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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

You didnt even understand what I wrote. re read and come again.
O I understood the delusional dust hasnt settled....there are multiple threads running with picture and video proof with no one denying that is india in present!

Dusra pilot? - from the video...Indian accent

Associated press in india checking out the shot down plane that LANDED IN IOK:

THIS is called video proof!
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Yiu guys are jealous of the fact that the first kill scored by our Jf 17 was of an irnain drone Don't believe us fine, follow their foreign office's statements.
And second , third of their brothers lol
I'm interested in the truth, if I reach the conclusion that one of your jets has been shot down, it doesn't mean that I'm against you. it means either that has happened or you have lost the propaganda war.

Perhaps mod should have warned the Pakistani members, when they were saying we shot down Indian SU30, we captured three pilots, etc.
You came to the conclusion like by what????any evidence or just random brain farts if you are so keen to expose our PROPAGANDA please provide proof,We have provided the media with evidence not just mere random statements and left without even taking any questions talking about Indians here.......
What india is trying to hide that their air superioirty supaa dupaa fighter jet su 30 mki is shoot down like pigeon from sky by our JF 17 thunder jet .

Abhi nandan was su30 mki pilot and was flying su30 .
I'm interested in the truth, if I reach the conclusion that one of your jets has been shot down, it doesn't mean that I'm against you. it means either that has happened or you have lost the propaganda war.

Perhaps mod should have warned the Pakistani members, when they were saying we shot down Indian SU30, we captured three pilots, etc.

But are you not part of that propaganda war by alluding to propagated theories cultivated for political gains in Delhi?

Why do you think Pakistan would hide such a loss given the position of being on the other side of the offensive?

It is one of most monitored airspace in the world, the LOC, and any jet downed would be traceable even in the hysteria of War. Did you not go through the Indian Statement in the aftermath
haha.. the harder you try to abuse me. The bigger the lie you are not willing to accept. Deep inside (as deep as the IAf penetrated inside Pakistan..and you know how deep) you know that ISPR took a U turn.

You the biggest difference between India and Pakistan ? our media is shit and yours is comparitively better.. but thats known by Indian public hence they always look for truth. If it was Indian spokesperson who would havetaken a U turn..our seculars (who are in a large number) would have teared the Govt up for hiding the truth. we have to many Arundhati Roy's here.

But for just one moment..ask yourself guys.... why would ISPR say two pilots and then within moments change their stance to 1 pilot ?? I can post the video but in no mood really... face the reality guys.. everyone on border saw it... one IAf and 1 PAf aircraft went up in smoke. Cheers

Are you saying that we cannot recognize our own pilot's uniform or costume? You clearly saw that we had interrogated the service number right on the spot of arrest, its in the video. It looked like procedure. Same would be done for 'PAF pilot' if that was the case.

That's the most retarded shit I have heard to date. That we cannot recognize our own uniform, pilot, and what's next? We didn't ask him his serial number?

ok for moment i agree for the sake of argument it was near LOC where the payload was dropped but the penetration was deep. Works for you ? am ok with it if we caught PAF with pants down. On the on the contrary our Migs..lol the cold era migs intercepted you immediate you crossed and when you were runningg they chased you deep inside your territory ?? heck even our pilot abhimanyu and his place crashed in your border to prove it to you guys. We chased you back even inside your own territory. Chest thumping is good on forums ... but ask Imran khan why is he sending peace offer every now and then..oh I heard he is willing to give back the pilot to ease the tensions..lol

Stop reading WhatsApp messages too much. Imran Khan is sending a peace offer not because he is afraid, this nation is not afraid, but for the better of the region. Remember, your wing commander is with us. Your friends at /r/india have already realized the truth, so should you. Do not test our resolve!
O I understood the delusional dust hasnt settled....there are multiple threads running with picture and video proof with no one denying that is india in present!

2 parachutes:

Dusra pilot? - from the video...Indian accent

Associated press in india checking out the shot down plane that LANDED IN IOK:

THIS is called video proof!

haha exactly my point. 2 planes crashed. bot crashed in the same spot. if one is with you..where is the other one ?? is that too hard to understand ?? lol
Yiu guys are jealous of the fact that the first kill scored by our Jf 17 was of an irnain drone Don't believe us fine, follow their foreign office's statements.
You are wrong. I suppose any fighter jet should be able to shoot down a drone.
I will enjoy any advancement by Pakistan.
But are you not part of that propaganda war by alluding to propagated theories cultivated for political gains in Delhi?

Why do you think Pakistan would hide such a loss given the position of being on the other side of the offensive?

It is one of most monitored airspace in the world, the LOC, and any jet downed would be traceable even in the hysteria of War. Did you not go through the Indian Statement in the aftermath
Anything against Pakistan is credible for him
I'm interested in the truth,
I stopped reading after that...Coz if you were the least bit interested in the truth you would have taken the time to browse through ALL sources from DIFFERENT media/ websites/ forums and the very least checked this 1 thread which is FULL of video evidence...None supporting your conclusion! Only a brainwashed can conclude without evidence like you did! Esp with picture and video evidence stating the opposite
haha exactly my point. 2 planes crashed. bot crashed in the same spot. if one is with you..where is the other one ?? is that too hard to understand ?? lol
Really now? Showing the IAF airshow crash to prove your point. What the **** is going on?
See how they are cheering for kashmiri killers ? And we used to send volunteers and trains full of ammo to fight saddam. Pathetic!
And that too during zia time’s whom they hate the most .
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