repeat this but the aircrafts are turning around and not making a beeline it has been discussed here before. Even after the atlantique incident Pakistan has never respond with AA but interception and escort - the same with Russians and americans unfortunately we don't have the same space afforded to the americans

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ani says that....... Pakistani F16s were scrambled to retaliate against IAF Mirage 2000s but turned back due to size of Indian formation. Western Air Command coordinated operation.

that' would suggest our radar's can't see that deep and clear into indian territory. to make our how many aircraft are in formation.

but yea they could be in very close formation. that would give an illusion of 3 to 4 aircraft if packed closely.
In sha Allah, next aircraft to penetrate our airspace should be shot down immediately.

Oh yar itna immediately sub kuch nahin hota ... aram aram say piyar piyar sa latay hain , randi ki gand ki khurak ka ilaj hai hamray pass

like I said its our turn now , we will do the needful
PAF might give you a F-16 and ask you to shoot down intruding who intrude for just 10 to 15 seconds

if they shot them down. they would fall inside indian controleld territory and it would be a huge blunder.

they would say pakistan came inside india and shot down our fighter aircraft.

sir problem is they hit us.why you care about them if they don't care about our airspace?
Oh great. There's always 'next time'. Loser talk.

Bhai, relax. We are a disciplined fighting force and our nation is 100% behind our forces. We can choose to be hasty and make mistakes like Indians, but we have always been calculated and deliberate.

When we strike, it will be to take large parts of Kashmir and exact large defeats on India, not fly into enemy's airspace, drop payloads randomly, flee, and claim victory.
PAF might give you a F-16 and ask you to shoot down intruding who intrude for just 10 to 15 seconds

if they shot them down. they would fall inside indian controleld territory and it would be a huge blunder.

they would say pakistan came inside india and shot down our fighter aircraft.

Remember the Atlanque incident in 99 enough said.

Anyways chacha ghafoor needs to work on tweets. Asim Bajwa was so calculated. Never accept violations. The whole narrative has shifted after the tweet.
Bhai, relax. We are a disciplined fighting force and our nation is 100% behind our forces. We can choose to be hasty and make mistakes like Indians, but we have always been calculated and deliberate.

When we strike, it will be to take large parts of Kashmir and exact large defeats on India, not fly into enemy's airspace, drop payloads randomly, flee, and claim victory.
Okay if you say so.
Oh comeon now, you are talking like a fool now. Perhaps you have no idea of what a flanker is, it will swat f16s like flies. only a foll with a death wish will take a f16 to fight off a flanker. And there is a difference between an enthusiast and a professional. Our air force has evaluated and have rejected the f16 as it does not provide any significant advantage over the existing aircraft of our arsenal.

And all the countries that you have mentioned are not as powerful militarily as India is, they can do with inferior the aircraft we cannot.
And your MKI its in on drawbacks, it has huge RCS lit by our long range radars/AWACS ones it airborne, Both have a similar range BVR (AMRAAM/R-77) and also it is very maintenance prone jets etc etc @The wheel of time ;):enjoy:
"Just for reference, I believe the last time the Indian Air Force intentionally and publicly crossed the LoC to conduct strikes was... the 1971 war."

In 2008 just like same manner you run like coward and our F-16 had taking you raptor of east MKI Pics and shows those pics to military command in middle east @Surenas ;):enjoy:
Khan saab we will only reply if there is Real attack. They tried to sneak in deep but ran after we scrambled jets towards them. Why its so hard for u to understand. This wasn't an attack if was one, than a failed operation.
the major question is why PAF had intercepted those jets in time and drop something in woods as per ISPR claims which i suspect currently from ISPR that they talking truth, its a failure to Pakistani air defense command and as whole for Pakistani armed forces, we talk big but act noting on time @Salza :(
There are so many versions of what happened that its difficult to ascertain the failure you are referring to. So please tell us in detail what you believe happened highlighting specific failures of PAF. Also ispr tweeted incursion was 3-4 miles so whats your view on that?
Still consider a failure of Pakistani air defense command an as whole Pakistani armed forces, we talk big, dont act on time @infinity73
and exactly what was it that IAF struck ? what is there to back up the claims made
that not main problems, the problem they penetrates in Pakistani air space and went away, where is the PAF/AWACS/SAMS/Long range radars was sleeping @pakdefender :crazy:
Desis are dumb. Something dropped off in AJK, not KP, and certainly not in Bala Kote which is actually in IOK. Balakot/Balakote is a very small village just across Poonch city of IOK.
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