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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

if the video of an aircraft firing missiles showed in indian news channels is correct then it is clearly not a mirage 2000, seems like JF-17 were chasing them on their way home


So was their a missile strike---???
If India had realized that they can attack Pakistani cities and not face a response...then they wouldn't just turn tail and run...they would in fact send in more jets to carry out bombings. Clearly they ran and didn't come back. So now stop chest thumping and be embarrassed of ur bhagora pilots.

Dg ispr needs to shut the fu€k up.....he talks too much and most of it is crap which is embarrassing to all Pakistan.
Have some shame @ Pakistani posters defending the Air Force after this. Good God have a look in the mirror. Delusional idiots.

i am not defending.i just want retaliation.where is our response?
lets hope this time they really do give footage. but indian media mostly cooks stuff up. indian airforce if releases the footage im looking forward to it.
It's all about preception dude.
Everything is based on lies and standing on perception...
They would be successful in make the narrative and their public is hungry for this narrative...
Here our dgispr and airforce failed badly.
They made the news out of out dgispr words. And while mentioning balakot in kashmir, they must specify it, and now all headlines say balakot in kpk.
What a mess of reporting... And then why did paf let them come even in 3 miles. Atleast they should have bombed something...
Now they got the perception, they got the narrative, and they would make their castle on lies and you can't stop them.
my blood is boiling.i am very angry.i can't believe this.

we were expecting this. that's why PAF has been flying sorties in past 5 days. im glad indians and pakistaniz are sensible enough to avoid collateral Damage.

this today's strike was a DUD, it bombed some open fields. they dropped it from with in indian controlled territory or intruded just a few seconds, 2 to 3 miles inside. at those speeds a few seconds can make a difference.

this is nothing to get all boiled up about. but be ready i think a war has started.
Tomorrows Headlines on Indian channels
Brave IAF Pilots went deep inside Pakistan , Bombed militants and supporting ISI safehouses .
100000 Terrorist and Pakistan army soldiers dead.
Thanks for that one. :) :tup:
But hey its only terrorists,and no civilians or soldiers.

it does not make any difference if they struck anything or not---.

They entered pakistan controlled air space---and Paf fighters could not protect their air space---.

This ia what am unable to comprehend abt these dumb patriots . Even we accept ispr versiin why why paf couldnt shoot down iaf jets .
These keyboard patriots shld consult any military guy tht what does red alert means frm both sides and outcome of airspace violation during that time .
If have doubt ask paf to do same .airpace violatiin and thn u will see what iaf wld do .
Indeed a sad day for pakistan

So was their a missile strike---???

i think when jf-17 reached near mirage,jf-17 was already on enemy radar lock,possibly from across the border,possibly from another fleet of enemy fighter jet.good strategy by iaf.
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