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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

You see it is a historical feat!

We are going down as peace loving ...them...meh...
We are going down as one who practice restrain for regional peace...them...meh..
We are going down as the one who INITIATED the peace talks -like in Afghanistan...In the long run we should have set a new image of Pakistan which will benefit our people and future generations...them...meh..

by the way i just thought of a perfect twitter trend for it


5th Gen warfare multiplied by infinity level googly
Ask that question of IAF. They have a glorious record of poor maintenance.

We dont do that. Those are Pakistani soldiers in the pic beside the plane. what are they doing beside a plane that was supposed to be in Indian side according to them ?? lol
No buddy. lol.. IK knows so very well that Pakistan cant afford a war. he knows India is not going back now and there is an escalation for sure. It is decision under pressure.

So IK didn't know that when he ordered PAF to bomb Indian territory or send 20 jets or shot down IAF aircraft
I think the worse here for Pakistan is that hey have confirmed the date. They should have not confirmed the date. That would have been a good bargaining chip in case they really wanted a de escalation.
The confirmed date is due date to de-escalate the war mongering...Meaning we have the upper hand to say "DOWN BOY!" :coffee:
sober words dont suit you. I will have to take you seriously otherwise. Yo need to swear and abuse Indians in reply...thats how you have created your image. arent you the one who was abusing me in other thread... buddy I have my own rules.. I can be funny and sarcastic but i will never abuse you or your family thats how I was brought up..even if its a war going on. not interested in engaging with you..yeah am scared.

LOL Good. Remain scared.
So IK didn't know that when he ordered PAF to bomb Indian territory or send 20 jets or shot down IAF aircraft

As I said. You are an idiot. :)

he did it to save his chair and nose. Anyone would do that. but releasing the pilot in a day proves the pressure when he had made no prior commitment to do so. As i didnt say but we know .. you are an idiot of level i cant reach. :)
Releasing Indian Pilot so quickly is a mistake.... which we will only realize too late. As always.

There was a lot to gain yet from this bargaining chip. We could for example have demanded India admit they didn't hit any training camp and didn't kill 300 people etc. Only one example... a lot more could have been gained aswell.

Finally he could have been exchanged for any future case where india might kidnap someone (like the colonel from nepal). Why don't we exchange with the said colonel btw? After a suitable time, that is.

But Alas..................... we always lose on the strategic and tactical front.
ukhar liya. Pakistan gives in under Indian pressure and Pakisytan is releasing Indan pilot in just 1 day of capturing.
Its not giving in....

For years India refused to talk...now the condition for returning the pilot is to de-escalate the whole thing and india doesnt have a choice....
if you do- you can be seen as bowed down to us
if you dont- international stage would see you dont like peace :coffee:

So ...Checkmate!
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